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Chibi Devil Me
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In my perverted & demented lil' world of random insanity, Jou, and Fluffy-kins!! (which just happens to be located in Southeast U.S.A)
Member Since
Student/ Otaku/ Village Idiot (cause Kaiba-kun said so)/ Jounouchi Katsuya Fangirl (TAKE THAT, OTOGI! *cackle*), and a Sesshoumaru Worshipor! ^________^ Isn't he WONDEFUL?! *sigh* *drool*
Real Name
Shenae- but I prefer to be called Devil, Kumiko, or Hemiko. Sounds better.
The Nice Men in White Coats know me! ^-^ Does that count?
Anime Fan Since
2nd Grade- Sailor Moon put a curse on me!! O-O
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh, Di Gi Charat (manga), Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Trigun, Inuyasha, Case Closed, FLCL (aka Furi Kuri), Cowboy Bebop, Lupin III, Fruits Basket, Outlaw Star, Card Captor Sakura, Kill Me Kiss Me (manga), Alice 19th (manga), it's a never-ending list..
Anime-ologist! And to convince Fluffy-kins & Jounouchi to marry me! ^-^
MUSIC!! *begins dancing wildly* - Stalking Jou, signing guestbooks (literally), internet surfing, learning HTML (O-O)
Well... I can stalk & annoy people until they jump off a cliff! Does that count? ;p
| Chibi Devil Me
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/05/04:
Nyao!! =^.^=
 Kawaii neko! You're not a sexy catgirl, but not a cat either. You're something too cute for words! You're a *gasp* chibi catgirl!
How Catlike Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/05/04:
>=p MUHAHAHAHA!! Ya know, there really isn't much Inu/Miro out there. *sniff* NO!!!!!
You may like yaoi too much...of course, one can never have enough yaoi. ^_^ You often find yourself banging your head on the monitor for lack of must have more Inu/Miro! I can sympathize with you greatly.
How Much of A Yaoi Fan Are YOU? (For girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/05/04:
*runs and makes sure family's okay* I don't think I could survive without my family. They mean so much to me. *sniff* *earns weird looks from family*
Result Posted on 09/05/04:
*glomp* Noa! Isn't he cute?! ^___^
Result Posted on 09/05/04:
Result Posted on 09/05/04:
Result Posted on 09/05/04:
^-^ He's so cute when he's niave!! *glomps Yugi*
 Yugi/Yuugi-he's kind, caring sweet,adorable, but unfortunately, abit naive. Anywho, who wouldn't love him, his friends, and enimies for that matter, trust him with their lives. if you were his wife, hed probably die the most horrible death to save you. Lucky Duck!
What Yu-Gi-Oh Character will you marry? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/05/04:
^__________________^ *gives Malik peck on cheek* Tehehe!
 Capricorn & Capricorn
Both ambitious and hard-working individuals, they'll put their careers first, well ahead of their romance. Their common sense facilitates daily life and avoids idle arguments. However, their shared drive for success may sometimes be a bit dull and monotonous. In many cases, they prefer to read the newspaper in bed, instead of frolicking together. They take satisfaction in the certainty of having a loyal partner and social and financial success and security. Their relationship is long-lasting and deep, but it places few emotional demands on them.
How well do you match Malik Ishtar? (need zodiac sign) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/05/04:
 Capricorn & Virgo
These Earth signs share the values of hard work, social advancement, and financial security. Although their love may be somewhat arid, they are skillful at climbing the social ladder together, and sustain each other through great effort, with unfailing loyalty. The Virgoan inspires the Capricorn and diverts him or her from a too-serious world; the Capricornian soothes the Virgoan, providing for the couple's material needs and freeing the latter's wit. If a perfect match existed, this would come close.
How well are you matched to Ryou? (need zodiac sign) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/05/04:
^-^ *glomps Seto* Kaiba-kun!!
 Capricorn & Scorpio
The Scorpio admires Capricorn's ambition and determination to reach the top. The earthly realism of the latter complements the aquatic intuition of the former. Mutual respect for a social or mystical quest unites a couple animated by a shared desire for security. Their sex life is vibrant and intense. But their power struggles may be just as passionate. And when these two clash, the sparks fly! Each is too stubborn to make the slightest compromise. If this couple avoids conflict, it can reach great heights.
How well are you matched to Seto Kaiba? (need zodiac sign) brought to you by Quizilla
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