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myOtaku.com: ChibiIchigo

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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fraiken (03/22/06)

I like your site. Kingdom Hearts is really cool.

preciousrosepetal (03/20/06)

kool site i like it i luv the song once apon a december awsome

cloudyboy (03/19/06)

OMG I LOVE YOUR SITE ITS AWESOME!!!I LOVE KINGDOM HEARTS ^-^!!!!You have awesome pictures ^-^V I like the song too hey I LOVE your background ^^ lets just say YOUR WHOLE SITE KICKS BUTT!!!!!!!!!im going to go and add you as my friend now ^-^ oh and YOUR SITE RULES!!!!!!!!

ConfusedinLove (03/17/06)

I like ur site pm me sometime

evileye elf (03/15/06)

Hola nice site your colors are just awsome and your avi is cute well later

linkinuzelos (03/14/06)

I love your site!!!!! It is so cool! I love kingdom hearts!! I don't own a playstation, but i borrowed one from someone and played it. Could i join some of your fan clubs? Im adding you as a friend too! ;)
i really like Tsubasa, dnangel, kenshin and a lot of the one's you like....you should come visit my site! ;p
ttfn! (ta ta for now)

munky krazy (03/12/06)

Hey tHERe
NicE sITe You gOT HeRE...I'LL bE AddIn' You,
C Ya ,

Dark Spirit 21 (03/12/06)

HEY, For some reason I can't comment on your site, so I figured I would just come and sign your GB instead. I couldn't remember if I signed yours yet and aparently I didn't. Well I really like your site, its super cool.

sapphire kitsune (03/11/06)


i forgot ur name for a minite..*hides* sorry don't hurt me...

i'll add you...take ur time getting back to me..schools got me insain too..


grimreaper666 (03/10/06)


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