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Having such awesome friends that make me happy.
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Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto, Chobits, and DN Angel.
To be able to draw as well as Mishy, Nikki, and Nadia...
Drawing, Reading, and Writing
I dunno really..
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I'm going to keep this all straight and to the point.
Hehe. I'm happy. Last Thursday, Josh asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes. We went to the movies, kissed twice, and had a good time. I was scared of course. Being as this was my first kiss, boyfriend, and official date. Nadia and Fern were there for me. I love you guys!! We are going bowling tomorrow. I hope it will be fun too. I can't wait. Nadia is coming with me. And Raeza MIGHT, but she might not because her mum may want parental supervision, which won't be there...And NO, I'm not going to do anything bad..>_< Anyway, that's the BIGGEST highlight of my summer. And before you ask, yes my mum knows.
Love you!

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Long time, No Post
Hey. ^_^ I haven't posted in a whole week! =O
Well, first off,
I found out that I don't
need to go to
summer school because
I'm already far ahead.
AND, since I have a thing
to go to for Med High, I can
only take one semester, So I
can only take Health, which
won't benefit me at the High
School that I will be attending.
I'm going to dye meh hair soon,
in about two weeks or so. Yay,
for the purpleness. ALTHOUGH,
I am also considering holding that
off until the beginning of July for
a reason that follows:
Meh daddy wants to send me
and my sis off to my grandparents'
house all the way in Ohio for a month
or less. Probably in July or August.
I don't really wanna go for a reason
being that I always happen to
accidentally say something that I
do, or like to do, that she is totally
against. Ehhh...and another problem
is I'm Catholic and she's Baptist...
No big deal, 'cept going to church
with her. ANYWAY Being the
mean person I am, maybe I could
go and scare her with meh purple hair.
^_^ *giggles evily and stops* Wait a
second...*thinks*...Meh grandma was
a hair it wouldn't be such a big deal..
hmmph...I dunno. Should I go and leave this
little ol' town? You tell me.
So, how are you? Hope you are doing splendid. Tah tah and thanks for reading!

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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Last day of school
I cried. I cried so hard. I cried as soon as i got to school, and held it in for the rest of the day. Although after a thousand hugs, goddbyes, and the end i cried. I wasn't going to cry.
but it was Krystal.
ALL i wanted to get from the whole day was for you to hug me, and you did. I told Michelle that that would make my day complete and it came true. I just started crying after that. Thank you so much. you don't know how much that simple embrace meant to me. I love you for it. I want us to be friends again like we used to. I missed you for so long. I am willing to forgive you for everything. Just say the words. I really hope you read this. Call me if you do.
I will miss everyone...but all my mother's friends keep saying that high school will be better than middle school...i don't know...we'll see.
I plan on having a party soon...maybe the end of June, so free up your calenders and i'll let you know when it is. Maybe at peter piper, movies, or even my house...although there isn't much room at all here. I want to do it though, somehow. I cried all afterschool, from about 2:45 to about..*checks time* 3:20. I stopped a while ago. My mother hates to see me like this, and she keeps bringing up the fact that if i want to go to EHS instead of Med High, that i can, but I don't know. I may just stick to where i am already planned to go. and i hate this, i don't think i can take geometry in the summer because you have to have a 90 or better on your final and i got an 82. sucks, but my mom's not mad at me. PLEASE keep in touch my friends. I love you so much and i will keep in touch with you all too. I am going to post this on some other sites i go to, so if you see this in more than one place, you know why. Bye!!

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Monday, May 28, 2007
Ohmigosh! This week
is the last week of school!
I'm going to miss everyone so much!
I'm going to cry at school. I don't care if
it's a sissy move, but next year is high school.
I'm going to make an AMV/Friend Vid for my friends
at school. All I need is for them to send me
a really good picture of themself to my
email address. Thanks to those who do. I need those
pictures by TODAY. Thank you!
Last week we had a dance and movies at
school. It was alright overall. Most of
the dancing was that HIGHLY distubing, sexual
movement. >_< Eww..I danced to some of the
playful songs. ^^ ANd we watched shrek II.
I tried making a house of cards in advisory,
but Josh blew it down...-.- dumb butt.
Oh, I'm teaching myself how to play the guitar.
I'm not good, I don't let anyone hear me.
I've only half-mastered one string. =/ Darnitt, i'm
so slow....ah well, that's what I have the whole summer
for. Oh, I was thinking about starting a band. I already
have the perfect name for I just need people
to be in it with me. For some reason, I have a feeling
that it is going to go down the drain. It probably won't
even work out. I don't care, it's a dream I am looking
foreward to, whether it happens or not.
Questions!! Yes, this is like the only
way I know whether you read it or not.
1. Did you read the post or did you just skip to the
Harii: Well? What did you do?
2. Would you consider being in a band with me?
Harii: You tell me!
3. Any pointers on learning how to play the guitar?
Haarii: I'd like to know if you have any!
4. Any good site to find LEGAL, DOWNLOADABLE Anime
clips? I'm working on AMV's and I need some since
I just recently found the movie maker program on my compy.
Harii: *huggles* thanks you again!
Well, I shall talk to you all folks later. And I will try
to update on Wednesday when I'm laying on the floor in
a ball, crying my eyes out. ^^

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Hi Peeps. ^^
So, hi. Not much to say, but hi.
I got a haircut. How's short...i don't think anyone will notice..pssh...what a liar i am. OF COURSE people will notice. I just hope nobody says anything mean....*looks around*
I should be in bed...Bye guys.

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Saturday, May 19, 2007
This Week
Well, I've been basically branching my computer time to a bunch of different, if I don't post or comment, it's because I am busy. Let's see...this week I:
1. Made a new friend
2. Had fun on Field Day
3. Passed all of my state tests
4. Didn't see Shrek 3
Yeah...that's about all I can think of right now.
My grandpa is going to have surgery today...a dangerous one...i'm kinda scared...i just hope and pray that he will be okay.
Not much going on so I shall ask you some questions!
Y) How are you?
Harii: okay
O) What emotion are you feeling right now?
Harii: bored
U) Eye color?
Harii: *giggles* green.
R) Favorite Song?
Harii: Too many..I don't have a favorite.
M) Favorite Anime/Manga?
Harii: Loveless, Ouran High School Host Club, and Naruto.
O) Worst emotion to feel?
Harii: Sick
M) Goal this summer?
Harii: To color my hair and to try and make new friends.
Thanks a bunch guys!!

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Monday, May 14, 2007
Hey Guys!! How are you doing?!!? Glad bunches of you guys liked my new theme...
So yes, what are you doing right now? I'm sitting here writing a post, talking on MSN, on two other sites and watching about multitasking!! So yeah, I am doing pretty well. ^_^ Not much new is going on...
I am so bored though...O_O it's crazy...well, better go do some stuffs..tah tah meh loves. ^_^
*looks outside because she hears a cute little jingle* HOLY COW!! IT'S THE ICE CREAM MAN!!!!
1. Are there any characters you are presently trying to draw?
Harii: Yup...Ritsuka and Soubi...>_<
1. How old are joo? O_o
Harii: WHAT?!?! Why do you wanna know that!?!? It's so....CONFIDENTIAL!! Nah, I'm just kidding..I'm 14. ^_^
1. What are you doing this summer?
Harii: Let's see, I will be; Dying my hair, Going to San Antonio for the FIRST time, uh...going to this thing for the high school i plan on going to...and hopefully have a party with my friends at meh house. I PROMISE to be a goodie girl so i can possibly get Gabriel and Brandon to come..>_< Hope fully meh dad will be okay with it...ANYWAY!
1. Did you notice how ALL the questions are nimbered number ONE?
Harii: Nope..NO WAY!! how did this happen?!!?

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Friday, May 11, 2007
New Theme
Yes, my new theme is now up. Although, it is not visible in Firefox. It can be seen best in Insternet Explorer. So, to see it, use internet explorere. TO see my regualar gir one, use firefox. ^_^ Dunno how to fix it...may have to sk mishy.. ^_^ Anywho, hope you likse it! tell me what you think!!

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Thursday, May 10, 2007
New Theme
Hello! With the school year almost over, I have decided to change my background and blog images in a tribute to all my friends. I will miss them VERY much...I love you guys a lot.
Oh yes, and no school tomorrow, so PM, Call, Email, ect. I shall be here!!

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Hello day was almost perfect, until the end of the day. I cried...wanna know why? PM me...*sigh* ah well, i shouldn't let it bother me.
I went to a baseball game, which i only saw the first inning...yah know, they had a search for the most beautiful fan in the crowd and some old lady won..i'm telling you..that thing was RIGGED!!! ah well. ^_^
Well, not much else going on, just drinking my coke...^_^ Buh-Bye!!

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