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Chibi Devil Me
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In my perverted & demented lil' world of random insanity, Jou, and Fluffy-kins!! (which just happens to be located in Southeast U.S.A)
Member Since
Student/ Otaku/ Village Idiot (cause Kaiba-kun said so)/ Jounouchi Katsuya Fangirl (TAKE THAT, OTOGI! *cackle*), and a Sesshoumaru Worshipor! ^________^ Isn't he WONDEFUL?! *sigh* *drool*
Real Name
Shenae- but I prefer to be called Devil, Kumiko, or Hemiko. Sounds better.
The Nice Men in White Coats know me! ^-^ Does that count?
Anime Fan Since
2nd Grade- Sailor Moon put a curse on me!! O-O
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh, Di Gi Charat (manga), Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Trigun, Inuyasha, Case Closed, FLCL (aka Furi Kuri), Cowboy Bebop, Lupin III, Fruits Basket, Outlaw Star, Card Captor Sakura, Kill Me Kiss Me (manga), Alice 19th (manga), it's a never-ending list..
Anime-ologist! And to convince Fluffy-kins & Jounouchi to marry me! ^-^
MUSIC!! *begins dancing wildly* - Stalking Jou, signing guestbooks (literally), internet surfing, learning HTML (O-O)
Well... I can stalk & annoy people until they jump off a cliff! Does that count? ;p
| Chibi Devil Me
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Nyu! ^.^
 You are Puchiko!
Which DiGi Charat Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Devil: ^.^ I changed around my site look so it can be more... Digi Charat- ish... nyu! I even changed the font nyu!
Aaliyah: -.-; You can come out now, guys.
Ryou: But, it looks so... different!
Yugi: *pokes menu bar* Ah! *gets halfway swollowed*
Yami: o.O Hikari?!
Bakura: Didn't we tell him not to touch anything until it dried? -.-Idiot.
Yami: *trying to pull Yugi out* My hikari is not an idiot!
Ryou: ^.^;; Yes, we did, didn't we?
Devil: ^^ I'm becoming even MORE active with my greeting cards nyu! Go see my new ones nyu.
Puchiko: Nyu?
Devil: Awe nyu!! *hug* ^.^ Isn't she cute nyu?!
Bakura: Bake her in the oven and she may look cute then, but not now.
Ryou: o.O Bakura! How could you say something like that?!
Puchiko: *begins shaking slightly* ... *laser eye beam!*
Bakura: -.- Please tell me those are not flowers. *steps on flower* AHH!! *flower explodes*
Devil: ... Exploded is not a good look for you, B-kun nyu.
Bakura: *glare* You! *runs after Puchiko*
Puchiko: ^x^ *running from Bakura*
Devil: ?.? I think Puchiko has a crush on Bakura nyu.
Ryou: X.X A 5-year-old girl?! Bakura! Stop evilling her mind!!
Aaliyah: I think that's already ben arranged. *watches Bakura swing from the ceiling before a pot of steaming liquid*
Puchiko: What have you to say now nyu?
Bakura: _._ She's trying to put a CURSE ON ME!! The least you all could do is get me down. Devil?
Devil: No, you should boil him a live nyu. That way we can preserve him nyu! ^^
Puchiko: Not a bad idea nyu.
Aaliyah: 0.o Uh.. Devil? Your comic?
Devil: Huh nyu? Oh, yea nyu! Here's my daily comic/captions nyu! It's Sailor Moon this time nyu! ^.^ This time, they're captions. Why? Because. I'm lazy. ^^; __________________________________

Usagi: Gee, Rei! This projecter really works!

Venus: Nobody is to look up THIS skirt! *crash* Owies.

Jupiter: Okay... Who turned on the lights?!

Rei: *thinking* Aim for the badguy... but Neptune is just sitting there-I outta wake her up! No! Aim for the bad guy!! ARGH!!

Mercury/Ami: I am going to knock you so far, you'll end up in Candy Land!! *smacks person with henshin* Strick!!
Devil: ^.^; Lame, aren't they nyu?
Aaliyah: Very.
Bakura: They're far beyond lame.
Devil: -.- Gee, how helpful and supportive you two are.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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