Birthday 1991-12-01 Gender
Female Location Down the rabbit hole. Member Since 2004-06-03 Real Name Tedders/Nezumi
Achievements Nothing. Anime Fan Since Since I can remember? I think? Favorite Anime GodChild Cain Saga Loveless Ouran Highschool HostClub DNAngel XXXholic Legal Drug Hobbies Drawing Cosplay DDR Talents I don't have any. ChibiIchigo
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hey guys.
Hi! I beleive I am finished with my cosplay~! wheee! Im so happy! lol I also went to frightfest and 6flags with zelda and nyx along with iggy -not twiggy- It was fun. ^^ lol I am going over to twiggy's today so thatll be nice ne? I am a but ired though.. oh well. I will survive! lol The con is next week cant wait! lol well Im off takecare. Comments (2) |
Friday, October 13, 2006
Hey peoples Im sorry I havent been updating lately. Ive been doing alot of preparing for the con and trying to stsy on top of my homework.Im not even sure if Ill be able to visit anyone today because Im going oer to Zelda's to help her wih her cosplay. ^^ she decided to be the kh version of yuna so now we have 2/3s of the gullwings going. We need a paine and we will be complete! XXD lol well Ill try to visit today but i DONT PROMISE ANYTHING K? TAKE CARE. Comments (5) |
Monday, October 9, 2006
I made an amv!
It been awhile since I have made one of those, ne? ^^ lol well yeah, I found a place witha shitload of clips I used for the video, if you able to see it, watch it and tell what you think, please? You dont have to watch it but Id highly appreciate it. Its pretty RikuSora ish as well so if that makes you uncomfortable dont watch k? here it is.
well I hope you liked please give me some feedback its most appreciaTED well im off, takevcare. Comments (5) |
Sunday, October 8, 2006
Tis late..
lol tis very late.. teehee I just got done rearranging my room. My coputer connection kept geting cut off so I had to move it. I dont think Iwill have any problems now. heh heh.. well I did alot of work on my cosplay we nearly got the arm warmers done, justhave to sew em together and same with the top. Then Ill just have to work on the head wrap. ^^ Im so glad its comin together, wee! lol well Im off, takecare. Comments (6) |
Friday, October 6, 2006
Hey everyone
Today is finally friday. ^^ w00t! Ill be seeing twiggy today. Im so happy. although, I really do need to type a paper but that can wait, ne? ^^ lol thanks so much to all of you for your comments. unfortunately, I dont have a sewing machine and I have to do it all by hand... isok though. my motor skills will get better or something right? lol well Im off for now. take care. Comments (6) |
Thursday, October 5, 2006
Hey everyone!
-if you are confused on what Im talking asbout, get a small glompse of my post beforer this one-Wegot everything for my cosplay at wallamart wee! I was so happy. ^^ Last night, I worked on Rikku'sskirt and looks magnificent. But I need some velcrow or it wont work. I ean I do have the velcrow but I dont know how to keep it in thefabric. I tried sewing it but to no avail/. I also tried finding the hot glue gun but couldnt find that. oh well. This weekend me and my ma will work on it. My older sister is going to knit me the scarf!@ haha! well Im off take care. ^^ andIll try to visit sites today. Comments (6) |
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Art club was fun. we masde origami fish!wee! lol we also nominated people for prresident and vieresisent and such. I was nominated for vice president but the guy I am up against is much more popular than I am so I think I am going to lose unfortunately.. but tis ok. ^^ wee! For the con, I am going to try pulling off a cosplay as the kh version of Rikku from ffx ^^ teehee! me and ma are going to walmart for the fabrics and such . here is a picture. cool ne? I wont have the blond hair but Ill be able to style it like that so I do not think it will be an issue. weell Im off ciao! Comments (2) |
Monday, October 2, 2006
Mondays suck..
I hate mondays! They are so depressing.. XP they suck! majorly! well anyways, today at least wehave art club. wee! lol ^^ Oh I added a little image to the site -points above- I thought it was so cute. Axel and Roxas -who looks alot like Sora- dancing. ^^ teehee! It goes withthe beat of the musica little bit. quite funny, ne? lol well Im off take care! Comments (5) |
Sunday, October 1, 2006
Teehee! me and ma got picture crazy!
Huzah! today is October first! 21 more days till the con Anime Reactor woohoo! Well today, I was looking on my myspace and I was like 'hey, I think I need more pictures' and my ma was like 'your right...Lets break out the camera phone!' and I was like 'wee!' and so we took pictures! I also played with a few of them on the gimp! here are a few of them I am quite happy with.
I was very happy on how these 3 came out. I also made some fanart with gimp so take a look. lol well bleach is coming on.. whee! ciao for now! Comments (6) |
Saturday, September 30, 2006
sorry for changing the theme so suddenly. ^^'''
I apoligze for changing the theme so suddenly Ill get the axelroxas theme for next month, ok? ^^ for now, enjoy dnangle. lol well I hung out with twiggy today and amangedto get to afew sites. iIve been sorta flaky lately. Im sorry. wel today, kiyame is going to come over and she is going to practice for her aution in the speech team. I was going to but I found out it was vey time comsuming so I decided not to. well I am off. take care. Comments (8) |