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myOtaku.com: ChibiIchigo

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Guestbook Entries:

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2lovinuyasha (09/09/04)

OMG OMG your site its soo cool Great job. I love inuyasha too. Can I add u as my friend I hope u will do the same =^_^=

Klaha (09/07/04)

whoa buddy. dude ur site ...has so been worked on. It looks good though, very enternaining!

Mimi zu (09/07/04)

HIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!! you signed my gb, so im signing yours. sorry i did this late...anyways, i reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy loveeeeeeeeeee your cite!!!!!!!!!! its the coolest everrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!

darkwolfgirl (09/07/04)

woah i love all of the inuyasha things cool site ill add u as a friend and can u add u botton plz thz l8r

dark13 (09/06/04)

OMG!!! your site is amazing.i love inuyasha it would have to be my favorite anime of them all.i'm going to add you as a friend hope you don't mind.

inu-neko-yasha (09/06/04)


KinkyKittyMewMew (09/06/04)

It's nice too see another cool Inuyasha/ Tokyo Mew Mew fan around the otaku and stuffs so now I have to name you ...... your name will be.......... MOO-B!!! Yayayay Moo-B

Kogasgrl16 (09/05/04)

Hi! This is Kogasgrl16 and I must tell you that there is absolutely NO competition between me and you for Koga. You can have him! I want Inuyasha! Grrr.... just kidding! =^.^=...... I love the backround for ur site! Me like, me like, me like!
Laters! ^.^

Kagurademon (09/05/04)

Hi I just love Inuyasha! All anime you like I like too! Did you know that they r making a show called Mew Mew Power it is on the foxbox. I love yr site the background's awesome! Help me understand tokyo mew mew better I will add you as a friend.

Seth (09/04/04)

Hey waz up I jope yull sign my gb any who I am going to add you as a friend hope you do the same c ya.Later

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