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myOtaku.com: ChibiIchigo

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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HardLuckWoman (11/16/04)

Hey! Love the site. It's really good.
Swing by my site sometime and sign the guestbook. oh ya, I'm adding you in as a friend also.

Zero Tolerance
The Eternal Vash Obessie

ninasan (11/14/04)

Hey! Love you site! Cyoot background!!! Gonna add you as a friend, kay? Come by and sign my gb!

Tisakitaharou (11/10/04)

i taged you now you tag me. I add you as a friend! I love your site and your song! Where did you get it from? Tag me soon!

Kishima (11/10/04)

hi thank for the messange, i may need a little help on some thing and I will be more than happy to recieve your help. I love your site it has really good pictures.

Batboysgirl (11/08/04)

Hi!I love your site and thanx for signing my gb.Raishinshi is off an anime called Soul Hunter just to let you know.If you want to see it,you could probably by it at best buy.I'm adding you as a friend,bye!

Neko Goth (11/07/04)

Hi thanks for signing my guestbook but i kinda accidently deleted what you wrote it was an accident ok no hard feelings you cold write it again if you want ok? oh yeah I'm adding you as a friend

crobo (11/07/04)

Ohyowza I love your site! It's so colourful and professional and stuff. You must be goot with compoopers. s_s

I love the ccs background, very kawaii! I'm going to add you as a fwend if that be okies.....byeeee!!! ^____^

hunnixbunni (11/06/04)

Hi! Hey, I juss put random and It got u! lol. Well, kool site!!! I hope u don't mind if I add u? Well, sign ma guest book!! cya^_^


mouse bag (11/06/04)

Hi there I love your site, so absolutely beautiful! I LOVE FURUBA TOO!

Willow (11/05/04)


Thanks so much for signing my guestbook! Wow, your site's really nice, I can tell you've worked hard on it! Yay Fruits Basket!!! ^_^ Hope to see ya around, laters...

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