myO Still <3's You
Thursday, June 2, 2005
Life is crazy! Good, bad... ya never know.
Update/ Happy/Relieved
OMG! Ok well… so I went to my bf’s house and we went kayaking right? It was a lot of fun! And I got to know his sister a lot more. She’s really nice, and kinda like me, yet she’s 18, lol. Well, my mom was suspicious, and I really wanted to tell her anyways, I just didn’t know how cuz in a way he’s my first bf. But she found out and she talked to my bf about it o.0 Now I know you guys prolly think I’m mad, but my mom was being very sweet to him, and he was so sweet for understanding.
So at first I was sad cuz it all felt so weird, and I wanted to tell my dad but I was scared what he’d say! So my mom told him when they went to pick up my bro. When they came back my bro came inside but they kept talking in the car 0.0 When they came back, My dad didn’t say anything (he was tired from a medical exam earlier) but my mom said he wants to talk to me later. And he did be4 I went to bed. And he was so nice about it too! I was so surprised. Of course he gave me many warnings and he’s been through it too. He told me that if I should fall in love, that the man first must have a relationship with God. And my bf is a Christian and very kind and he respects me ^_^ He also told me that before I have a relationship with anyone I should have one with God too. And I agree, so I’ve been having my devotionals and it makes me feel so happy and refreshed ^_^ And after everything was done, I just started to cry because I was so relieved and happy and saw how much my parents loved me and I love them! They gave me a lot of mercy!
My bf told his parents too and said that it went well too. His sister invited me to her graduation party this weekend, and I’m praying my parents will let me go. If I do go my mom will prolly want to come lol, but I don’t mind ^_^ So that’s practically it these past few days! Mi vida loca! Tee hee... oh! I saw the 3rd eppy of Princess TuTu! And I love “Full Metal Panic” and “Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU “. Also I’ve gotten into “Maburaho” “Pretear” and “Shamanic Princes” ^____^
AHHH!!! I remembered yay! Who saw the new inuyasha on Saturday nite?! And s-cry-ed and paranoia angent? I thought It was cool ^_^ Well thanx again for reading! I only have 2 more quizzes and the final exam for history, bible verse exam in history, I poem quiz and I’M DONE! WOOOOOOO
*runs away screaming frantically*
Screw School!!!!!…..Manga Maniacs is temporarily down due to insane amounts of homework….
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Monday, May 30, 2005
Good Morning!
TADA! New theme! I wanted to change the theme, because the DN Angel one was confusing me, and I wanted something more simple. I barely got by using photoshop… I kinda played around, so I couldn’t make any special graphics. Since I’m busy and all, I wanted something simple yet pretty ^.^ I love Princess TuTu! Although I’ve only seen ep. 2 I hope you enjoy it too!
I went to church yesterday and I got donuts! Some kids are saving up money for a missions trp to Dominican Republic. Also I saw the guy I had a crush on ^^;; I feel bad… I can tell he likes me but I already have my bf. I don’t want to flirt with him, but I also don’t want to randomly say that I have bf… lol.
OK, so do you guys have school today? It doesn’t really matter for me since I homeshcool. But OMG! Hehe, my bf call me this morning at 9… I thought “How weird…” lol Anyways, he asked me if I wanted to go kayaking with his family!!! I was like OMG! Of course I wanna come! I asked my mom,(my parents don’t know about my bf) and she’s like “if I were you I’d go!” And I was surprised by her enthusiasm. But my dad… he was like, “No it’s a boy..” lol! My mom defended me saying his family wud be there! And it’s tru ^_^ So I’m excited! I still have to make sure it’s final with my mom, and I”ll call him back ^_^ I’ll tell you guys tomorrow!
Enjoy your daaaaaaaaaaaay! So what are you guys doing today?
Thanks for the comments yesterday! Hope ya like my site, it’s still in progress…
Screw School!!!!!…..Manga Maniacs is temporarily down due to insane amounts of homework….
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
happy happy happy ^^;;
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Monday, January 24, 2005
My Club! ^.^ freaky letter 0.o 12:00 am
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Award ^.^
Lie74!!! ^.^
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Sneakk Peek of Manga Maniacs!!! And other stuff...
12:30 am
hey1 Right now I’m watching Gundam Seed and then .hack//legend. Well, I was gonna update yesterday, but I had to leave for ballet ^^:; My class is at 4:30. Then my dad picks me up.
One of my friends in ballet, also goes to my homeschooling group. Her bro, who’s 16 and drives (^_~) goes too. Well after our class, which is at her aunt’s house, he came by! I was surprised o.0 then I remember he just started driving XD. Actually he’s my crush ^^ He’s venezualan and he’s got the whole gangster look lol! Like Ricky Ricardo but with curly hair, and baggy clothes. But he’s very sweet ^^ he’s also in my geo class…anyways, enuff ranting!
Ya know what happened after? O.0 my dad picked me and had to go to Shoppers (food store) and OMG!! There were millions of ppl! We had to park far away! My dad had to go around the parking lot looking for a cart. And in the end, the lines were so long they went into the isles! Lol It was funny cuz the lines were so long and slow, random people started making friends. OH! Lol duh! The reason it was freakin full was because there’s a snow storm today that will turn into a blizzard ^^ SNOW!!! Haha… Then me and my dad went to the subway across the parking lot to eat yum! ^.^
Well today I’m going to do my English exams, Grammar and literature. It won’t be hard ^^
Random but good news!
kagomeglitter1 joined my manga club ^_^
I made Petie a 200 gb signings banner ^_^ I'm not sure if her put it up yet o.0
GUESS WHAT?! lol, i started working on the "Manga Maniacs" website! down there is the html stuff. Copy it (highlite and Ctrl C) and go to Founder Web and paste it (Ctrl V) in one of their “testing” rectangle lol. Then click launch. I hope you like what I got so far!!!