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Drinking lemonade somewhere...
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Having such awesome friends that make me happy.
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Favorite Anime
Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto, Chobits, and DN Angel.
To be able to draw as well as Mishy, Nikki, and Nadia...
Drawing, Reading, and Writing
I dunno really..
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Saturday, December 1, 2007
Doodle buggy!
Who is on my mind?
Someone. Haha. <3
I'm not in a relationship. =P
Which is cool with me.
Uhm, I was stupid and
HAD an online relationship
that lasted about 3 & a half
months. Yeah, I'm dumb.
But I got smart and quit
that. Too long distant.
Mmm..I need someone here.
Ah..yeah. I think I am
one of those people who
doesn't like to be alone...
And I have a low self
esteem, so that sucks.
Ermmm..*laughs* yeah.
Only 3 weeks until we
get off for christmas break. ^_^ Yay!
Gonna go. Byeee <3

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Friday, November 30, 2007
I made friends!
Yay! *sigh* I missed you guys too! No I did not die. xp I am alive. ^_^ My friend didn't call me back, so..I'm alone on this friday sad. Oh well. Might go swim in the pool. xDD haha. Yay! You think I'm crazy..yess?? Heehee. I LOVE them. I'm on #5 now. My parents bought it for me because I asked them. xp I don't think they know what they're about. Oh welll! I'm happy. I wanna ask questions!
1. What is your favorite phrase?
2. Are you in a relationship?
3. How are you doing in school?
4. What is your pet peeve?
5. Any weird fetishes?
6. Did you lie on any of your answers?
Haha..Yay! Thanks. :]

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
It's been almost 3 months.
That's terrible!
I miss you guys...
High school is so hectic.
I have nobody to hang out with.
I eat alone. It's sad.
Meh. Uhm. Good news!
My mommy & daddy bought
me Loveless 1-7! YAY!
I've finished 1-3 so far.
<33 amazing.
Ah, my drawing skills are
wayyy better than before, but it
just takes me longer to draw.
Well...almost time for me to
go to bed & my room is a mess.
I needa clean quickly, but
before that I gotsa finish this
outline for school!! It's a must.
Grawr. The internet is suck a
distraction. Don't you agree?
Yeah, I really hope meh fwend can
come over on friday. It'll be fun.
We got a swimming pool in our
backyard by the the ground!!
Yay! But it's sorta cold..not really..
it's only in the 70's. Haha. ^_^
You northerners must think I am
crazyy. =P Teehee. Talk to you all later!
Bye bye! I misssss you!

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Saturday, September 22, 2007
Apathtically speaking is incorrect
Hey everyone. I haven't posted in forever..literally. So, I decided to. ^^ Well, I'm in high school and I got my first progress report, All A's and One C. Meh..It's ok I guess. I have made several friends. =D So, yeah. It makes me happy..I tend to eat alone on some days, but this boy damien started to eat lunch with me. He's so nice and he loves anime. Yep yep. Teehee. He actually carried my books for me one kawaii...And there is something else. Like, he doesn't like people touching him, period. But..he lets me hug him..*raises eyebrows* So..heh..I dunno. He makes awesome AMV's as well, and i mean AWESOME. Trust me. He's a good friend. :] Hmm..well, there is an evanscence concert coming up at the end of october, Halloween baby! I want to go so freaking bad that it isn't even funny. My mum works that night so I probably won't be able to go but my dad said, "Nothing is impossible" So..squee! I hope that means someting good. Hmm..I don't think there is much else to say..but I got an escort for Krystal's quince. =D He is sooo cuute. I seriously need to befriend him though..awkward moments shouldn't happen! XD Well..this is all mostly happy stuff, but it's so hectic for me..Like, I have more guy friend than I have girl friends..>_> And they are all so nice to me..and ahhh!! It's so confusing..>_< Like they are nice nice nice, not just friendly nice..but nicer than's so strange..I'm not used to it! XD Well, i shouldn't be complaining.Imma go..Bye bye!

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Sunday, July 29, 2007
It's been too long..
I haven't posted on here in a loooong time.
Well, i miss talking to some of you guys.
Meh friends that know me personally, we
needa go out sometime! And everyone else..
PM me! I'd love to chat!

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Thursday, July 5, 2007
Well, not much has been going on, though this summer has left me in boredom lane. I watched the whole series of Chobits..Man, it was awesome. I wanted to cry...If you haven't watched it already, you should. It is amazing. :] I'd give it a good review. Now i just gotta finish buying all the manga. ^_^
I feel like asking questions..!!
1. How would you explain your personality?
Harii: It's not explainable. XD
2. Do you find yourself appealing to others?
Harii: =/ Not really, but I need more confidence. You are all pretty..even those of you who don't think so and those i have never seen.
3. What country would you wanna move to?
Harii: The UK
4. Do you want to get married?
Harii: Yepp. :]
5. Do you enjoy taking pictures or being in them?
Harii: I like both..even better if i take it and i'm in it. XD
6. What is your favorite band?
Harii: Three Days Grace and The Killers
7. What song describes your emotion at the moment?
Harii: So Contagious by Acceptance
Well..that's enough for to you soon, i hope, sorry if i don't comment on your site. I've been a bit caught up in other things. Love you all muches!!

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Sunday, July 1, 2007
New Fanart
:]] I put up a new fanart.
I like it ALOT.
I hope you all do too.
Thanks for all your support.
I love you guys so much!
I'm over that boy and
now I am getting along
with my life very well.
Talk to you all soon,
I hope. Bye!

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Sunday, June 24, 2007
How it happened...sorry for not explaining to most of you...
Well, it all started on thursday when i brought up the fact that we had been together for two weeks and i was kinda happy about it. he said he was confused. . .and i asked him why. he just said alot of things. so, basically, i gave him a bunch of examples of things, and he just asid, "alot of things." He wouldn't be specific. So, finally he said he was confused about us. i didn't understand why, but he said that he thinks "we" went too fast. And as almost ALL of you know, HE was the one who kissed me TWICE on the first date, and Nadia, knows exactly how he acted on our dates because she was there. And you can even ask her. HE was the one that was going too fast, HE's the one who asked me out in the first place. So, friday came along and i asked him if he was doing any better, and he said he was just more confused. and so i told him that he could tell me, and he said it was too much to explain. i asked him to try, but he said he couldn't. i just said, sorry. then he said he didn't wanna hurt me. I told him that he needs to make the choices that he wants and that i just want the best for him cuz i hate to see him confused. then he said, i'm so sorry, i didn't want it to end like this. of course, stupid me, i said, you're not..are you? he said i don't like doing this and i don't like leaving someone like this and i am. so, i started crying. and yes, i'll tell you all now, this was all done over myspace. that bastard didn't even have the guts to call and tell me. he had to do it in a flipping message! grrr...i'm not sad anymore, just really mad at him. And ya know what else? even as we were together, he'd flirt with other girls and when he said he'd call, he never would. he's a jerk and a liar. and i'm almost over him. So, in conclusion, HE brok up with ME. Luckily, meh friends have been keeping me outta the house. XD They gives meh stuff to do to keep meh mind off of it. also, tomorrow, i'm going on vacation and won't be coming back until thursday, so i hope to talk to you all then! Love you all so much! Thanks for the support. =]] It really helped.
Harii / Hyllari

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Friday, June 22, 2007
I only have ONE thing to say.
It's Over.
Me and Josh are over.
I'm crying...I need comfort..

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Wow..I realized only post my own stuff every wednesday. Ah well..makes you wait a week i guess.
Let's see, in the past week...ah yes, on thursday i went on another date with josh, we went to peter piper and played DDR and stuff. It was fun, and Nadia was there with me too! yay. i loves her, again!
Friday was meh mum's b-day.
saturday i went shopping and stuffs.
sunday, i don't really remember too all, though it was josh's b-day. ^______^
monday..i don't remember either, wait, nope..
tuesday was gabriel's b-day and raeza spent the night...which we stayed up until 6 in the morn...and i'm awake here at 11:50-something, while she's asleep...haha..
I'm so bored, and as you can tell, not much is really going on. Well, maybe there is, but i just am not typing it..who knows. i'm weird like that. Talk to you guys later!

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