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myOtaku.com: Chibi Jagan

Sunday, March 6, 2005

   SUUUUUUUGAR BUZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love ice cream. Can you eat? I can eat! Can you sing REALLY REALLY loud? NO!? OK! Watch me! LALALALALALALALALALALAAAA! Keys are funny. Are they metal for a reason?! FLAMING BUTTCHEEKS OF DOOM! I can be sooooo annoying that your head will implode. Implode is a funny work. Did you know that....um...I forgot! Oh yeah! Shnapple is a funny word too! Is shnapple even a word? Maybe. Ill ask yoko later. Gorgonzola cheese is good. Most cheese is good, too. I have three notebooks. The first one has Zim on it! The second has pretty butterflys on it and the butterflys are all rotten! The third is just blue! HEY!!! Blue is a funny word too!!! BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE!!! The sky is blue. I asked yoko y the sky is blue, and he told me but i dont remember what he said. Why do hands have 10 fingers? I want 14 fingers! Then I could type faster. Well HI!....Um...yea...excuse my little friend there.She's on a sugar buzz. Want to know what happened? Ill tell you anywayz*ROLL THE TAPE*:
Friend:(drinks coffee)Hm. Yoko said that this stuff makes humans hyper....(30 minutes later)WOOOOOHOOO(smashes table)WEEEEEE AAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(runs into wall)(faints)
Me:....okay.No more coffee.
Well, she acts like she knows Yoko.Its very funny.(So you know, the tape was exatterated a little.JUST a little)Funny ne?Heheheh.So how are you doing?Im okay.
Friend*in background*:....coffee...
Me:NO COFFEE ^_^; Anywayz...um...I forgoted. Well, if you want leave a comment.
Me:I SAID NO COFFEE!!!!!!...ahem, or you can e-mail me. ^_^ Well anywayz I might not update this too often so...yea. See yaz!!!
Me:I SAID NO #$*@ING COFFEE!!!!!!!

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