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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
realizing things...
Ive been realizing alot of things lately....I am nothing...without my friends...I kno I have all my friedns on myo but by the looks of it all my good firends are nowhere near me...it makes me so sad Im no in any classes with my closest firends...It makes me...wana cry oh crap Im getting weepy.. I am trying to hard to stay strong but I really need them with me by my side or we will eventuially split up...that is my worst nightmare I dont want that to happen I really dont want anything to change I want everything to remain as it is Im such a wimp...
Im going to change the subject... well today I went over to twiggys and found out she has totally different classes than me so I wont be ble to se her very much.... but she has been letting me borrow a manga called Imadoki I just got finished with the last two volumes it made me happy and sad at the same time... Crappit! I cant get this thought out of my head... I dont want to seperate dammit!!! I hate this stupid arrangement I dont want to confront hihschool alone...I dont.. well I have to go for now take care
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Monday, August 8, 2005
Henno there ^^
Hey everyone kya! nothing really happened today I took a nice long walk today while listening to the fruba soundtrack and I ot to stay home alone ahhh....the quiet felt great ^^ teehee ^^ well I tlaked to kiyame and zelda today there in one class together but Im not with anyone I feel lonely lol well I have to go for now I apoligize for having nothing to talk about today ^^ teehee gotta go for now take care! p.s this is my gaia character 
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
Henno everyone ^^
Todaay was an ok day I guess I went shopping for school and such I still need supplies but I got trigun pins and really cools tops ^^ I got this one that says " I heart kyo" another one with this pretty fairy on it and one more ewith full metal alchemist on it ^^ I was going to get a kuroneko sama one but hot topic costs too much as it is but I was happy oh I also saw a trigun jack hoodie thingy but there were only xtra larges that sucked but i got a nimntendo one like that and its really cool ^^ when we got home I disocered htere is a small hole in the kyo shirt I think I will sew it up so it wont get any worse lol well I have to go for now please take care!
p.s Im sry if I didnt get to some of you today
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
Henno everyone...
Things arent looking up...my kitty is sick again and wont stop barfing the porr thing and I am trying to keep my sister from throing him outside hes an outdoor kitty and all but he cant defend hiself he cant even walk right
my friend zleda just dumped her boyfirend and feels really really bad about it but she relaly wnats to be firends with him and he hast caleld her back so she doesnt know what he wants right now
to put htings on a better note I watch alice in wonderland I was just rummaging through my rpaes and i realized I had it so I watched it and I think a caterpillar was smoking marohuana lol but it was funny and I saw the defender of my site the good ol cheshire cat lol oh and I got my purple contacts they look cool Ill try to get osme pcitureslol well I have ot go for now take car p.ds my ocm is screwed up so itll be hard ot visit sites so dont be mad at me if I dont visit
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Friday, August 5, 2005
Henno everyone kya! ^^
Im going to make this short lol cause Im in them iddle of playing kingdom hearts lol ^^ I finally beat nightemare before christmas and atlantica levels I always get stuck there for osmereason its odd well noe I beat htem all and i als beat neverland along with all the battle cup thinies in the herculese level lol well I have ot go now must continue lol i found the key to lockingg herculese level lol well gotta go for now buhybe!
p.s i was feeling bad earlier but ryo-kun helped me so please go visit his site it will make him extra happy click me!
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
Kya! ^^
Hey everyone today I got registered it was kinda fun I guess maybe cuase it was my first itme ever getting registetrede that way lol oh!
I was reading thias amgizine and it was so freakin hilarious I read htis articale about famous people being cosplayed as poplular anime characters yteehee! Jesse mcarteney was edward elric XD! and elijah wood was Yuki sohma double XD
well I have to thank Sesshoumaru25 for her imnsspiration for drawing more her drawings are amazing you guys should really visit her site and take a look ^^ well I have to go for now take care!
p.s I got a new magizine in the mail its called takuhai its gfree to subscirbe just go to toykopop.com kya! buhbye!
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Hnno everyone
UI feel so much bbetter thank you all very much for your support I still feel bad dropping all my probalems on you all
well Zelda is sleeping over tonight Im not mad at her anymore lol I cant hold a grudge for too long lol I cant stand it lol so she is sleeping over Kya! well she told me alot of the musical wicked and we were drawing while listening to cd teheee i MIGHT PUT UP SOME MORE FANART LATER TEEHEE ^___^ LOL WELL TOMMARROW IS SCHOOL REGISTERATION SO i GOTTAL OOK MY BEST ^__^ AND I MGIHT GO CLOTHES SHOPPING TOMMARROW TOO i THINK iLL GET ALOT OF ANIME SHIRTS THIS YEAR TO REPERSENT NY PERSONALITY TEEHEE! WELL i HAVE TO GO FOR NOW PLEASE TAKE CARE! -damn caplocks- buhbye!!!
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Hey everoyne
gig everyone I know many of you think I dont visit oyur site but I noticed that alot of you update a little too ;ate before i can get to you Im sorry
well Ive been feeling lousy lately Im trying really hard to smile but sometimes it feels like it gets harder and harder My family doesnt make it any better my oldest sister constantly critisizes me saying " You cant do anything right" "whats your freaking problem" "quit repeating your dam self' It hurts and my seconds eldest sister -are very speical "diva- always barges into my room and takes all the cute stuff I have so I have to use ring cases and crappy stuff sand to top it all off my little brother doesnt listen to me even though I am older and does everyhting in his power to piss me off I feel as if Im complianing Im sorry I reall shouldnt be dropping my problems omn you all I have been having trouble with my parents as well like my dad for example hes gets mad at me too easily Im afraid there is osmething wrong same with my mom I hope everything gets cleared up I cant take this stress very well...It really hard on me... well I have to go for now
p.s Im getting purple contacts
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Monday, August 1, 2005
Henno everyone
I wannted to change the theme so I have htis one lol I made poem and put it on a picture here it is well today my mom was harping at me telling me I sleep too much but I cant help it I stay up so late i whs shed get off my back but I know she loves me teehee ^^ well I played ddr for a bit today to get osme exrsise and I also watched some fruitsbasket I also msade some aim icons on mytheme.com there pretty cool I think well nothing else happened to me today lol oh I apoligize to people who beleive i havnet been visiting hmm maybe if they read my posts all the way theyd know hwere I am and such -please dont find what i just said rude Im just a bit irritated- well I have to go for now takecare!
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
Henno everyone
the sleep over iwth twiggy was fun I forgot to add that while we were at six flags we played ddr and had this humungous crowd watching us! I was totally embarrassed but I didnt inferior to twiggy casue we were on the same modes and such even thuogh she played a bit better than me Im not very used to the ddr arcade mat things lol ^^ oh yeah! Bleach was an awesome anime I see why you guys like it so much I saw episodes 1-5 they were great and pretty sad ^^ Ichigo is suchg a kyo! -I got my book by the way-
I will be visitng today so you know
I feel so bad right ow though poor Kiyame has been feeling left out lately cause of the lseep over I had with Zelda nad Nyx I want to do something special for her but I dunno what to do hmmm maybe Ill form a get together after Im done being pissed at Zelda Im kinda mad at her but I feel stupid for being mad but I cant shake the anger off...on her xanga she put a picture I really dont like of myself and i litterally begged her to take it off I even modified another picture so she can switch it but she never did so Im angry with her -I really hate thatpicture- well I have to go for now please take care!
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