Birthday 1993-01-22 Gender
Female Member Since 2005-06-14 Real Name Michelle
Goals Become a manga-ka, or novelist :) Hobbies Doodling, drawing (?), writing, VIDEO GAMES, COMPUTER, & listening to MUSIC Talents My pinky can bend a full 90-deg. angle and turn completley backwards (now), and uhm...I'm pretty good at DDR :) (Heavy, and Oni) ^-^ cHiBi Suki
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
:) yay :)
I learned to make a piccy link. Meheheheheh...and satan said let her evil reign of doom befall the land of the cute kawaii-cuddly-licious creatures/anime lovers of Buwahahahahahahahahah.
I know ma site's been off, but I have been working on my freewebs, AMV, other otaku, and other sites of mine! Damn it Suki! Too many sites I have! Crap! gtg. Bye! Comments (2) |
Monday, December 12, 2005
Hey, sorry about the theme! I was doind DNAngel, and the bg wouldn't show. (T.T) Oh well...working on a new theme. Could take a while...
OMG! I just saw S-CRY-ED! Dear God, don't tell me that was the last episode! What a cliff-hanger! NOOOooooOOOOOooo!!!
Kill him, Ryuhou! (T___T)
Okies, well...I gtg. At Sam's house. Gonna watch Neon Genesis Evangelion, then FF7. OKies...bye!
Ryuhou...gone, but never forgotten...
(or some crap like that...)
(-____________-);;; Comments (1) |
Uhm...hope this shows. A piccy Windsar00 gave me. Thanks! =^.^= Comments (0) |
Friday, December 9, 2005
Meh heh heh. Bitter evilness. How lost you've been, and how I have missed you so...meheheh..F34r M3...
Hewo everyone. Yes. It's me. Huzzah :D
Ok, uhm....I'm gonna go take more quizzies, and I might just be behind you..
*creeps behing and bites your shoulder*
*fades into the darkness*
Muffins WILL eat all our corn, so hurry! SAVE THE CORN AND PIGGIES BEFORE THEY DO! We shall attack at dawn. (-______-);;; Comments (2) |
Meh heh heh. Bitter evilness. How lost you've been, and how I have missed you so...meheheh..F34r M3...
Hewo everyone. Yes. It's me. Huzzah :D
Ok, uhm....I'm gonna go take more quizzies, and I might just be behind you..
*creeps behing and bites your shoulder*
*fades into the darkness*
Muffins WILL eat all our corn, so hurry! SAVE THE CORN AND PIGGIES BEFORE THEY DO! We shall attack at dawn. (-______-);;; Comments (0) |
Monday, December 5, 2005
*sigh* Mybe my love isn't meant to be. Sure, we held hands, but Bobby(BFF) tells me he has done baaad things. T.T
I shudder at the thought. I know, I know...he's in 9th grade, I'm in 7th..
Well...Nadia and Raeza want me to forget about him and focus on Dante. He likes me, and keeps bugging Nadia by asking "Does Michelle still like me?"
eek. They wanna write him a 'love-letter' from 'me'.
Sweet Jesus. (-________-);;;
Now then, worry not, I'm not hurt or sad about this, ok? Please don't worry! (^-^)
So, Raeza told me when she found out who it was:" Meh. Well, he's not cute, but he's not hideous. But...he's not cute.."
me: "But he's not hideous..."
her:"but he's not cute..."
for about 5 min or so, we went on. Mayhaps i should consider Dante. Eh. Damn you 'young-love'. "And, curse you perplexing things which perplex me so, why must you confuse she who is distracted by so little? Why?! Curses!Curse you!!!"
So, anyway nothing good really happened today. Same guh as usual. Oh, and Fern said" Ooh, looks like someone's jealous? He gonna beat up the dude you held hands with?" or something like that when I told her Bobby asked continuously about who I loved, then freaked when I told him.
I think he might be protecting me from 'his' evilness. *sigh* But with Bobby, I can never tell. He also joked and said" Yeah, sure, I'll beat him up..." after I asked if he would if he found out who i 'loved'. Oh well. What a brief chapter of love from my life. Okies, well...
Maybe he is trying to protect me. I just wanna snugle and cuddle him for actually showning some sort of caring for me. Well, Bobby...THANK YOU. ^.^
Okies, and Alphonse/Myui thanks for wishing me luck anyway. ^-^
I'll find someone for me, just I may have to wait a few years or so...
(^-^) Comments (3) |