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myOtaku.com: ChibiIchigo

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Dark Moonlight (01/18/06)

hey!! whats up? well sorry to say that and animedreamer arnt its oaky though we are all good freinds lovealchemist and i are really good friends and shes my great buddy! but its okay....hey i love your site btw ill add ya as a firned ttyl bye for now!

Evil Akito (01/15/06)

Thanks for signing my guestbook.
You have a very nice site.
It's very nice.
Well, take care.

thaoiRYU (01/12/06)


hahah i like your site...kawaii lil bgpic u have XD

hmm well yes i love your site l_lb well gotta go so JA and dammit have a nice day! xP

bloomfire (01/09/06)

am hermany love amine showws and mewmewpower too and add me as a firend

sylver rain (01/06/06)

One late reply coming right up.

Umn, u signed my gb last year, october. My apologies for not replying sooner. Samurai Champloo? Why yes I have watched it. Uber cool, wasn't it? Same director (or something) of Cowboy Bebop. Shinichiro Watanabe me thinks. He is.. brilliant. Aghh... the SC ending was very nice, wasn't it?

sasuke fanatic (01/05/06)

hey! i REALLY love your site! it is sooo awesome! ^^ anywayz, come by and see my site, and maybe sign my GB while ur there...T_T. mkay! bye!


strike17 (01/04/06)

wow, this is a great place, i love the colors,people think im weird, pink is my fave color,lmao you are one busy person....* ummm? is that girl in your bg signaling that im a loser with the big L thing?* srry random thoughts,lol, i added you as a friend, hope you do the same c'ya round ~sana

naruto290 (01/02/06)

yo cool site i like the back ground its awesome come see my site sometime
ps ill add ya seeya

rinoa392 (01/02/06)

I love your site music. it is uber kawaii and bouncy. I love your site layout too. Yay, pink!

Mewprincess (01/01/06)

Hey! Your site is soooooo AWESOME!!! Stop by my site if you have the chance. I added you as a friend, too.

PS. I'm a MAJOR fan of TMM!!! ^^

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