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Chibi Devil Me
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In my perverted & demented lil' world of random insanity, Jou, and Fluffy-kins!! (which just happens to be located in Southeast U.S.A)
Member Since
Student/ Otaku/ Village Idiot (cause Kaiba-kun said so)/ Jounouchi Katsuya Fangirl (TAKE THAT, OTOGI! *cackle*), and a Sesshoumaru Worshipor! ^________^ Isn't he WONDEFUL?! *sigh* *drool*
Real Name
Shenae- but I prefer to be called Devil, Kumiko, or Hemiko. Sounds better.
The Nice Men in White Coats know me! ^-^ Does that count?
Anime Fan Since
2nd Grade- Sailor Moon put a curse on me!! O-O
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh, Di Gi Charat (manga), Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Trigun, Inuyasha, Case Closed, FLCL (aka Furi Kuri), Cowboy Bebop, Lupin III, Fruits Basket, Outlaw Star, Card Captor Sakura, Kill Me Kiss Me (manga), Alice 19th (manga), it's a never-ending list..
Anime-ologist! And to convince Fluffy-kins & Jounouchi to marry me! ^-^
MUSIC!! *begins dancing wildly* - Stalking Jou, signing guestbooks (literally), internet surfing, learning HTML (O-O)
Well... I can stalk & annoy people until they jump off a cliff! Does that count? ;p
| Chibi Devil Me
Saturday, July 31, 2004
=3 Teehee...
Devil: ^^ I am well rested now!!
Aaliyah: Yeah, right! Your eyes are still straining to stay open. You weren't in there sleeping- you were jumping around and drawing and writing and...
Marik: She was also singing.
Malik: Badly.
Devil: *pout* Snitches.
M&M: ;)

Devil: But some good-looking snitches none-the-less! =3
Jounouchi: ... Yes! I am outta da spotlight!
Devil: But not as good looking as Jounouchi-chan!! =3>>> *huggs*
Jounouchi: Gah!
Aaliyah: *rolls eyes* Good grief.
Seto: Really.

Devil: Nobody's as good looking as you, Jou! Although, Bakura and Yami and Seto and Marik are currently in a race for number 3!
Devil: Well.. yeah. It goes Jou, Malik, and... I can't choose who's next. And besides, that's just in the YGO gang! =3 My mind would blow up if I thought of ALL of 'em at once. Ah...
Aaliyah: No surprise there. *snort* -.-
Yugi: She just triggered the fight mode.
Ryou: *sarcastic* Didn't she?
Aaliyah: Who wants popcorn?
Malik: I do! This is gonna get interesting. I'm as a content as I am at 2.
Devil: o.O Why are they fighting?
Ryou: You triggered the 'Who's-got-the-most-fangirls?' mode. It's about to get a little dirty.
Devil: O.O All this for MY vote?! ^^ How sweet.
Aaliyah: Not YOUR vote. Every fangirls vote.
Devil: ;.; You just HAD to kill my little moment there, didn't you?
Aaliyah: *nods* I love seeing the expression on your face. It's hilarious! ^.~ Hah!
Devil: *sniff*
Aaliyah: *sigh* here. *hands Devil hankerchiff* o.O Wait! Then again. Last time I gave you my hankerchiff... It didn't come back in one piece.
Jounouchi: Don't give it ta her. It'll comeback in a kajillion peices...
Ryou: And we'll never find all the peices..
Yugi: Ever...
Malik: NEVER ever..
Aaliyah: O..kay then.
J/R/Y/M: *snickering* ^o~
Aaliyah: o.O Scary.
Devil: ^^ Well, I just watched Yu Yu Hakusho on CN! Ah... Kurama... Hiei... Yusuke...
Aaliyah: -.-
Jounouchi: *waves hand in front of Devil's face*
Ryou: Gone again?
Yugi: Yeah.
Bakura: *shakes Devil awake*
Devil: *awake* Hey! I was enjoying that daydream! =3 Although, I can't say what because then I'd get kicked off some of my fanlistings! =3 Heehee..
Everyone Else: o.O Don't tell us!!
Aaliyah: I know what it was.
Bakura: Anyway! Who's the best good-looking?
Devil: *opens mouth to say something* ^o^ ...
Bakura: That's evil!
Devil: Oh, that's a whole 'nother story! =3>>> Well, in the YGO gang? Or in the WHOLE anime list?
Jounouchi: When ya say it dat way, I don't wanna know anymore!!
Devil: ^^ Well... I'd say it was... either Marik or Bakura. Yami's not evil. And neither is Seto. Seto's a CEO. Yami's... well, he's a pharoah! ^^ Therefore neither one of those two can be evil.
S/Y: Arigato, Devil-chan!!
Devil: Seto called me Devil-chan! ;3
Seto: *rolls eyes*
M/B: Pick!
Devil: o.O Pick? Pick? How do you pick?
Everyone: *anime fall*
Devil: ... You don't mean to pick between Bakura and Marik, do you?
Everyone: *still on floor* *nod* Yes!
Devil: O.O Um... Um... Uh... Um... Uh... Uh...
Bakura: -.- PICK ALREADY!!
Devil: ;.; I can't!!
Marik: You... can't?
Aaliyah: Devil really can't pick. I don't know why, but when ever she's to pick between bishies, when Jounouchi isn't involed, she begins to stutter.
Jounouchi: What'd ya mean, when I'm not involed?

Aaliyah: Because, you'd automaticlly win.
Yami: Explain.
Aaliyah: Simple. Devil? Bakura or Jounouchi?
Devil *cheers up* Oh, that's easy!! Jounouchi-chan! Who else? ^.^
Aaliyah: See? Now, observe. Seto or Jounouchi?
Devil: ... Can they be together?
S/J: *choke* WHAT?!
Devil: They can be friends!
Devil: *wink*
Aaliyah: Well, atleast she didn't say what her mind is saying.
Seto: What's her mind saying?
Jounocuhi: I'm too scared to ask.
Aaliyah: If I were you, Kaiba, I'd do what Jounouchi is doing- Not asking.
Seto: o.O Now I'm scared.
Bakura: I still can't believe she picked HIM over ME!

Devil: ^^ You would NEVER understand, Bakura-chan. It's a fangirl thing.
Ryou: You're right.
Yugi: If it's a fangirl thing...
Malik: We'll never understand.
Marik: So what about me?
Malik: You're a yami.
Marik: That's not what I meant.
Aaliyah: -.- *sigh* It's late, people.
Devil: ^^ AND?! It's time to par-tah!!
Everyone Else: ... *come upwith excuses*
J/Y: We'll stay with you, Devil.
Jounouchi: Since all the rest of ya's is too chicken!
Seto: What did you call me?!
*the two start fighting*
Yugi: ^^; Stay, Yami!
Yami: *pout*

Devil: *sniff* All this for me?!
Aaliyah: No, it's not for you.
Devil: ;.; That's the second moment you've killed today.
Aaliyah: *grin* Good. ^.~
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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