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Drawing and worshiper
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None of ur busines ^-^
Anime Fan Since
About two years ago
Favorite Anime
Inu Yasha
Become a Fashion Designer, sing for the Lord, and do my own Animanga.
Singing, playing guitar, watching anime and reading manga, listening to MCR, and drawing
| Chibi Mar Mar
Hewo!!! I'm Chibi Mar Mar! (duh!) I'm a 14 year old Puerto Rican in Orlando Florida with an extreme love for anime, metal (MCR!) and my savoir Jesus Christ. I draw ever since I was born, and I guess I'm pretty good at it, but I take too long -_-". I looooooove Inu Yasha, and the mangas Bazenghast, Cresent Moon, DN Angel and Tokio Boys and Girls. Please write me something... anithing... Bye!!!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
I just thought this was cool
Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

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I just thought this was cool
Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

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Yeah, I was reading Alice 19th and I thought that would be a pretty cool name. It means courage. And no, its not cowardly.

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Madam Octa
Yeah, just like Darren's from Cirque du Freak. I love that series so much *sigh*

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This was pretty accurate! Its exactly what my Character's like!! :D
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what we humans are like
Have you ever noticed that when you accept something from someone you automatically feel the need to please them? If they ask you to do something for them afterwards, you feel you must accept. You feel in debt. Why is that? Is it because thats what we have been taught from the start? My dad used to tell me that if someone let you borrow something, you must give it back at once. Or never borrow it at all, because it can get broken. As a matter of fact, I got in deep trouble because I broke something that didnt belong to me several times.
The truth is that people like to be in control. Giving can be a way to control. People often take advantage of tradition and what has been taught from the start and tell you to do things. They use the factor of guilt to manipulate. -Manipulation- it all comes down to that.
The reason why people feel reluctant to accept these gifts at times? No one likes to feel controlled. No one likes to feel like a marionette in the hands on a puppeteer.
But what if someone gives without any bad intention behind it? These people with sick minds ruin it for the inocent ones. You never know what trully lies deep inside the heart of a person...
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The Silent Heart
This is a little story I wrote. Hope you like it:
This silent Heart once beated. This solitary heart once had life. It seams so long ago. A time when birds sang and butterflies flew, but what I say is true. My being wasnt always this blue and nither was its dark suroundings.
The Adventurer took its beat. The Adventurer left it lonely. He was what kept it going, what made it sing and fly with lovely music he created and hope he inflicted. When he was around, the whole place had a meaning. As if magic, it came to life. Its beauty and radience danced in its light of confidence. But I knew it wouldnt last for ever; nothing is to be trusted in this ugly yet beautiful world.
It tried not to get attached, the heart. It wanted to follow my counsel, for I see beyond the momentary euphoria. I see the pain behind the glorious illusion of love. It tried so hard, but it knew it would fail. It fell to its knees at the presence of the one who penetrated its virgin terrotory. It thought that its dangerously submisive behavior would be repaid by his very presence. Because thats all it ever wanted, all it ever needed.
It's Adventurer was gallant, brave, with a smile that made the rivers flow and the flowers grow. He was a friend to all and experienced with many hearts. He never let anyone see his tears, but the Heart and I were honored a few times and allowed to watch the precious gems fall from his rose-petal soft cheeks. He had the ability to transform; evil to good, pain to happiness. For he was blessed with light, but cursed with darkness.
I knew what he had hidden all along. The Adventurer held a dark secret from our world. He would warn about it had become, but let no eyes see it. He would talk about its horrors, but let none witness them. But I was able to see what he so vigurously hid from the heart. The darkness was more prominent in him than my dear Heart and I ever imagined.
He held a False Angel, our Adventurer and one day, much to his surprise, the demon took over him. It possesed a strange beauty, was powerful and always did things it's way. Although it claimed to love the Heart as much as the Adventurer and I did, it franatically desired its beat. He thought of it as unique, blessed by the very same living God all of our world believed in.
I told the Heart to run! I told it the False Angel would hurt it! If only it would have listened to my words. If only I was a little louder and clear-minded... If only I hadnt been so infatuated by the Adventurer and his False Angel... or was it really infatuation? Anywho... maybe I would have been able to save my poor innocent heart.
They took its beat and left it soundless. They took its essence and with it my own. For I too had learned to love as the Heart had. Denial was the greatest drug the world had to offer. We never saw the Adventurer or his demon again. As the days passed, the Heart got colder and I stronger in order to protect it. No one would ever reach us. No one would ever hurt us again...
"When you leave, take my beat with you. Because its sound lies in you. Without you, there is no point in singing, so if you dont want my humble gift, then silence it as you go. Because I rather be mute than to fake any longer...:
-The Heart
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