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Chibi Devil Me
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In my perverted & demented lil' world of random insanity, Jou, and Fluffy-kins!! (which just happens to be located in Southeast U.S.A)
Member Since
Student/ Otaku/ Village Idiot (cause Kaiba-kun said so)/ Jounouchi Katsuya Fangirl (TAKE THAT, OTOGI! *cackle*), and a Sesshoumaru Worshipor! ^________^ Isn't he WONDEFUL?! *sigh* *drool*
Real Name
Shenae- but I prefer to be called Devil, Kumiko, or Hemiko. Sounds better.
The Nice Men in White Coats know me! ^-^ Does that count?
Anime Fan Since
2nd Grade- Sailor Moon put a curse on me!! O-O
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh, Di Gi Charat (manga), Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Trigun, Inuyasha, Case Closed, FLCL (aka Furi Kuri), Cowboy Bebop, Lupin III, Fruits Basket, Outlaw Star, Card Captor Sakura, Kill Me Kiss Me (manga), Alice 19th (manga), it's a never-ending list..
Anime-ologist! And to convince Fluffy-kins & Jounouchi to marry me! ^-^
MUSIC!! *begins dancing wildly* - Stalking Jou, signing guestbooks (literally), internet surfing, learning HTML (O-O)
Well... I can stalk & annoy people until they jump off a cliff! Does that count? ;p
| Chibi Devil Me
Saturday, July 24, 2004
Di Gi Charat!
Devil: ^.^ I am now a full fledged Di Gi Charat (Manga)otaku! YAY! I bought "Di Gi Charat Theater: Dejiko's Summer Vacation" yesterday. Puchiko-chan is now my fave DGC character! She's so cute-and sharp-minded too.

*Dejiko (middle), Puchiko (right), Rabi~en~Rose aka Usada (left)*
Ryou: This doesn't mean that Yu-Gi-Oh is out of the spotlight, does it?
Seto: You're STUCK there. They'd have to throw you away to the trash can to do that.
Aaliyah: *pets Ryou on the head* Don't worry Ryou. Devil has been a Yu-Gi-Oh otaku for as long as she CAN'T remember. Besides, she's one of Jounouchi's top fangirls. -.-;;
Devil: And here's Dejiko!
Aaliyah: You mean the wanna-be idol? By the looks of it, she must be bickering with Usada.
Devil: A-chan! Stop being mean. Dejiko is not a wanna-be. She just has dreams to be one.
Aaliyah: *snort*

Devil: Not possible. As you can see, Usada-sama is as calm as-
Rabi~en~Rose: Don't call me Usada!! Wait.. did you say -sama?
Devil: Only because you're older than me. But that doesn't mean I'm going to listen to you.
Rabi~en~Rose: >.< Why won't you listen to me?
Puchiko: Because she's siding with me nyu.

Devil: ^.^ Puchiko-chan! I shall now end my sentences like Puchiko-chan! I mean nyu. ^^;

Devil: o.O She's a blonde nyu? I thought she was a brunette nyu. ^.^ My bad nyu!

Devil: ^^ Now I can submit my fanart nyu. I'll draw Gema nyu! He's so easy to draw it's almost not funny nyu! ^.^

Devil: ?.? How can you be a major of a gang and only be 13 nyu?
Aaliyah: -.- You slow idiot.
Devil: ;.; I am NOT an idiot nyu. If I am, then why am I in the gifted nyu?
Aaliyah: There are two deffenitions to "gifted". And- the probably felt sorry for you.
Devil: ;.; *sniff* You are so mean nyu!
Aaliyah: ?.? Didn't one of the Spice Girls have shoes like that?
Devil: Now that you think about it nyu... Yeah, I think Baby Spice did nyu.
Click here to see Baby Spice and those shoes that make me shudder. *shudder*
Aaliyah: o.O I never did like those. Spice Girls could sing, but Baby Spice's shoes... No-no.
Devil: Back to DGC nyu!

Devil: ?.? Isn't Dejiko a cat nyu?
Aaliyah: .. When you think about it, yeah.
Devil: So then how can he be a vetenarian if he's trying to help kidnap a cat nyu? @.@
Aaliyah: ... -.- I don't know, Devil. If it really bothers you that much, why not ask the original creator?
Devil: Oh nyu? I never thought of that nyu! ^.^
Aaliyah: -.-;;;;;;; Have we forgoten anyone?
Dejiko: Yes, you did nyo. You forgot the strange one that's always following Puchiko-chan nyo.
Devil: Well, we'll ge to him later nyu!
Dejiko: Why are you copying Puchiko-chan nyo?
Devil: Because nyu!
Rabi~en~Rose: I, being so much more mature, will not get into such... talk.
Dejiko: Usada, you dimwit nyo! You're the reason we're here nyo!
Devil: Is this what you go through nyu?
Puchiko: Sadly nyu.
Gema: VERY sadly gema.
Aaliyah: -.-' You all are getting annoying with all this 'nyo', 'nyu', and 'gema'.
Devil: ^.^ Okay nyu! Time to go nyu! *page vanishes*
Dejiko: It's all your fault nyo!
Rabi~en~Rose: It wasn't my fault!
Puchiko: As you can see, you may want to leave now nyu.
Devil: Not only for your safety nyu. But also for the safety of others nyu.
Aaliyah: -_-" I get the feeling it's about to get messy.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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