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cHiBi Suki
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Become a manga-ka, or novelist :)
Doodling, drawing (?), writing, VIDEO GAMES, COMPUTER, & listening to MUSIC
My pinky can bend a full 90-deg. angle and turn completley backwards (now), and uhm...I'm pretty good at DDR :) (Heavy, and Oni) ^-^
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Lotsa things:
Have 15 cuts on left wrist, 2 on right. Mom seems frustrated as do I. Grounded from phone and radio >_ NoooooooOOOOOOooooo!!!Wellies, uh...I have to go. Can't visit though! Bai Bai!
-Have you ever cut yourself?
-Do you like someone?
-Fave band(s)?
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Monday, April 24, 2006
~~~What have I become?
Honestly, I'm scared. I tried hiding it, but I can't anymore. I cut myself again. This time, I bled more. Two out of five on my left wrist, and just now one on my right wrist. It wasn't so deep, it just broke the skin and kinda stings. My gosh, I fear I'm gonna go to a foster home. I want to cut myself again. My grandma moved out. Everyone says it's my fault. Is it? Saturday-she comes in my room, we fight, she hits my arm. I tell her "Yeah, keep hitting me that way when my teachers ask why I'm all bruised up, I can tell them, and they can take you away!" I wasn't the nicest, smartest, or best thing to do. She's like 50 some, and here she is crying her eyes out to my step-dad telling him what happened. Did she say she hit me? Well, he lectured me and shit and then that bitch tells him what I said only she says "She told me that she told the teacher about me, and that she wants me to move away!" As if you lying whore! (sorry, but I'm pissed off...) Then, he asks if I said that. (In an earlier conversation, I am 'supposedly by the ruled of "Manny" supposed to answer only yes or no to questions. No explinations, no maybe's') So, mostly fake, I shook my head. He didn't see, and she gave me a cold evil stare. So, then I said "Fine. Yes." He got all worked up about it and shit then starts telling me how they'd take me away (wouldn't he love that?) and I'd never come back (yes, he would.) Then he adds: "Askn your mom, it's not so easy being in a foster home. Do you really think it'd be better?!" Then he yells me out all bitchy-like and tells me to clean my room. Well, it's almost clean. 'Supposedly', if I don't clean it by today, 10:00, he's gonna clean. I said ok. Then, that bastard adds : " Remember last time when I 'cleaned'? That means out goes the tv, radio, playstation 2, all of your crap." (Once, he got everything NOT on the bed and threw it away. ALL OF IT! I fucking hate that bastard. Well, now, my mom told me yesterday : "Yes, I was in a foster home. I got lucky and went to live with a white family, I was there for my birthday...All I have to do is call up Child Services, tell them 'I can't handle my daughter, she's misbehaving, disobedient, and they'll take you away for good. My time there was only temporary since I was --------" (yeah. shit happened to her.) Well, now I fear if she sees them, I WILL go to a foster home, never to return. She said she couldn't call her friends, family, see them, or anything. By next year, I bet I'll be long gone. Well, yeah. My life sucks. I feel much better about typing this for some reason. I just hope I don't friggen die. Yesterday, I submitted a fanart I did in one of my 'moods'. I dunno if it was accepted, but I wrote poems and verses around the character that I made up, saying my problems and such. Well, if anyone wants a piccy of their linkie changed, please tell me. EdWillSos, I'm working on yours. I probably won't be on for a while now, I'm gonna be grounded for no reason I'll bet. Plus, Manny will be home soon. Well, I pray.
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
Uh....working on somethings...
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~>>Today's Post<<~
*~~Hewo! You may have noticed my new theme. Hope you like it! =^-^= Feedback guys? Wellies, I like the codes for the text. Hehehe...Mishy shall make good use of these codes. So, link to myspace is on picture. You have to find it! Link to Raeza's and mine are there as well. Bai Bai! =^-^=~~*
~Life is many things. Happiness isn't one of them.
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Yeah. Trip in Austin..not enough time for datail. Mishy sleeeeeeeeeeeeeepy. Kinda fun, kinda sucked. I gots bruises outta the trip. Oh joyous fun. Back home- better. Eh...sure. I've cut ma wrist again. This time I did what Raeza did. I used safety scissors. Yeah. SAFETY!!! SAFETY MA BUTT!!! >_- Yeah. It kinda hurts. =.= I may be sent to foster home by child services never to return to my sweet humble little town of Edinburg. T.T Seriously. Too much problems. *sigh* Not in mood to talk about that now... wellies...hi. I love you guys, ya know? Yeah. Sure. =.= I do. -///-
Sorries, sleep taking over. BWEH. ====.====
FAT HEAD!!! >_-
So, on a good ote-room almost clean. Just few objects of crap left in floor. Yep. Hoooray. Go me =.= Wellies, yeah. Mayhaps I'll change ma sit theme? ok, typing gettin suckir by the minute so i'l go. TRID~~!! (tired)
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
Gone Fishing
Barley have time on comp.! Wellies, going to Auistin to see big sis, Melissa. Be back Sunday! See ya later! Love ya! =^-^=
(check out ma myspace!)
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Monday, April 10, 2006
ok, I know, I know, cutting wrist BAD! Ok, me haven't done anything else. Wellies, tomorrow at school, ima gonna show Ferny, Nikki, Nadia, and Raeza ma wrists. I wore a glove over. Yeah. Sorries to say, but over five days of healing has happened, so not much left but some swelling. I mean, I didn't cut myself to the extreme! Raeza thought I was lying about the cutting, and I feel awful for not letting her see. I was just so ashamed and she told me she wouldn't be mad. She sounded pissed and annoyed. =.= I said no, and she insisted. I felt bad on the bus sitting with her, but we laughed and talked as I hid ma hand on the seat in front of us where Bobby was sitting. Well, lately, I've heard from Matthew. Well, Matt. Mat. Him... yeah. I know what he likes about me:
-pretty (he said I was hot once...that was when he saw me in Halloween costume...he hasn't seen me since and was kinda shy...)
-great person
-he just did
*blushes* Yeah...
I forget the rest. I also found this out from Raeza and Bobby (his cousin, ma BFF!!! >_-) "MICHELLE, HE'S RETARDED."
Me: o.O;;;;;....
Yeah. About two or 1 year(s) ago, he was drwing on himself with a purple marker. Well, he swiped it scross his face and got marker on his tongue. Bobbers told poor Matt it was toxic, so Matt goes 'oh crap' and runs to the bathroom. He puts soap all over his tongue and starts washing out his mouth. =.=;;;
Then, this weekend, from the 2nd story of a house, Bobbert threw a ball down and told Matt to catch (he was outside on the ground). Well, Matt looks up and the ball hits him in the eye. Then, the ball goes one way and Matt goes the other saying "Where's the ball, Bobby?" =.=;;;
Then, when Bobby told Matt to get the ball (inside) Bob was on the second floor looking down on the stairs to where Matt was. Well, the house has steps to go up to go into rooms and down and such, and Matt didn't realize that and he goes 'oh crap!' and falls face forward. Bobby laughs his ass of seeing Matt fall down from above. =.=;;;
LOL! I laugh now typing about my beloved Matthew. =^^= Wellies, dunno how long I'll be on, but thankies for the support guys. Love ya! Ja ne! =^-^=
~Mishy (is in LoVe!!!!!!) |D
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
~Kind Words From A Friend:

Thanks, guys.
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Late (early weekend post)
Yeah,if i get caught this late (early),i'm in trouble.well, my friends and i r drifting apart, i think of suicide, my mom is depressed and i'm her victim. =.= oh crap!gtg!
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Saturday, April 8, 2006
New Theme: The Used
Konnichi wa! I'm currently working on a MySpace, a freewebs, and MyO! Well, I'm trying anyway. On school Friday, I avoided Raeza, Fern, Nikki, and Nadia. I had cut myself Thursday, and I couldn't stand the thought of facing my best friends after what I had done. I hope they forgive me.
I don't know if I like Matthew anymore. On the MySpace, he's always commenting on a girl who goes to his school and they're really close. I feel abandoned. =.= Well, I can find love some other time. I mean, yes, I like him, but does he like me? Well, enough of that. Hope I haven't scared anyone into thinking I killed myself! Well, here I am. Yep. Trying to make the best out of this crappy life. Yep. Well, I have to go. I tried visiting, hope you don't despise me!
~There is a boy and a girl.
The boy says " Life sucks."
The girl says" So do you, and you don't see me complaining, now do you?"
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