Achievements :] I was invited by the college Duke to take their ACT TIP test :3 Anime Fan Since poke'mon Favorite Anime Naruto, Bleach, Mermaid Melody, Tokyo Mew Mew, Mink, Princess Ai, Rozen Maiden, Tsubasa chronicles, Dramacon, yotsubato, azumanga daioh, A la ChibiCage
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
No one ever comments me anymore.
and you know why?
Cause i'm not special and funny any longer!
I'm not unique D:
I'm just a crowd blender. T___T
Yeah! that's right! I SAID IT!
They are O-V-E-R-R-A-T-E-D!
D< nyeah!
Dear friendlies and Friendliettes
Not only for posting but for art, cosplay, and wallpapers, plus my Quest For Konoha Fan Manga shall take off very soon ^^
I'm getting down to business, since my site can't look good at least my portfolio can!
I'm going to the A-Kon in June in Dallas, and another less important anime con in September in Dallas, so buckle down folks 'cause Kenjii has returned!
I'll also return with...
o1//more puns
o2//more jokes
o3//more randomness
o4//more Kyuteness
o5//more Kenjii-ness
o6//more uniqueness
o7//more spazziness
08//more specials
o9//more comics
1o//and more themes every week!
Yes, you heard correctly, kenjii isn't taking a break until she gets her sie back in order!
And until that happens my protfolio shall be updated at least four times a week!
that's right 4x more than usual!
SO get ready and sit down for all the kenjiiness heading your way ~_^
d00dz i made the featured page on fanartz
=DDDDD yay i got 4th and in current7th place with
"naruto musume" site still under construction ^^'' PC crashed and i lost all of my hteml files D: so i have to get them up soooonz
anyway yay!
=DD tata dearies Naruto Musume Hosted By
^featured piccu of mine =)
i am soo stupid!
I've realized that i don't ever consider anyone else's feelings any longer D:
i'm always thinking about my problems and too depressed to pay attention to any one else's
when i notice people have it much worse than me
people living in poverty and can't afford loaves of bread, when my family just recently received a 56 inch plasma for our theater room.
Some people don't even have three rooms, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom.
My family had four bedrooms, a workout room, a utility room, dining room, living room, pantry ROOM, two and a half bathrooms, and a theater room.
Some people can't afford cheap clothes, while i'm always wearing the latest fashions.
and to top it all off i've got to have the genious, artistic, musical, and athletic genes.
i feel so terrible.
so many people have it so much worse than i do.
and to top it all off, i've been told i'm not bad looking by many guys my age and three years older.
I feel like such a dumbass for not considering anybody else's problems, if they have them i try to console them. I WANT to help but i can't
there's nothing i can truly do.
But lately i've been depressed...
I've seen so much more things that no one is eer supposed to see, having someone die in front of you is not an easy sight to hold. I know this.
having friends commit suicide or dying unexpectedly isn't easy to cope with. I know this.
And finding out that a family member can never keep the promise they told you because they died on their way home one day isn't at ALL easy to deal with. I know this.
I suppose i was caught up in my own petty problems, none of the above, that all happened earlier in my life.
But i suppose it's hormones and shiz that make the smallest things count now.
i can't freakin' see the screen,
i've got a B in math
or i can't run a mile within 3 minutes.
so what?
i can't believe i stressed myself over stupid things like that when there are people who have it much worse, and to top it all off I got EVERYTHING i wanted for Christmas.
I feel so spoiled, so pampered.
I can't take it any longer.
I want to help others but i'm too much of a spazzy clutz to do so...
So, for those of you who had problems and felt like i didn't consider them, i am so sorry.
Please do forgive me.
zomfg i am bored out of my flippin' mind ><'''
my site's still in construction as you can tell ^^''
it's been raining a lot lately. Rain makes me all sentimental and shiz...
anyways, my dad made some kick arse spicy steak and i steamed some broccoli and rice and it was the most delicious home-made dinner ever!
oh, my contest is underway!
mew candii needs a brand new battlecostume
for le TMM
i made so many cute ones i didn't know which one to choose -__-'''
anyway, i'm still in deep need of HTML help ><
as you can tell o courses cause my site is suckin right now Dx
it used to be sooo cool
now izz all lame because i'm learning
HTML and making a layout for it so....
^^ anyway i gotta head out see ya soon dearies!
lately i've been suuuuuuper hungry
D: i mean i'm hungry all the time anyway but like, today I'm all like,
what the mess yo why am i so flippin hungry?
o.0 i'm currently in the process of reconstructing my site ^^
i've noticed that i rarely ever get comments anymore
on my art or on my homepage )*:
i feel sooooooo lonlifulz T_____T
anyway, so i can't find any good websites
with help with HTML,
<>> anyway please check out my fanarts
and for those of you who came while i was in the process of constructing my website,
i am so sorry that it looked so ugly DD:
anyway ta ta for now! <33 Kenjii/candii Needs Your Help! Hosted By
hey guys! how's it going?
<33 i'm soooo bored.
I got a pink iPod nano for christmas i have 87 songs on it already xD i'm currentlydoing a BUNCH of art with my new pens and colored pencils. <3 i noticed that i rarely get any votes or comments on my art anymore, when i DO post that is, since i can't say i post that often -is ashamed-
anyway I'm currently listening to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romancuu! <3
long live Gerard Way!
i dunno why i decided to make todays theme naruto, i guess because all of my recent backgrounds have been blue. and that's such a depressing color,
especially from a girl like me neh?
anyway the time is 10:43 here in Texas
and it's December 27th,
no clue why the date says different
D: anwyway, i'm gonna leave you guys to your peacefulness
ta ta for now lufflifuls!
dear everybody on the O
happy holidays! =)
chrismahannukawanzika :D
anyway, Kokkoi-matoku,
go ahead and carry on the contest without me, i'll enter a contest in the future.
Which reminds me of contests.
I need a Candii contest
i absolutely CAN'T decide
what her mew outfit should look like
so i'm putting you guys in charge!
winner gets their outfit as candii's
and a request gif and fanartz.
zOmg, i know you guys are just totally waiting to see what i look like eh? ^^
well, you can wait until tomorrow!
i took piccys yesterday and it's
me and meh lil bro.
i have this green jacket on with bright yellow stripes o.0
cause me and nic were about to run out in the middle of the street at night! :D yaaay
xD anyway wooot
i shall return to my little corner.
today is-
dec 24th
why does my date thing on the top say different?
o_0 ??
By the way listen to my voice biznitches
i'd shoot the goddamned president that's what i'd do
or i'd pull down sasuke's pants,
or jump off cow,
or hold a tarantula, with no fangs or appendages
that's what i'd do.
what would YOU do?
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007