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Having such awesome friends that make me happy.
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Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto, Chobits, and DN Angel.
To be able to draw as well as Mishy, Nikki, and Nadia...
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I dunno really..
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Friday, April 20, 2007
Hewo!! How was your day??
My morning was..hmm..what can i call it..cute? Yeah, i'll say that. ^^ Why, might you ask? well, cuz i walked into 2nd period and was sitting there all alone waiting for the teacher let us go get breakfast. Zeke walked in and sat down in his usual spot next to me. Surprisingly he had a sammich with him, and i asked him what kind. You will neva believe what kind it was..PB&J!!! yeah, so then he gave meh a high five and asked if i wanted half, and of course i said, sure. ^^ Hehe, kinda reminded me of Karin and Kenta from chibi vampire. XDD it was cute..and before you ask..No i don't like him as more than a least i don't think..XDD
well, not much else happened...PM me or call!!

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Before you read this, please don't think i'm trying to get pity and such..i am not trying to be like "A girl whom must not be named." It's just something that is bothering me that i need to let out since some of meh friends aren't answering their phones...*pokes* Well, Here it goes:
Lately Confusion has been harboring my mind and life. Mixed emotions have been running through my veins. The signs of others aren't as clear as they used to be. Everyone depends on me to burden their secrets...It's not as easy as you may think. If you think holding in your own feelings is hard, what if you had to hold everyone else's also? It's hard and i hope nobody else in the world has to go through what i have to go through. ^^
So, yeah, pretty confusing day for meh..Hmm, so how was yours? Oh, thanks nadia for staying with meh at lunch, it was a blast..*puckerfish* HAH! don't worry, i won't say a word..but it is sooo funneh. Ah well, just another thing i must hide from the world...
I feel that by this post nobody will tell me anything anymore or that they will leave me in the dust, but that's not what i want, keep telling me what you already are, it can't get much worse. Some of you understand, and sorry if you get offended by this, its just something i felt like getting off my chest, it was hurting me... Well, better go...
P.S. On a lighter note, I will be starting chapter two of my fan fiction VERY soon! Thanks to those who enjoyed, and sorry to those who didn't...

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
***Another Yesterday***Another Today***Another Tomorrow***
Hey everyone. How's it going? Today was the day of the big state test, just the math though...i am pretty sure i passed, dunno if i got commended though..:/ HOPE I DID! And don't worry meh buddies, you all passed for sure, you are all very smart. ^^
Wahh..i have to reprint my fan fiction..mishy lost it..i think. all i know is she neva gave it back..but that's okay!! Things happen.
OOH! i drew a pic looks good, but not as good as one of my other ones. tee-hee. oh yeah, i got my report card..all A's baby!! and all 96 and above. Meh mum will be so proud of me!! All in all my day was a mix of emotions, luckily it ended so far in happiness. ^^
Well, tah tah everyone!!

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Saturday, April 14, 2007
My eyes hurt...ouchies...
Hello everyone! today i volunteered and picked up was alright, luckily i had meh buddies there to make it betta. My eyes are killing me and eghh i have to study for the TAKS...i'm scared about it. Yah...not much to post because my day was dull as grey. So, i will ask you questions, and yes they are kinda weird so don't yell at meh! >_<
1. What is love?
Harii: Confusing. XD
2. What makes you fall in love with someone?
Harii: Honestly, it is all about personality for me. If a guy can make me laugh or make me feel happy around him, then that's all i really need. To feel special and happy, well besides the respect, honesty, and trust stuff. ^^ Looks don't matter to me, but actions do.
3. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Harii: I am not afraid to say this, so, yes I do...who doesn't? XD
Well, Bye for now!! PM me or call if you have my number. ^^

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Hey guys..first off i would like to thank Michelle for coding my site for me. Thanks, it means alot to me.
Secondly, i would like to say that i wrote 6 whole poems today...topics you ask? hmm, shy love, sadness, fake friendships, telling secrets, one that i dedicated to michelle, and lastly one about relieving pain..yesh that one may sound "emo" and i guess it kind of is, but i hate labeling things like that.
Hmm, wondering what inspired me? well, let's see, love..uh, yeah, that's personal, sadness..after i accidentaly threw a snicker's bar on mishy's painting, sorry. ;_; , fake friendships, inspired by nadia's great points, telling secrets..that was inspired by krystal and by past experiences, one was inspired by a break up, and the last one about pain relief was inspired by a past experience from a friend.. ALOT of these were inspired by a certain person, and she probably knows who she is. ^^ And i wanna thank you for helping me bring back a passion that i had lost.
well, i spent soo much time with meh family.. O_O.. now i can get on for an hour until 9 pm which is when my father and i shall watch the movie "See no Evil." Looks interesting..hope it's good. ^^
well, bye for now guys.. i know this post may only be pertained to certain people and i'm sorry if you feel left out..but don't worry, i have questions!!
1. Fave color?
Harii: GREEN!!
2. Eye Color?
Harii: GREEN!!
3. If I wanted to do something that I had never tried before, and you knew it was wrong from past experience or whatever, what would you do? (EXPLAIN!!)
Harii: ^^
Well, can't think of anymore..Bye!!

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Monday, April 9, 2007
Yup, today is monday and i'm stuck at the house all day...i have no idea what to do. i wish i could go somewhere but meh dad iss at work and meh mum is doing errands all day. Well, at least it isn't all sunny. Not much to say, so i will ask you questions!!
1. Like the new theme?
Harii: sorta, but some things could change.
2. Why or why not?
Harii: i'm just curious.
3. Do you like fortune cookies?
Harii: ughh, never mention those two words to me together for a while...
4. if one day i was with you and we were involved in an accident, you were okay, but now i suffer amnesia..what would you do?
Harii: wow..i like that scenario. ^^
Anywho, i've been wanting to write a love poem for sometime, like i have told many of you, so i made one up right quick. How do ya like it?
I want, I wish
i want to get to know you better,
i want to see your face once more,
i want to hold it in the palm of my hands,
i want to be with you and soar,
i wish our are hearts could sing a song,
i wish our eyes could see as one,
i wish we would never be apart,
i wish, i wish it could all be done.
Also, you can post how you like it and anything regarding the poem on your post..doesn't botha meh on bit!
well, i will be here for quite some time today, and i have nothing to do at home..if you have meh number feel free to call meh.
*** Harii, Hil, Hyllari, Larry, Hi-Larry ***

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