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myOtaku.com: Chibi Jagan

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

   'Sup ^_^
Hi, Im back!(Not hyper for once) Okay, down to the point.I just finished a GREAT fanfiction called Vixenous.It's at www.fanfiction.net so check it out :3 Its HieiOC so...yeah.I love it though and the authoress, Iaragon, should be making a sequel sometime.I luv Hiei.Meep!Hopefully I wont get tackled by someone again because I look like kurama from behind *big sweatdrop* It was sooooooooooooo embarrassing!CURSED HAIR GAH!*falls off chair*Okay, maybe I have a little sugar buzz.*puppy eyes* You dont hate me do you? *sniff.....big smile*Well, back to trying to post something(ANYTHING!!!!!) Then maybe sit in a tree for awhile(fun.very fun) w00t!I get to go to a lodge soon.*bounce bounce bounce* W00T!!! Its so fun.Especially when I scare people by acting like Hiei, then like Botan on a sugar buzz, then back to Hiei.Its entertaining.My friend is coming.You met her I guess(see last post thing ^^)Shes worse.W00000T!!!!!!! Meep :3 Okaysies, you guys have been great. Any other questions, send me a message*big smile* Remember:If at first you dont succeed...go back and reload the gun. See yaz!!!
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