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Member Since
student, Beyblader, Monk,Duelist,Idiot
Real Name
Chad  You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the
insanity. I can sing, dance(sort of)
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragonball/z/gt, Pokemon, Digimon, BEYBLADE, InuYasha, Duel Masters,Hamtaro
To be the ruler of the Makai & Ningenkai, Meet Holly Marie Combs, Alyssa Milano, & Rose Mcgowan, get better at drawing,& marry Shinjite Muri 2
Watching animes, reading fanfictions, talking to my friends and the voices in my head which include Hiei & Miroku & talking to my girlfrind Shinjite Muri 2 (I love you Kitsu!), singing, oh & rping I do that alot
Annoying people, video games, beyblading,Yu-gi-oh (I'm up for a challenge anytime from anyone!)
| Chibi Hiei 619
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Hiei lover (06/06/04)
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Hiei. He is MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!!!!!!! Oh well. I'ts not like anyone is going to steal him from me or anything...isn't that right Hiei? Hiei:Uh-huh, whatever you say...
Ooookaaaaay....anyways come by my site and sign my GB. I'm gonna add you as a friend. You can add me as a friend if you want. Bye!
hieiartemis (06/05/04)
I LOVE Hiei,Trunks,and Vegeta,(and a bunch more people.) Anyway,thanks for signing my gb and being so nice! Of course I'm gonna add you as a friend,so you know. I absolutly love your site. Ja mate ne!
Leo Yusuke (05/21/04)
Every one do not sign this guest book! Chad has a new site. He can't get his password to work. His new site is I think its Dark Lord Hiei. Go there!
Leo(one of his best friends)
Jinku the Kitsune (05/19/04)
Hey! I love the song on your site! *hums song* Anyways, I'll add you as a friend and you can do the same if you want. K bai!
hiei master23 (05/15/04)
hi thanks for signing i added you as a friend i am so glad i found some one who says hiei is not gay well i added you as a friend ^_^ bye
Blue Hawk (05/15/04)
Hiya! Thanks for signing my guestbook.So you're a Hiei fan,cool!!! Actually Hiei is my favorite character in YYH ^_^
Oh yeah,to answer your question,I'm a greenbelt in Karatedo.You're a yellow belt in Taekwando,right? Cool! (now why would I laugh at you cuz of dat ~_^)
Anyway,nice site and I'll add you as a friend now,bye! Take Care!
~Blue Hawk
sangolmiroku (05/15/04)
yeah, it's Kags again.
yeah, still luv ur site!
but about the aim name thingy
yeah i got one
it's inuyashalkagome....i think???
anywho i think i named it after my best friend's username
Jesushikam (05/15/04)
Hey! I really like your site!!! It's weird, your names chad right? Oo; that's my dad's name!!!! lol, anywho...if you wanna chat with me, you can go to my site and my messenger usernames are on Check it out and sign me gb plz!!! meow! Sry...hyperness...well, i'm adding you as a friend too, so...l8r sk8r! (don't ask!)
~Keiko Yukimura~
Jaganshi (05/11/04)
hello! youre my random preson of the moment, so im adding you as a friend! can you come on by my site and sign my gb, if you find the time? thank you! ok, later!
katocool (05/10/04)
Yeah...I agree with you: Hiei is NOT gay, and will never be!!! I like your style, cool...
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