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Thursday, September 9, 2004
Hi guys! whats up? I think my scary science teacher does not like me but whocares? I sure dont shes tooo happy anyways! well todayb I took this quiz on what kind of friend you are and they said I am a comforter! aI can beleive that I like my friends to be happy and give them all the advice I can give If you are feeling sad about something or someone dont feel you have to endure the ordeal on your own I be by your side in spirit!
 You are the comforting friend. You like listening your friends deals and advicing them...that's really nice! You are caring and is always there for the ones you like!
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
Picutre day cheese!
Hey you guys today was a pretty ok day but in the morning it wasnt too ok, I was late for marching band becasuee I 4got a book that I need to give to my friend at the house the bnook was azu mangas daioh1! and at gym things got alot better the girl I CCIDENTALLY KICKED IN THE FACE WAS TRYING TO MAKE ME FALL WHILE JOGGING SO she tried to trip me by kicking my shin but what she didnt know that my shins are very hardd and tough so the force bounced back at her and she fell instead of me ahhh... sweet victory!in language arts we read this creepy book called the landlady its about a landlady that poisons her guests with cyanide then when there dead I think she rapes them but I know for sure she stuffs them! like she did with her dog and parrot poor animals and I accidentaly pissed off the science teacher shes creepy at the beginning of school she said Im happy your happy I want everyone to be happy!she scares me! lol well gotta go laterz!
Dancing Kirby! courtesy of
anime girl67
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
Does this really describe me?
 You're a Spring. You usually are very close-knit with your friends and value everyone freidnship you have. You're a real people person and everyone loves how friendly you are. You're good with encouraging people but usually don't like to be the center of attention. You are a social butterfly and probably are in several circles of friends but it's just because you're well liked and you make people comfortable. You're both fun and wise but you are very realistic about life.
What season are you? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thanks guys but...
I know I have tried to talk things out with her onese but she thinks I dont uderstand her
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Monday, September 6, 2004
Im confuzzeld
I have a firend that I hacvent been able to tlak to in a long time and it seems like she doesnt really like me anymore -_- she doesnt talk to me like she used to I think something happened because a firend of mine got the same reaction can anyone give me suggestions?
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Hello Everyone!
Hi guys Im in a good mood today whats up? I remodeled my ste a little more thanx to Kasumindakitchen give her a round of a plause! she helped with the layout of my my menu that was soso nice of her! well if you guys wanna chat come on by!
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
Im soooooo happy my daddy found the DVD!
*hiccup* =3 maybe I had a little tooo much *collapses on the ground* heh heh heh *hiccup* 0_o
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Im in sooo much trouble!
My friend let me borrow a saiyuki disk and after ai WAS DONE WTCHING IT i WAS IGNOTRANT ENOUGH TO LEAVE THE DVD IN THE DVD PLAYER AND i CHECKED IF IT WAS THERE TOADY AND IT HAS GONE MISSING! my dad was the last person to watch a dvd but he doesnt know where he put it I dont know wht to dooo!!!!! :cry:
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^__^ *smiles* hello everyone!
I feel so relaxed... right now I just had earl grey tea with my mom and we talked about stuff thats going on like Hurricane florence I wish you all well who live in Florida good luck and I told her about the girl with the spitballs I was talking about a few posts ago she told me rigt on she didnt like tht I cursed but she said the kicking was nessecary on the count that she paid for furuba1 lol well Ill be on a little longer so we can talk if you like
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
Hey guys I just got back from my friemd's birthday party! it was soomuch fun except all the bees I got so scared of the bess I accidently ran into a garbage can XI ouchy! and when he read the birthday card I gave him he found out it was upside down! XD! oh and I met two toads today the greenish one is ralph sand the oragish one I chose t5o call seamopre yep that was fun well g3g laterz!
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