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myOtaku.com: Chibi Jagan

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Hey peoples. Well...not much here.Any1 know how to use a hp psc all-in-one scanner thing.I have a lots of artwork I want to post so e-mail me or send me a message if you know.I can't figure the thing out for crap...Ah well.Anywayz, my favorite anime is YuYuHakusho(w00t! Hiei-san!)I luvs Hiei and Ed(FMA)lmao...Yeppers I likes lots of anime and bishies.I try to get more updates(once I really figure out HTML or whatever its called.Okaysies, well, SEE YAZ!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Ohayo Gozaimasu, here reporting from my aunts house REALLLLY early in the morning. WHHEEE! I hyper! I read this fan fiction, The Forbidden Children, and I sware that story had my crying(yes im pathetic...)Its a HieiOC fic so if you like those check it out. Trying to figure out everything still but im hoping to get something posted in at least the next few months, kk? Well, im going to read part of that fanfiction so Sayonara! PS. If The Forbidden Children fanfiction series sounds interesting to you, check it out at www.fanfiction.net ^_^
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Monday, March 28, 2005

   I posted something...FOR ONCE!!!
Well, I posted an article(but I have to wait 48 hours.Hn, meanies.Its just a short rant thing about gender confusion.Posted for my friend who LOVES Kurama and Yoko.She practically forced me to post it.Eh-heh, yeah.Well, I'm also joining fanfiction.net as Saede-chan so look for me there(once I post a story there too u_u Well, I have to get back to that story idea so Ja ne peoples!
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Saturday, March 26, 2005

   *yawn*I just woke up....
Hey peoples...here I am a day before Easter...so tired...(mental note:no pulling 3 all-nighters in a row)Yeppers.Trying to finish this story I've been working on(I dont let no one read it but its fun to just type it.*dozes off* IM AWAKE!Oi....I need sleep*slams head on keyboard* mhngujihgshgsxhnsbnbfuhswuitgushshdihbsfdui....Oops.Ah well.Drop me a message or email for any questions or just leave a little comment thingy mabober.^-^*falls asleep*kirgujmisotg;pp;trerSEE YAZ!
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005

   'Sup ^_^
Hi, Im back!(Not hyper for once) Okay, down to the point.I just finished a GREAT fanfiction called Vixenous.It's at www.fanfiction.net so check it out :3 Its HieiOC so...yeah.I love it though and the authoress, Iaragon, should be making a sequel sometime.I luv Hiei.Meep!Hopefully I wont get tackled by someone again because I look like kurama from behind *big sweatdrop* It was sooooooooooooo embarrassing!CURSED HAIR GAH!*falls off chair*Okay, maybe I have a little sugar buzz.*puppy eyes* You dont hate me do you? *sniff.....big smile*Well, back to trying to post something(ANYTHING!!!!!) Then maybe sit in a tree for awhile(fun.very fun) w00t!I get to go to a lodge soon.*bounce bounce bounce* W00T!!! Its so fun.Especially when I scare people by acting like Hiei, then like Botan on a sugar buzz, then back to Hiei.Its entertaining.My friend is coming.You met her I guess(see last post thing ^^)Shes worse.W00000T!!!!!!! Meep :3 Okaysies, you guys have been great. Any other questions, send me a message*big smile* Remember:If at first you dont succeed...go back and reload the gun. See yaz!!!
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Sunday, March 6, 2005

   SUUUUUUUGAR BUZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love ice cream. Can you eat? I can eat! Can you sing REALLY REALLY loud? NO!? OK! Watch me! LALALALALALALALALALALAAAA! Keys are funny. Are they metal for a reason?! FLAMING BUTTCHEEKS OF DOOM! I can be sooooo annoying that your head will implode. Implode is a funny work. Did you know that....um...I forgot! Oh yeah! Shnapple is a funny word too! Is shnapple even a word? Maybe. Ill ask yoko later. Gorgonzola cheese is good. Most cheese is good, too. I have three notebooks. The first one has Zim on it! The second has pretty butterflys on it and the butterflys are all rotten! The third is just blue! HEY!!! Blue is a funny word too!!! BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE!!! The sky is blue. I asked yoko y the sky is blue, and he told me but i dont remember what he said. Why do hands have 10 fingers? I want 14 fingers! Then I could type faster. Well HI!....Um...yea...excuse my little friend there.She's on a sugar buzz. Want to know what happened? Ill tell you anywayz*ROLL THE TAPE*:
Friend:(drinks coffee)Hm. Yoko said that this stuff makes humans hyper....(30 minutes later)WOOOOOHOOO(smashes table)WEEEEEE AAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(runs into wall)(faints)
Me:....okay.No more coffee.
Well, she acts like she knows Yoko.Its very funny.(So you know, the tape was exatterated a little.JUST a little)Funny ne?Heheheh.So how are you doing?Im okay.
Friend*in background*:....coffee...
Me:NO COFFEE ^_^; Anywayz...um...I forgoted. Well, if you want leave a comment.
Me:I SAID NO COFFEE!!!!!!...ahem, or you can e-mail me. ^_^ Well anywayz I might not update this too often so...yea. See yaz!!!
Me:I SAID NO #$*@ING COFFEE!!!!!!!

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