Achievements :] I was invited by the college Duke to take their ACT TIP test :3 Anime Fan Since poke'mon Favorite Anime Naruto, Bleach, Mermaid Melody, Tokyo Mew Mew, Mink, Princess Ai, Rozen Maiden, Tsubasa chronicles, Dramacon, yotsubato, azumanga daioh, A la ChibiCage
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I have nothing to write, I just decided to say hi.
and I'm kinda busy now, so I'll have the naruto club's fanfic done by Thursday, and I'm putting up a bunch of fanart so vote okay? :D
I'm gonna let you guys look at my house,
here it is:
comment!comment comment!
oh, today's Kurenai's birthday too!
anyway I've got nothing to do so I'll be on all day. -.-
I'm just looking up random things and I found this thing that said:
blondes have more fun, but brunettes remember it the next day.
Blondes aren't dumb, we just lack brain cells
I'm not a blonde! I'm a virgo!
I'll put more up as I go.
But I'm brunette, so blonde jokes realy don't appeal to me as much as they do with guys and blondes.
06 - Gouzu & Meizu
08 - Moegi
09 - Itachi *glomp*
11 - Kurenai
12 - Dosu
:D I can't wait til Itachi's birthday! I'll bake a cake for this special occasion!
I wole up this morning thinking. Hey. today's neji's birthday, I was wrong, it's NEXT month.
Sasuke's is next month as well, and Naruto's is the same day as Cherri-chan's! ^^
I share the same bikrth month as Iruka -.-
My birthday has already passed though.
*dance dance* and I totally forgot about sakura's! It's like in March. But still.
She's a fag, so there's no need to worry about her.
^^ sorry few fanboys she possess.
Anyway my aunt and Uncle are coming to town and they said if I can run a mile in four minutes I get fifty bucks! I can so do that!
I'm fit and---ouch. I stretched today didn't work out. ^-^'''
I couldn't move! So I ended up playing DDR
that helps ya know!
anyway ta ta for now!
okay, okay, sorry for posting three times today, but I just sent in some new fanart! Yes, much anticipated fanart. I'm still working on your requests. alright currently in line:
1. Mew Kokoka (I need to finish coloring yours)
yeah, I still have some spots left open. anyway here's my fanart! took me ten minutes to do on Adobe Photoshop CS2
this is um...awkward.
well you see me and Anberu....
It turns out...we were going out with the same guy.
but neither of us knew about it...
and so I'm so over him, but she's pissed at ME.
When he so came onto me.
What the hell is wrong with this picture?
I guess she doesn't get it fully. He asked me out. I wouldn't have asked him out. I just don't ask guys out. I prefer to wait, unless I'm in love with him.
But I only semi-liked this guy. and now Anberu's mooching on him.
Her clinginess doesn't bother me it's the fact that she's pissed at me when I didn't even know. That guy's a two-timing man-whore, yet she's pissed at me.
Well that's all fine and dandy
Cause you know what? If my friendship with Anberu-chan is really that thin, I really shouldn't give a damn.
well on the brightside
I bought the Pita-ten official art book along with Naruto volume 10 which is probably going to so make my cousin angry. ^-^
ha ha!
well, she's do I put it.
One minute she's with one guy and the next she's with another.
she broke up with someone just because he was Short!
She's one to talk -_-x
and then when I said that I liked some guy she
totally asked him out!
That freak of a---....
no matter, I got accepted into academic programs
which she'll never get in and on top of that
I've been nominated for pageants (which I hate..) but the only reason they go out with her is because she's got boobs.
Those damned pervs!
well, it won't be my problem when she's pregnant.
-_- anywho
I'll see ya laters!
:D :3
yo guys! I would comment on your sites, but my grandparent's computer won't let me so you'll hae to wait until tonight or tomorrow. anyway guess what? akatsuki PWNS all! >:D
.......what does PWN mean?
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Sunday, June 11, 2006