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Having such awesome friends that make me happy.
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Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto, Chobits, and DN Angel.
To be able to draw as well as Mishy, Nikki, and Nadia...
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I dunno really..
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Monday, May 7, 2007
Hello everyone!! Am I ever happy!! Wooh! How are you?!
So yes, I went to school in my pretty-fulls dress. Alotta people liked it, so I got plenty of compliments. That made me really happy. ^_^ Who knew someone like me could be beautiful? Not that I see myself as ugly, I just always thought I wasn't so attarctive...=/
Let's see, I went to school, got super nervous and almost wanted to throw up, got ignored by the one girl that I've been DYING to talk to, and went to algebra tutoring. The test is Wednesday, but since I have a field trip, I will be taking it on Thursday. Gladly.
*hugs self* I've been super happy! I was trying to tell my teacher about a sad thing that happened and she said "That's not funny."..Yikes, I must have been's not my fault I was happy! Then I went on and ate a bunch of pixie sticks at much that I lost count after the fourth one..>_< Hehe...I'm sooo good.
So yes, enough abou tme, lemme ask you some questions!
1. Do you have a best friend?
>>>Harii: Nope, I wish I did though...Luckily I have plenty of good friends, and some that are more special than others.
2. In a person, do you prefer looks over personality?
>>>Harii: Seems like a trick question...of course not, but some people do..Idiots...-.-
3. What makes you happy?
>>>Harii: Getting Hugs and Listening To Techno/Dance music. Put those things together and you've got love baby! XDDD, thanks for reading. I HIGHLY appreciate the time you spend. ^_^ Love you alls! Bye!

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Saturday, May 5, 2007
Normally you would see me with a confused smiley. *pokes mood* But today I feel almost satisfied.
Last night Michelle spent the night. We had fun, and I almost threw up...grrr. As I do with some of my friends when they spend the night, my mother buys us a box of fortune cookies.Well, I ate too many..not good. The creepy thing was that all the fortunes in the cookies seemed to finish off where the last one left was creepy. X_X Mishy didn't go home until about 5 o'clock today. We had a very in depth convorsation that actually "cured" almost all my confusion. I can't believe it, but it was true. We cleared up the things that we've done wrong and mistakes we've made. I honestly feel so much better. Thanks Michelle for pointing out the obvious things that I obviously didn't quite pick up on. I now know what I need to fix, and what-not.
So yes, I am doing great. After Mitch left, I went to the store and bought a dressie. I shall where it on Monday, PROMISE!
Oh yes, if anyone wants to talk to me about absolutely ANYTHING, I would appreciate it so much. Have a great evening all, I shall talk to you later.
Love Forever,

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Thursday, May 3, 2007
Last night I went to bed around 10:30 pm. As I was asleeps, someone in my dream told me, "Listen to this." So, I woke up. Then a thuderstorm hit. I promised myself I wouldn't fall aspleep until it passed. But then I heard one crack of thunder that was unlike any of the others. It sounded like a triple thunder..or so. I just layed there in my bed. Then I started to hear people talking. I just listened, even though the people really weren't there. Then I finally got curious, so I looked out the window. It was about 2:30 in the morning. The house across the street was in flames. I woke up my family, and just stood there, frozen with shock. I couldn't believe one second of it. Finally, my father got word that the family wasn't home. Thank you Lord. The fire devoured the roof of the house, luckily it was eventually put out. Although the trauma from it all haunted me throughout night, and the smell of the smoke made me nausious, everything went by alright. I am just glad that nobody got hurt. The whole situation confused me, and I didn't know what to do. I called Michelle, and she was awake. Even if you didn't know what to say, it was just the fact that you were there that made me feel so much better. Thank You. Well, I better go, you may PM me if you'd like. And for my local friends, I shall see you at school.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Hello! I feel so uppity today! How are you feeling?
I went to school and did my thing. Not much happened. I helped some peeps in algebra. ^^ Yay! The downside was that the answer for one of them i knew it was wrong, but Alex insisted he put it up...and he did. guess what?!?! the answer was wrong. It was humiliating. I felt so embarrased. Luckily, no one really kept up the subject that I was wrong. So, much better. ^^
I drew two pictures last night. One was of Chii, it was pretty, the other, well, i won't say. Nikki knows..*shifty eyes*
*pokes self* YAY! i discovered a hidden talent! I can actually draw pictures on MSN messenger that look good! It's crazy!
I was checking my email a second ago and i got a myspace newsletter..when the heck did i join myspace?!?!?! i never did..let alone, NEVER will. I went to the site and put my email in so i can get the word for the account..when i get it...grr...i will DELETE THE ACCOUNT!! MUAHAHAHA! that'll teach those bustards to mess with the ever-valiant Harii!
I better go for now..and thanks Gabriel for the cake. ^^ I felt guilty to say yes, but your persuasive skills..gah! i couldn't thanks anywho. ^^

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Sunday, April 29, 2007
I'm So Happy!
Hello!! How are you?!!?
My daddy took me to the book store! I bought Chobits 2&3 with my own money. I feel awesome! Those books crack me up, I love 'em soooo much! Tee-hee. Even if they are a little perveted at times, doesn't really bother me!
Now for some not-so-happy news. My mom is still going to make me the dress, but she told me she won't take me to the anime cons...i have to find someone to go with, or just no go at all because she says they are too far away. sucks..but ah well!
Umm..and the pain in my legs stopped, but I didn't grow..figures..I may as well stay Five foot three inches (or two, not sure) for the rest of my life..^^
Cutting...grr...i don't do that! and no it wasn't drugs..-.- I don't do that either...I'm smart! Hmm....What was I going to do? Tell somebody something very important but seeing as they never respond to my messages, fudge it. If I wasn't meant to tell them, then I guess i may as well keep it that way. For all I know it may be Destiny or Fate..whatever. Dumbo..-.-, ah well, saved me from humilating myself I guess.
Hmm..I better go..Bye!

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Saturday, April 28, 2007
Good Morning fellow Otaku-ers. XD
Haha, I sound smart. =P Anywho, I think I have decided to cosplay as Chii from chobits. My hair isn't long enough, considering that it only touches my shoulders. Heck, taht's what wigs are for, right?
My mother has agreed to make me the dress I want, although I still have to find out if I can even go to a Con this summer or not. I hope so. If not, then I'm stuck wearing the costume for Halloween, or any "special" dance we have next year in High School. Sucks, but, who cares. I may submit it after it's all done, that is, if it looks good enough. ^^
So, last night I went to bed early because my legs were hurting...dunno why. I slept for a long time...and my dream was very random and confusing...ah well. ^^ How was your night of sleep? Not much going to happen today..I was supposed to go shopping, but once again, something came up...figures yah know.
And those of you who thought of the suspicious was NOT cutting! I don't do was something else though..but i didn't do it. BYE!

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Friday, April 27, 2007
Hello everyone!!
Today I got to go on a field trip to the movies and was fun..well, for the most part. Let's see, at the movies..hmm, we got there and i gots meh stuff and yeah. We watched meet the robinsons...that movie made me wanna cry, in the happy way. ^^ I liked it. So yes, my sister told me that her friend sat next to me and Michelle and said that we were "loud." Loud...tee-hee...NICE! It was good, me and Mishy guessed correctly on how the movie would end, well, anout half of it. XDD It was great! Then we went to was alright..not the best time i've ever had, but it'll do. I got a's pretty. ^^ It made me really happy, all i needed was a hug to make my day perfect, but nah, i didn't get one. Mishy was going to give me one, but i didn't hug her...darnnit...i should have. Ah yes, i had great fun with Kanabi and Kelsey...we played poker!! I won several times, and i had the most stuffs in the that was fun, at least it was for me!
Ughhh...i ate pizza for lunch, then came home to find that i was going to be eating pizza for dinner...TOO MUCH PIZZA!! ah well, figures yah know.
Hmmm, not much else is going on, i'm still thinking about doing something tonight, but i'm not sure if i should or's a tough thing to do. Ah well, i may as well give it a shot. ^^
Tah tah for now!! Ah yes, and how was your day?
P.S. Miss Kira tagged are four things about myself!!
1. I LOVE the color green.
2. I've never kissed anyone.
3. I don't care about fashion.
4. I like to talk to myself.
alrighty then..i tag these people:

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I have no idea what today is...
Hello you all. I just got home a while ago from school. When i got home i thought i had lost my hair thing on the walk here, so i walked from my house, all the way to the bus stop and back, a whole block, with no trace of it. I walked in my BARE feet in the blistering sun. I crossed the street TWICE! And speaking of blistering, i think i may have two blisters on the bottom of my feet...they hurt.. ;_; I came into my room and there it was just, laying there on the floor. Stupid hair thing..darn you!!
So yeah, Zeke apologized for being the way he was yesterday...*glares* i still don't like dad likes to tease me about him...grrr...
I've been feeling quite ignored lately by many of my friends....they will speak to me, but most of the time it's pure silence....i feel like i did something wrong and i don't even know what i did...i'm very confused.
I want to apologize to kelsey for picking you in spanish to pronounce the words aloud...i didn't know you were struggling..i feel terrible...I'm sorry.
Also we are writing essays in English and i wrote one about my friend...i didn't use her name, but i dunno...i let nadia read it, and i watched her as she read it and i don't think she liked it....Yes, i'm sorry too just comes out of my hand, mind, and may be too personal, or wretched to read, but it's what i i portray things that happen to others.
I hate how always when i write stuff that actually means something nobody comments, well, maybe only one or two's sorta sad, but thank you to those who do take the time to read what i have to say. ^^ I apprecate it alot. It makes me feel loved.
Well, hope your day was better than mine!!

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Hello my fellow beings!
Hello! Today I went to mishy, no brandon, no basically, it was a pretty quiet day! (aside from kanabi's constant giggling, kelsey's evil glares, nikki's enchilada feddish XD, and Nadia's manly part as the Friar. XDDDD)
Well, I am here typing on my lap because my brother's teacher is here and using my computer chair, so, I am having hecks of troubles trying not to make any typos. It's HARD!
I got a 90 on the algebra homework because I made a stupid mistake, ah well, there is always next time. We gots more homework, and surprisingly...I understand it!! So, yes, that makes me VERY happy. ^^
Zeke was being a butthole today....darn him! grrrr...if you wanna know why just PM me. I don't feel like talking about it, grrr. Stupid men and their huge egos...(sorry to the boys that i talk to. XD) Ah well, maybe not all men, just the majority.
Yay! My mommy brought me some tea! *sips* mmm....good....
Well, that about wraps up my day!! Anything interesting happen in yours? Well, talk to you all later!

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Monday, April 23, 2007
Today was dull...i don't understand my algebra homework, and i need help. I wish there was someone out there to help me for once, instead of the other way around. I just don't understand it and it is killing me. If you can help me, please call. Thank you for caring if you do.
"Well, life's too confusing for words to say. Too much to be said, but so little words. I like you and I wish I could tell you, but I am scared. And if I do, it may ruin our friendship. So, i hide it all and keep it to myself, letting it bite at my skin everytime I see you. It hurts, but what doesn't nowadays?" *sigh* what a relief. I've been waiting to say that for a long time. -.-' whew. hmmm, you can take it as total nonsense if you must. ^^ Just wanted to put it out there.
Well, not much went on today. How was yours?
Thanks for reading!!

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