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• 1990-11-30
• Los Alamos, NM
Member Since
• 2004-06-14
• student
Real Name
• Amanda
• ^_^;; being able to stay awake all day
Anime Fan Since
• 1999
Favorite Anime
• Trigun
• To become and author
• Writing, drawing and singing
• Artistry
Hello ^_^ I'm Chibi Chan, but you can just call me Chibs. I like to make e-cards cause it's a geat hobby, and I love to share creativity and my work with the fellow e-card users. Please enjoy the cards I post and I hope you find them to your liking ^_^;; I pulled all nighters for those, lol. Also, I have some quizzes up that I did, and don't be afraid to ask me to sign your guestbook either XD I have nothing better to do. Well, I hope you all enjoy my site and thank you for coming! OH! And btw ^_^;; when you come, would you be so kind as to sign my guest book? That would be AWESOME! Thank you!
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Hey everyone,
Well... 9/11 is here... and everyone I know is depressed and sad, honestly I don't blame them. It's a sad time for Amercia on 9/11, the day when the twin towers fell in the suicide bombing of two air planes high-jacked by Iraq. Today, I wanted to add a post as a tribute... though very small, to the many people that died in the twin towers on that day. Everyone, have the best day you can have. Goodnight America, sleep well tonight.
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
Okay okay, since I didn't get any comments on whether I should, or should not change my colors, I just did it anyway ^-^ my background is not mine v.v sad sadly, tis White Mirage's. I loved it, so I decided to put it on here *ahem* anyway, I am thinking of putting more on here other then e-cards XD though I'm not sure what I could possibly do well besides that. Don't worry though, I'll get to it. Well, things are going good >.- my brother keeps wanting the laptop cause he screwed up the desktop so that's why I haven't been posting as many e-cards lately >.> there he is again, gotta go ^-^ till next time
May you go with God's protection,
Chibi Chan
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Friday, August 13, 2004
Good Day To All!
Well everyone, it's a bright new day and a bright world... only problem is it's raining. lol, stuck here in the house with nothing to do and honestly I would rater be here anyway XD gotta work on some new e-cards for my beloved senders. Unfortunatly I have yet to find a background picture and I have this urge to change the annoying bright pinkness of the page. lol, please, tell me, I need feedback for this great and vidal decision XD jk. Just give me suggestions on colors. ^-^ thank you all, have a great day!
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^-^ well ello fellow card makers and card senders
HA HA! MY REIGN OF ANIME OTAKU GREETING CARDS HAS BEGUN! lol, sorry, couldn't help myself. ^_^ As you may have noticed, my barrage of e-cards seems to be dominating the front pages, I really didn't expect to have that many get put on ^_^;; eh heh heh heh heh. Really though, it's a happy time for me now that I'm getting used to the e-card making, a joyous occasion indeed. I've gotten 12 visits to my site and I thank all who have done so .: bows a little:. thank you all and have a great day.
May you go with God's prtection,
Chibi Chan
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