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cHiBi Suki
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Become a manga-ka, or novelist :)
Doodling, drawing (?), writing, VIDEO GAMES, COMPUTER, & listening to MUSIC
My pinky can bend a full 90-deg. angle and turn completley backwards (now), and uhm...I'm pretty good at DDR :) (Heavy, and Oni) ^-^
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
Let's weed out da bitches...
I committed suicide:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I liked someone you didnt:
I started smoking:
I stole something:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
Who are you?
Are we friends?
When and how did we meet?
What do you think of me?
What's the fondest memory you
have of me?
How long do you think we will be
friends or enemies?
Do you love me?
Have I ever hurt you?
Would you hug me?
Would you kiss me?
Are we close?
On a scale of 1-10, how
attractive am I?
Give me a nickname and explain
why you picked it.
How long have you known me?
Describe me in one word.
What was your first impression?
Do you still think that way about me now?
What do you think my weakness is?
Do you think I'll get married (if yes to who)?
What reminds you of me?
What's something you would change about me?
How well do you know me?
Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
If so tell me now?
Do you think I would kill someone?
Are you going to put this on your otaku sitez and see what I say about you??
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I adopted a cute lil' gothy fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
I adopted a cute lil' death fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
I adopted a cute lil' ninja fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
I adopted a cute lil' January birthstone fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
I adopted a cute lil' cow fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
I adopted a cute lil' pikachu fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
I adopted a cute lil' tempura fetus
from Fetusmart! mm..yummy.
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I dunno if it'll work, but...
This is a Spanish song by Miranda, called Don. Raeza and Nadia got me obsessed with it
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Mellow yellow...

Pwetty piccys I found. Pweeze comment. ^-^
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I'll miss you...
Well, ma cousins went back to Pasedena, so now that grandma is gone, lemme nag on about my trip to Austin.
My mom and I took off to Austin on Saturday, and we had scheduled to return Tuesday. When we got to Austin, at around 12 midnight, we picked up Melissa (sister) from work. We then went to the house she and four of her friends live in, and went to sleep after taking showers. The next day, we went to the mall and the Metropolitan (theater) We saw Harry Potter:Goblet of Fire. It was ok, because it went by too soon, and Cedric died! Nooooo!
He was pretty cute... (-_-)*shifty eyes*
Then, on to the mall we went. We went to a clothing store, and ma sis got me a sweater with three bears (the just jimmy ones) two wearing underwear right, one wearing it on it's head. Below them reads: You do things your way. I'll do them mine.
It's really cute. Then, we went shopping for ma mom, and we went to Bath and Body Works, her other part-time job. My mom got some cosmetics, and other things as birthday presents, since her b-day was that day. After a long day, we returned home to see Mel's friends playing an AWESOME GAME called 'Guitar Hero'. Anyone heard of it? It's a PS2 game, and you have a guitar that plugs into the controller slot, and it has five buttons where the strings are. On the part you strum, there is a plastic switch, if you will..., and as you see the colors of the buttons appear on the screen, you strum and push the corresponding button. It has ALL ROCK SONGS, so yay! It was cool. Oh yeah, we also went to eat somewhere before that, but I forget...
Next day:Monday
-we go to the Austin state capitol, for about 2 hours, and we go on this beautiful, scenic route to a place where we are gonna go kayaking (i misspelled it, i know...) it's a long boat like-thingy, ok? We had NEVER been on one, and we were out there for two hours! We were cold and tired, and it was actually kinda fun, despite we almost died.
After, we got dressed again, and went to the Cheesecake Factory. They had almost any kind of cheescake ever! The food (cake) was by far the absolute best cheescake I had ever eaten. We (or...Melissa, really...) got mom a cheescake with strawberries, and whipped cream as a birthday cake. We went home (Mel's home) and I played the Guitar Heros. I liked the song Sedated, Take me out, and some song I forget who has this in it "You give us rules to follow, you give us pills to swallow.." etc. Then, we ate some cake, and slept. Next day
7am, we took off. About an hour out of SanAntonio, halfway home, Melissa calls and asks if her car keys are in Mom's car. We look, and HOLY CRAP! They are. She needs to get to work, and she can't. She gets a ride, we unfortunetly, have to go back. When in San Marcos, we wait for Mel to get off work, so we go shopping. We go to multiple store outlets, and then head into Austin. I play 'We Love Katamari Damacy' a sequel or something to Katamari Damacy, that her friend Sean has. btw, she lives with four guys: Sean (from thailand), Justin, Walter, and (some other dude who I forgot...) plus, sometimes some bitch n.n-Pez, visits. She hates Mel, so she stares at me in disgust! All I ever did was try to be polite and say hi! Anyway, then I try out guitar hero. It's sorta like DDR, and I did fairly well. no less than 94% accuracy I got. Well, we ate more cake (mom did) and she decides to take more home w/ her. Then, we go to walmart and mom buys clothes cuz she ran outta outfits. We go home(mel's..) shower, and watch Undead (it sucked...) on the DVD player. Then, when they're asleep, I put on 'Evoluution' that was a funny movie. Then, I drift to sleep. When we leave, Mel calls us about 111 miles away from Corpus Christi. Turns out I packed her new jeans she loved so much. Ma mom gets pised off, but says she'll mail them. We're in some old, little town, and we mail the jeans. They won't get to her til Friday, we're told. So, then we notice her drivers' licese and bank card are there. mom doesn't tell her about that, saying she'll notice she's missing them soon enough. We get home, cook turkey, prepare for Thanksgiving. Etc. we have a good day. Okies, tired of typing. Me shall try scanning ma sweater to show ma bears on it. Okies, bye. =^-^=
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Friday, November 25, 2005
[FACE IS NOT PISSED OFF ENOUGH]I'm gonna effing kill someone tonight... (-_-)
Okies, sorries I hafta sound mean and stuff, but seriously. I'll brag about Austin trip later...
Ma effing grandma, yes, old hag, is pissing me off!@!!!! I talk to my mom and tell her what I have planned for ma cousins and I to do, and where to sleep, and EVERYTHING, and ma granma comes and effing tells me off. She says, "No, they're not gonna do that, they'll do...." and when I tell her I talked it over with Mom, she says "No." Pissed off, at the verge of strangling her, I say (heh, it was fun...) "It's her house." It immediatley pisses her off, and she says crap about, that's between her and ma mom, and how I'm the child, and she's the grandma. What a b****!!!!!!!!!! I'm trying not to swear to much, since ma cousins are here. (Damnit...) Whoops...
Well, visit mocha-chan. The ever so typed about Raeza. She is mocha-chan. Visit. She's on my friends' list. Well, this effing sucks. I swear to friking god, that ma cousin is right. Earlier, he said, "She likes messing with you, right?" And she does. Why the hel....heck, ..., does she pick on me>?!?!!?!!?!?!?/!/! WHO THE F*** DOES SHE EFFING THINK SHE IS?!?!?!?!? Well, now that most of my anger has been channeled out, time to annoy and/or piss off ma younger cousins who can't do crap to me...Meheheheh...evil-ness returning.... (-_-) Still pissed off, though... (-_-);;;
A-hem, popcorn is done. Oh, goodie me! Yippie! A treat for the fat, evil, girl! (Erm,...I'm kidding about the fat, right?) (-_-);;;;;;
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Here ya go...
a href="">
Balloon banner

Monster Banner

Robot Banner

Banana Banner

Glasses Banner
I shall be personalizing them for you, if chosen as a member. I will have the 'elite' people members (ma friends, or those chosen specificly, and the 'random' member people who will ask me, and if worthy enough, shall get a banner. I have posted up samples, so that no one steals them. They are my banners. I will bann anyone trying to steal them. Please join! Or, if not chosen, but feel special enough, you shall be added as an elite. Thankies. gtg. Bye! =^-^= Gotta clean room... (-_-);;
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
I'm going with Mother-Bear, and returning Tuesday! YAY! I'm gonna visit Melissa!!! :D
I'm gonna fail this 6th weeks. Ma teachers are getting really tough on us now. I'm missing assignments in Reading and Math and plus, my Inuyasha picture I had posted up wasn't completed by Friday, so my art teacher isn't gonna take it to the art show! Nooooooo! I'm such a failure! Plus, Michael Lawson (the HOTTEST guy in the school; he has a fanclub...) (-_-); And, progress reports got send home Friday. Should be here by Monday. I'm screwed (T.T)
Oh well...
gotta go. Bye! See ya later! =^-^=
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
I'll be testing all this week.
Thur-Social Studies
Fri-(ok, I can'r remember...)
Yep. I might not be able to answer PM's or help ppls this week. Sorries! T.T
Well, gotta go. Bye! =^-^=
Hope ya like ma new theme! =^-^=
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