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Monday, September 4, 2006
okay guys for all of u who commented the ones that.did have the drugs were my friends to.yeah i got mixed up with them did bad things but i dont do that stuff ne more dont worry.alot of them came to the football game fucked up and high.so thats what happened then a whole bunch of people wanted to get fucked up after the game.so thats what happened i havent told the whole stroy but thats all for now. |
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hey guys i havent been on for awhile cuz my pc wouldnt load this page at all.so thats why i havent been able to update.ive missed all of u guys i just dont get on enough anymore.there was some really bad things that happened at the first home football game i became friends with a some who hated me and then a whole bunch of peole got busted with drugs and two people who didnt even take them failed the test so i dont know whats going to happen on tuesday cuz the two people who failed are my friends.well thats a lot to say well byez guys ill try to go to site to day. |
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
sorry i havent posted in awhile ive been really busy ever since school started like every night i have had homework in every class excepy band and P.E.well this has to be short cuz im editing my ipod playlist right nopw and i have to get the done before i have to get off.well byez and sizic if u have ne more trouble with the post thing let me know okay and i hope u like it.well byez and i want to know how u guys have been lots a love sorry i talked a whole bunch about me sorry. |
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Friday, August 25, 2006
Total Visits : 510
Popularity Ranking : 2873
Total Members : 413,032
thats all i have to post to day maybe i will say something more later.yeah also go check out the new fanart i have up. |
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
i really dont have much to say other than that school starts in like three days and i still need new school clothing.what to do what to do i have no idea well thats all.and that i painted my balcaney white i dont know if i spelled that right.and it looks so much better and now im going to put down grey astro truf.and specking of astro truf all of las vegases like grass is astro truf and its ugly.well byez. |
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
i really dont know why im posting but i am. i start school this coming monday and the stupid picinc thing the school has is tomarrow im just going to to see who my home room teacher is and leaving cuz its not worth staying for.and i cant wait for the football games to start there alwatys fun cuz u get to hang out with all the friends and be rude to the preps.like one time i poured a whole cup of coke on a prep cuz she told me to move and i i got up dumped the pop on her head and walked away.it was so much fun and then my friend like punched one.these football games arent very well like watched. |
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
hey sorry about not nowing what that dude was from i just took a wild guess and i truned out to be wrong.tear.well u guys shgould go check out the new fan arts i put up ok.well byez. |
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Monday, August 14, 2006
Meh brother didnt even care he was glad people thought the pic was good i have a few others that i fouind on his myspace i know im so mean but its fun to mess with his site.so heres a random one they took of vampire hunter d i think thats what its from ive never watched the anime. well here its is.
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
Hey hey its Vash in the flesh!!
for right now im just putting this picture of my brother on here from the cosplay he went to in baltmore.well ill post later i hope u guys like this pic of him.man hes going to be mad if he finds this on here.oh well
yeah im a total loser thats so col im proud to be one to.yeah for losers. |
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
ABC's (not made by me)
i found this on some ones site so i give credit to them cuz its really cool.i have some questions to ask
1;do u drink
2:if u have how much and why did u drink
3:was it at a party or was it just to try in front of the parnets.
A is for ALL the pain you cause me
B is for BEAUTY where you cannot see
C is for words CARVED into my arm
D is for DANGER in this kind of self harm
E is for when I come to the END of the race
F is so I can FORGET your beautiful face
G is for GREAT pain you will never know
H is for HIDING, the scars will never show
I is for INSIDE of my pain-filled mind
J is for when you say JUST Leave The Past Behind
K is for the touch of my skin to s KNIFE
L is for running away from this broken LIFE
M is for the MASK I wear everyday
N is for the things that I NEVER got to say
O is for the OPEN wounds that appear constantly
P is for PRAYING that I may someday be free
Q is for QUESTIONS I never got to ask
R is for REMEMBERING the life that went to fast
S is for SATISFACTION as I watch my blood flow
T is for TRYING to TAKE back what I let go
U is for what lies UNDER me sleeves
V is for the VALUE in the times you deceived
W is for the tension that continues to WIND
X is for eXAMPLES of wasted time
Y is for yesterday when I went in to deep
Z is because theres ZERO life in eternal sleep
Now these are the A, B, Cs
My life's story for eternity
Now you can just go and be
Or you can stay and die with me |
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