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Chibi Devil Me
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In my perverted & demented lil' world of random insanity, Jou, and Fluffy-kins!! (which just happens to be located in Southeast U.S.A)
Member Since
Student/ Otaku/ Village Idiot (cause Kaiba-kun said so)/ Jounouchi Katsuya Fangirl (TAKE THAT, OTOGI! *cackle*), and a Sesshoumaru Worshipor! ^________^ Isn't he WONDEFUL?! *sigh* *drool*
Real Name
Shenae- but I prefer to be called Devil, Kumiko, or Hemiko. Sounds better.
The Nice Men in White Coats know me! ^-^ Does that count?
Anime Fan Since
2nd Grade- Sailor Moon put a curse on me!! O-O
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh, Di Gi Charat (manga), Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Trigun, Inuyasha, Case Closed, FLCL (aka Furi Kuri), Cowboy Bebop, Lupin III, Fruits Basket, Outlaw Star, Card Captor Sakura, Kill Me Kiss Me (manga), Alice 19th (manga), it's a never-ending list..
Anime-ologist! And to convince Fluffy-kins & Jounouchi to marry me! ^-^
MUSIC!! *begins dancing wildly* - Stalking Jou, signing guestbooks (literally), internet surfing, learning HTML (O-O)
Well... I can stalk & annoy people until they jump off a cliff! Does that count? ;p
| Chibi Devil Me
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Monday, September 13, 2004

MUWHAHAHAHA! Pre-K Madness!!>p
Devil: Like my new avi? ^-^ Miroku's so cute as a child! *glomps Miroku* ... *quickly lets go*
Yami: Oh! That's gonna leave a mark!
Devil: >-< Anyway, I've been thinking about doing this story about Bakura losing a bet with Yami- and NO! It is not a Yami/Bakura. ^-^ I have a better idea.
Maiko: Better idea? What could be better than yaoi!?!?
Devil: I never said it wouldn't be yaoi, Maiko- you have nothing to worry about.
Maiko: YAY! ^___^
Marik: What is she? A copy of you?
Devil: No. She's my closely related cousin.
Malik: Oh, Ra, that's even WORSE!! *runs for safety*
Devil: Hey! I like my relatives. *glomps Maiko*
Maiko: Are we really related?
Devil: No, but it would be nice! So, Bakura has to face the music and go through with the consequences.
Maiko: Get ready to fear us, Baku-kun. >P
Bakura: I already am.
Devil: ^-^ Someone else will also be fearing us- but probably already is.
Maiko: Right. *glances at person*
Ryou: You two should get some mental help. Seriously.
Maiko: Ya know, Ryou-kun, that's the 10th time someone's told me that since I arrived here.
Devil: Really? Well, if you ahng with me, get ready to hear it A LOT MORE. ^-^ I have a question for you all- well, it's really two, but...-
Maiko: I know it! Devil's Random Question:
What's your favorite Yaoi/Yuri pairing?
Devil: Of course that's just for the fans, here's the question for the rest of you! My Random Question V.2:
What's your favorite pairing?
Maiko: Do include the anime please!! ^-^ I'm keeping track. I'll give out the results tomorrow!!
Yugi: Of course you are.
Maiko: ^___^ You're so adorable, Yugi! *glomps Yugi*
Yugi: Death grip! Death grip!
Ryou: >-> Do I know these people?
Seto: ... Why did Maiko and Devil glance at me a minute ago? I don't think it's good.
Bakura: GAH!! *runs away*
Yami: O-O You all confuse me.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Sunday, September 12, 2004

Devil: *yawn* Well, I am uber bored today. I made a quiz:
Devil: I ate, I slept, I glomped Jou and Marik, I annoyed Aaliyah, I am listening to my radio, I've done everything! -____- I am sooooooo bored!!! Ah! I'M MELTING!!! *pretends to melt*
Jou: Devil, you are not in drama class.
Malik: And from the looks of it, you never were.
Devil: Oh, how sweet of you two. Well, I made my own character who'll be joining us! ^-^ The guys suggested I name her "Maiko". -___-
Guys: What?! She dances a lot!
Maiko: *dances into room*
Devil: Gee, your right. @-@
Maiko: *waves* *hugs Jou*
Devil: Now hold it just a darn pickin' minute. BACK OFF THE JOU!!
Maiko: *sticks out tongue*
Devil: >-<
Ryou: I think it's about to get messy in here.
Yami: Very.
Yugi: Oh, dear. I think the microwave stopped.
Ryou: I think the refridgerator's running- better go check!
Malik: Don't leave me here.
Marik: Who knows what Devil'll do.
*four leave room*
Seto: I'm not staying- I've got work to do.
*everyone comes up with excuses and leaves- except Yami*
Yami: And I can't even come up with a good excuse. >-< O-O Devil, do NOT pull out her hair! Oh! Maiko, watch Devil's fist- that thing hurts!! Oh, ouch! That's gonna leave a mark.
Aaliyah: And he's actually watching that. *scoff*
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
^-^ Cheer up, inukid!
Later: Ya know, I hate it when links don't work. Let's give another try!
And if that doesn't work... Here's the URL:">Gifts">Gifts">Gifts/inukids.bmp
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (3) |
Devil: *sigh* I hate it when Jou eats all the food. I love him, but I hate it when he eats all the food. Now I'll have to starve. T__T
Jou: *loses battle with guilty side* Yea, yea. *hands Devil pizza*
Devil: ^_____^ *nearly bites off Jou's arm*
Jou: Hey!! I like my arm, ya know!
Devil: Love ya too! Here's something I made today. I was so bored earlier, that I made a dool of my best friend, Devin! *glomps Devin*

Devil: Well, I'll just spend the rest of today eating and chattin' with inukid- who you should go visit! ^_^ *waves* Hi, inukid!! Yami says "hi", Alisha!
Jou: *runs away with pizza box*
Devil: Hey! We ALL have to eat, Jou!! *sigh* Okay, before I go, guess what day it is. Yup, its September 11th. I want to pay tribute to all the people over in Iraq and all the people who were injured, who died, and who ost some family. T__T Makes me wanna cry.
PS- I'll be shortening my friends list, kay? ^-^ You have nothing to worry about if you update atleast one or twice a week and/or visit me!
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (2) |
Friday, September 10, 2004
Devil: *sigh* Well, as much as I do NOT want to go, my friends are dragging me off to the Back To School dance the 17th. I would MUCH RATHER just sit here and starer at pictures of Jou and Sesshoumaru, but nooo.. I HAVE to go.
Aaliyah: Atleast it's not me going! ^_______________________^
Devil: On the contrary, Aaliyah-chan. You are going. You're ALL going. *points at gang*
Malik: What..? *drops toast*
Jou: *pokes head out of kitchen* Are you crazy?!
Seto: I am NOT going to a stupid dance. If I don't go to the ones at Domino, what makes you think I'm going to your stupid dance?
Devil: Glad you asked, Kaiba-kun! I'm planted little microchips in all of you. And if I press this button- *presses button*
Everyone: GAH!! MAKE IT STOP!! *running around holding head*
Devil: You will have visions of your worst nightmare coming true.
Seto: Mine's already come true.
Yami: Mine too.
Devil: *scoff* Your second biggest fear?
Both: Okay! GAH! *begin running around again*
Devil: *smirk* The layout story is to be posted TODAY! As a matter of fact, here's the link!! ^-^ Oh, Kaiba-kun!!!
Seto: *stops running* *grumble* *processes link* Happy? Good. *begins running again*
Devil: *grin* Thanks, Kaiba-kun! ^________________________________^ *presses other button*
Gang: *stops running* THANK YOU!!!
Devil: Oh, Bakura! Will you make me a sandwich?? Please?
Bakura: Ya know what?
Devil: Yes....? Wait, no.
Bakura: -.-; No.
Devil: No?
Bakura: No.
Devil: *presses button* No?
Bakura: GAH! YEAH!! *runs into kitchen*
Ryou: I thought you liked us.
Devil: I do like you all! And since I like you all SO MUCH, I'm going to take you to the dance with me!! ^___________^ Nice plan, ne?
Marik: No. Not a nice plan.
Devil: *frown* Then how about you bring me a nice stack of paper and a pencil so I can get finished with my layout story, ne?
Marik: As long as I don't have anything to do with it. *grumble*
Aaliyah: Good thing I don't have to do anything.
Devil: What makes you think that? I want you to kiss Kaiba-kun!!
Seto: WHAT?!!
Devil: Well, of course! >3333333
Seto: And what? You think I'm cheering?
DeviL: *giggle* C'mon! ME wants to see!!
Aaliyah: I hate the fact that she has that remote. I hate it even more that she's my hikari. *glances at Seto*
Seto: *glances at Aaliyah*
Aaliyah: ... DREAM ON, BOY!! I'd much rather watch someone get married.
Devil: What if it was your wedding?
Aaliyah: What ever makes you think I'm ever, EVER, EVER getting married?
Devil: Um.
Bakura: *throws sandwich at Devil*
Yugi: *laugh*
Yami: You're gonna get it now, Tomb Robber!! *joins laughing*
Devil: *glare* *wipes tomato off face* Oh, Bakura-kun. You want to keep those chocolate eyes? *chases after Bakura* I WAS HUNGRY, MIND YOU!!!!
Aaliyah: Never mess with Devil when she's hungry. *shakes head*
Yugi: *wave* BAII, NICE PEOPLE!!! ^____^
*LATER*: I just realized Kaiba-kun left out the link so you all wouldn't read the story Well, here's the link:
Desert Heat
Well, I'm going to do it again. I'm going to change. *changes* There, changed. Just so you know, I got the bg pic from Janime. ^__^
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (3) |
Thursday, September 9, 2004

Devil: >=) The layout story's turned into a full lemon. MUWHAHAHAHA!!
Yami: *glare*
Seto: *stuffs face in newspaper*
Devil: Kaiba-kun, you're 17 and you read the newspaper? What type of teen are you?! O-O
Seto: The type that likes to stay knowledgeable.
Devil: Kaiba-kun, you know I'm not good with big words. English-please.
Seto: Oh, I forgot. It means educated.
Devil: *sigh* English for Dummies-Please.
Seto: *huff* Idiot. It means informed- knowing- UNDERSTANDING.
Devil: Oh! Okay! ^__^
Aaliyah: >.> Weren't you listening during English today?
Devil: No. Who was?! Were you?
Aaliyah: Yes, I was.
Devil: I have a weird yami. >________>
Aaliyah: She's not as weird as my hikari.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, September 8, 2004

From my personal archive of non-stop Jou! *glomps Jou*
Devil: Well, I joined some fanlistings today. I just got done with my homework, and I called my friend Devin an hour ago and left a message. But then again- her SISTER answered the phone and was on the phone. Poor Devin, she may never see the phone again. >.>;; Big sisters are such a pain. That is unless it's one of you all! *sweat*
Bakura: *snort*
Devil: ^^ The layout story is coming along better than I thought! Of course though, I AM listening to my collection of CD's. And you never know what songs you'll hear outta there. <.<;
Seto: *steps in room* *notices Devil* Oh, no, ya don't. *runs back out*
Devil: Gee, I wonder what that was about... *evil smirk*
Yami: *walks in room* *notices Devil* *walks by with suspicious glare* Oh, no, ya don't. *walks out*
Devil: ^___________^ I love it when they say the same thing in the same minute. It's so frickin' funny!! *bursts out in laughter*
*Seto & Yami open doors at same time*
Both: Don't you even THINK about it!!
*both notcies each other; slam door at same time*
Malik: What reaccuring events!
Devil: *sweat* Well, I've gotta go! My daddy needs the computer. BAI!
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (5) |
Tuesday, September 7, 2004
Don't Do It, Kira-chan!!
I was just strolling through and visiting sites, when i came to InuYashaiscool. She wants to commite suicide! >-< I've already lost a family member this year, I don't want to lose a friend!!! I nearly lost my sis a few years year ago. T______________T Don't do it, Kira-chan.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (2) |

Jou: Mm. *munch* This is some good cereal. *munch*
Devil: Jou. Did you just pick that bowl up?
Jou: *shrug* Their loss.
Seto: HEY!! That's MINE!
Jou: *stops munching* I didn't know YOU ate cereal. *shrug* Still good! *munch*
Seto: Give me that!
*two get in fight*
Devil: -.-
On to more important news....
Bakura: Dammit.
Devil: ^-^ We had rough winds and hard rain down here last night. And the lights went out too. *flicks lights on and off*
Everyone: DEVIL! STOP!!
Devil: ^-^ Tehehe... Well, I sadly have to go back tommorrow. *sniff* T___T I hate school.
Malik: Don't we all?
Devil: *nod* My layout story WOULD have been finished yesterday, had the power not gone out. And while the power was out, I began... thinking.
Everyone: *pokes heads into room and stares at Devil*
Devil: What? I didn't do anything! So, anyway, I've changed it to be a lemon. *evil cackle* >;p
Yami: Oh-
Seto: -good-
Both: -grief!
Devil: ^-^ Oh, stop. It's not THAT bad.
Both: When it has to do with you- it IS that bad!
Devil: ... Anyway.
Jou: *snicker* Looks like Kaiba's diginity just got BUSTED! >;p Hey, Devil-chan, can I help?!
Devil: Of course, Jou! That means I get to glomp you even MORE! *glomp!*
Jou: Oh yea. I forgot 'bout that. -.- *sigh*
Devil: BAI!! *runs off with Jou in death-grip of a glomp*
Duke: That has GOT to hurt.
Jou: *from far off* WHAT'D YA THINK, DIMWIT!?
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (4) |
Monday, September 6, 2004
Devil: *gasp!* YAY!!!!! *hyper* I GOT 100 ENTRIES & 600 VISITS!!! *glomps everyone* Couldn't have done it without you! I think I'm gonna cry... T.T
Bakura: Please don't.
*everyone remembers last time Devil cried; shudder*
Devil: ^-^ Well, as you can see, I changed BEFORe my deadline. *sigh* I was so happy about my 100 entries & 600 visits that I just.. well, yeah! ^-^;;;;;;; I even changed my music.
Ryou: *takes off headphones* You did?
Devil: Yup! I changed it from "Stacy's Mom" by Fountains of Wayne to "You Make Me Wanna" by ...
*Devil adds dramatic drumrool effect*
Devil: .. USHER!! *glomps Usher* ^-^ Mine.
Jou: I wonder about you sometimes.
Seto: Really.
Yami: Did you two just agree on something?
Seto: I guess we did.
Jou: ... *shakes Seto's hand*
Seto: ... *flips Jou on back* Sucker!
Yugi: O-O Yami, Kaiba's scaring me.
Yami: That makes two of us.
Devil: ^^ I plan to write a story today, in honor of my new layout! I think you'll get the plot if you stare at the background long enough.
Malik: >->
Marik: *stares at background*
MaliK: Don't try Marik. She may be trying to brainwash us. >-> We're watching you, Devil.
Devil: And I'm watching you. <-<
Aaliyah: You forgot to add the part about when they take showers.
Guys: DEVIL!!
Devil: >-> Aaliyah, you snitch.
Aaliyah: I'm no snitch... >=p
Devil: Besides, I'm not the one watching you take showers. But I know who watches Kaiba-kun shower.
Seto: *raises eyebrow*
Devil: It's ... YOU! *points*
Aaliyah: What are you pointing at me for?
Seto: Keep your eyes off me.
Aaliyah: >-< I DO NOT WATCH YOU, YOU CONCEITED JERKOID!! *punches Seto*
Seto: ... That actually hurt. Owe!
Marik: Ya know, I thought women slapped and men punched, but... she changed my POV.
Malik: Let's just stay out of her way.
Jou: Aaliyah and Kaiba- *notices Devil* What?
Devil: ^-^ *glomps Jou* You have such a nice singing voice!!
Jou: Oh, good grief. -.-
Devil: ^^ Well, I go back to school tommorrow. Talk about a short Labour Day!! Geez!
Bakura: Atleast you don't have a weaker half following you around to and from school.
Ryou: ^^ *hugs Bakura* You know you'd miss me, Kura-chan!!
Bakura: *rolls eyes* Whatever.
Devil: =3 Well, see ya later!! *waves*
LATER: I put my Chatterbox down at the bottom of my page. ^-^
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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