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cHiBi Suki
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Become a manga-ka, or novelist :)
Doodling, drawing (?), writing, VIDEO GAMES, COMPUTER, & listening to MUSIC
My pinky can bend a full 90-deg. angle and turn completley backwards (now), and uhm...I'm pretty good at DDR :) (Heavy, and Oni) ^-^
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Friday, June 2, 2006
Okies, later me post about ma two new friends I made at the skating rink. I just saw I'm a....SENIOR OTAKU! YAAAAAAAYS!!! Amazing, neh? Yes. =___= Anyways, lemme start with ma buds:
Miranda and Andrew. Yes. She's 12, he's 11. Dood, she looked 13 and he looked 14. With the serious faces they had, I was scared, but then anime moment....
Okies, so he looks all grr and stuff then, when he asks us if he wants to skate, like cherry blossom petals flow down and his hair moves with an invisible wind, sparkes galore!
Hee hee. >_______>...
Wells, before I knew them weird thing, I saw them before, like in a dream? Deja Vu man. I mean, I saw them before, all serious then smiling for a brief second. It was weird! Wells, we skated together, had fun ^-^
Ah, all those other 'loves' I had were all fake. Loves I created to make myself feel as if I had a meaning when I had lost all hope. This time was different. We hit it off pretty good, I didn't act all mean to him, and we held hands. =///= but, like friendly hand holding...we were skating in a line, and I held his hand. Then, again when I tried Nadia's inline skates on. Dood, ever feel as if u KNOW u want something ur destined for, not like anything before, but u feel it's stoopid or u know u can never have it? *sigh* That's how I feel about Andrew. He made me laugh for real, not a lot of guys do that...but then, I don't care how old he is. He's 11. I'm 13. I feel kind of akward, only cuz the world will think I'm a molester or something...+_____+;;; Man, I mean, I really do like him, but I feel stupid about it. Him and Miranda are friends, and I feel as if I'm intruding on their friendship (does that make sense?) Either way, I like him, a lot...
He looks like Nuffy. Well, Arnulfo. One of my first 'loves'. He's like a spitting image of the 11 year old Nuffy I knew. He's kind like Nuffy, but Nuffy avoided me. Andrew doesn't. Am I dumb to fall in love with someone younger than me? I never thought it could happen, but it did...oh man, I feel weird! Help guys? Advice? *sigh* Man...confusion galore. Well, I have to go. See if I can visits. Thanks for reading.
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
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Sorry, I just like the way that sounds... =____=;;; Anyways, hi. Thanks for visiting and signing my gb everyone, I appreciate it. Today Raeza and Nadia are going with me to a lock-in at the skating rink. Fun. I'm patching things up with an old friend. Thepupinuyasha I'm sorry we fought. It was stupid. I missed u and am glad ur back and haven't done anything drastic like cut yourself, I can't say the same...and, for some reason, my fanarts won't get approved. I mean, I've tried like 3 times, and since yesterday. I'm wondering if it's a conspiracy against me! Oh yeah, I've noticed-what's an otuakite and senior otakuite? Hmm, what am I? Otakuite! Sweet mover of jeebus, that's sweet. Lots better than member, and senior artist. I never did regain that title. I was a senior artist once, then on this account, even with tons of wallpapers and fanarts, I stayed a member. Hmm...interesting. Oh well, all that aside, I've loved my two years on myotaku. This account I've had for ALMOST a year, and Miku-Chan account would've been at least 2 years by now. Man, how I miss that account, cept those creeps who harassed TPI and myself. bishes. >____>...Ok, well I have to go. Thanks for reading and coming guys, appreciate it. Ja mata! =^-^= *huggles*
Made with help from's blog templates.
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~*~Patching Things Up~*~
Yes, yesterday was last day. Didn't seem like it though...added fanart, did I show up yet? Anyways, working on changing otaku.

From PrincessPrincess.
YAAAAAAAAYS!!! Yaoi goodness... ^^
Man, I wanna laugh SO BAD cuz they're guys, and the poor blue-haired one's expression is all cute <3
Meek. Okies, working on otaku. Hope u enjoyed those...
1.Do I update enough?
2.Do u like yaoi or find it offensive?(please tell me so I can lessen yaoi pics...)
3.Do you know who Dignan is?
4.Is school over for u yet?
5.What band should be ma theme song?!?! >__>...Panic! at the disco, Dignan, Freezepop, Muldoon, Braver Madison, or someone u've acyually heard of like...etc. etc...
Okies, ja mata guys, see ya in a bit! ^^
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Saturday, May 27, 2006
Yes, I'm weird...[but that's not he point]
Tooks a piccy of Bobby and I did Angie. We were both wearing eyeliner, and (sorry Nii-Chan..) he looked hot, actually...hmm...yes. Angie gots it as her bg on her phone. Nice, neh? He's smiling!!! Hee!
That was on Friday, kinda late on that...okies, anyways, on another hiatus! Sorries!!!
PM me, I'll still try to answer...
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Hewo :)
Yes, so yesterday Marcy made me talk to Dei-Kun. Jeebus, I was so nervous. We had an..interesting conversation. Yes, yes. Enough of that. Cousins visiting from Pasedena I believe...yes...I wanna go to PeterPiper's with Rosalie and Angie today. Gosh, this sucks. Anyways, me visits. Pics: (sorry about yesterday's repeat...):

Saw DaViniciCode today. Twas cool, okies, off to visit! ^^
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Friday, May 26, 2006
Princess Princess:


*sobs* I cried joyfully when seeing this:

Cool pic:

Didn't have time for more, sorries!!! ^-^;;;
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YAAAYS!!! Almost 2000 visits! ^-^
Gasp. Scary news. A high schooler on ma bus, named Josh, told Lizbeth that quote: "If Michelle was 3 years older, I'd go out with her. I like the crazy girls. I like girls like her." unquote. o____O;;; Scary, yes. Man, last day of school Tuesday. Sad am I. Jeebus, I have to hug everyone before they completley fade. Damn Mai-Chan, gave Dei-Kun mineth phine_Noimei. (don't ask...)Sheesh, toopid Mai!!! Tooks a piccy of Bobby and I did Angie. We were both wearing eyeliner, and (sorry Nii-Chan..) he looked hot, actually...hmm...yes. Angie gots it as her bg on her phone. Nice, neh? He's smiling!!! Hee! Yes, and Nii-Chan did you do that? Cuz if ya did, hee hee! Mai will be ever so happy! ^-^ Ah, yes. I dunno, I feel weird right now. Sick? Confused? Flattered and even creeped out? Yes. Jeebus HOW is it that like THREE GUYS OLDER THAN ME have liked me, and yet I can't get anyone MY AGE to like me? Man, WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!?!?! Two are in highschool, and one was a grade higer up. Man, that's weird. How weird, right? Yes. =__= Anyways, saw X-MEN 3!!! At midnight. Twas freaking awesome! *bobs head* Yes, like that. Our field day to the bowling alley was fun. We bowled. Fun. Angie won game one, and Bobby won game two. I have to talk to Dei-Kun now since I lost the bet! MEEK! I'm so nervous...=________=;;; Yes, yes. At Mr.Ghatti's or whatever the hell, we played PIU (Pump It Up) It sucked,we weren't there long. Oh well. I'm gonna call Nii-Chan, laters. Take care! =^-^=
[Did u check out ma fanarts? Rate em? Comment? What about ma e-cards? Send a few? ALL OF EM?!?! And wallpapers?! DOWNLOAD THEM?!?!? HUH>?@?@?@HUH?!?!??! THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT!!!! GET TO IT!!!!]
From: Diary of a Crazy, Insane, Psyco Beotch named Mishy. page...(*counts*) 17. YAAYS!!!
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
~*~Brief Post~*~
Yes, hiya! Sorries about the hiatus, but funny story:
Okies, yesterday we had a 7th grade field day in the gym with moonjumps and crappy inflatables (for junior highschoolers?!) anyways...yes. Wells, Mishy gots drunk on water, and shit happened. Yes, poop. That crap. Heheheh...sorries (still hyper)...anyways, I was telling guys I loved them and crap. I snuck behing Albert while he was sitting across Luison the floor and leaned on him and said:"I love you, Albert." He was like "Eh!" and crawled/scrambled behind a laughing Luis. The I told him " My one, my only, my love, my dear, Albert, I LOVE you!" As Angie and Raeza dragged me away (literally...). I clung onto Nestor's arm and for a while he stood there then he just walked off, aliding his arm out of my grasp. I thought he'd force me off cuz he's an ass (a cute one) and stuffs, but he didn't! I went rambling on over the noise how I always loved him and our future we could have and if he could forgive how much things I've done to him and how I forgave him for being a jerk. He only got part of that since he's taller and can barley hear over the noise. I was all mood-swingish and cried twice, hit Bobby, then laughed, thanked Bobby for a speech, then said how all guys were evil cheating bastards who'll ditch you later on in life. (sorries, I was drunk!) >__-;;; Yes, Marcy was kinda pissed when I threw myself over Bobby to thank him. (she's his gf and tried getting my arms off him, and in a [not so] joking and laughing way told me: " Uh..hah! Michelle, get off him, please?!") Yes. I think I like Derick. I never told u this, but when I saw him in Kung-Fu the first time, I thought he was cute. This was his first year in a school, since he was always homeschooled. I hugged him, carried him, kept calling him my best friend, and you know how a dad walks the bride down the aisle? Our arms were linked like that for forever. I never wanted it to end. He's sweet, and even if people call him a loser, he 's not easily annoyed by me, scared by me, and is so kind and sweet and laughs at me in a sweet way. I really do like him, but he liked Marcy (Bobby's gf). Not anymore, I hope, but yes...ah, will my love problems continues forever?! Wells, I gots tickets to a midnight showing of X-Men3 today, looking forward to that. Congrats to my friends with signings, downloads, etc. ^^ ADDED WALLPAPERS AND E-CARDS, SO CHECK THEM OUT, PLEASE?!?!?!??!?! Okies, gotta go. Sis visiting from Austin til Sunday or Monday. Tomorrow, field trip to FlamingoBowlingAlley, and Mr.Ghatti's. Fun. Okies, try to visit, I shall! Loves ya! Or Derick? Matthew? Eh! WHO do I like?!?!?! Alex? Matt? Matthew? Derick? Nestor? Albert? Whose cute? AH! So much PRESSURE!!! Meek! Headache! Dude, honestly, I have a headache. Eh....=___=;;; Hope to update more, til then, Focker out!
[ok, so maybe it wasn't SO brief, neh?]
Ja ne! =^-^=
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Monday, May 22, 2006
Serenity, Peace, Tranquility...
New themie. Added Loveless wallpapers and others also new e-cards. Check em out to see if they're up yet. Ja ne! ^^
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Only 5 min. to be on here, so just wanted to say may be on hiatus or whatever the heck. I need a break. Eh, see ya when I get back. ^^
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