.:;You are Driven by Freedom;:.
You are as free as a bird and you're not about
to let anyone clip your wings. You find comfort
in freedom and it guides you to what you want
in life. You're most likely very smart, opening
up hundreds of paths for yourself in life.
Pros of this Drive: You have many choices in
your life. You can decide where you want to go,
what you want to become, and how you want to do
it. You've got a free heart, and that will
always guide you.
Cons of this Drive: You tend to change your
mind a lot. Having so many choices isn't always
a good thing. Second, you tend to phase people
out, wanting to choose on your own. Take some
advice, see if that makes things easier.
~What Drives You to Your Goals?~ *Pics and many results!* (Girls only) brought to you by Quizilla