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myOtaku.com: chibilala

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Insane Rascal (08/01/08)

hey, i love your site. you kno whats the coolest? on the top of my computer was these WORDS! and the moved and stuff! XD real men eat chocoalate! i love it!

the popup is sexy!

Pommiesmanga (08/01/08)

you have a cute siiite.
good work!

Angel Kenshin (07/30/08)

Hahah. That pop up's annoying. LOLz.

Yes, I am a RuroKen and Death Note fan. Glad to find someone else who shares my interests. ^_^

Anyway, I'm just dropping by to thank you for signing my guestbook awhile back (sorry it took so long to return the favor).

Take care! ^_^


SolemnSerpent (07/28/08)

Hm... it seems that I have stumbled across another yaoi fangirl much like myself. =^_^=

Yaoi rules, yes it does! I like some of the pairings you have up, like LxLight and MelloxMatt.

And the videos comparing Light's laughter in the final episodes... I love my country and all, but they seriously need to stop screwing with the Japanese. >_< They even re-make their movies! [Horribly!]

I absolutely LOVE Light's voice... so haunting and undeniably sexy...

You got a blackbelt in karate? I'll be sure never to piss you off. XD

Well, I hope to speak with you again---take care! :D

Effie-san (07/24/08)


I'm sorry it took me forever to get back to you!

I apologize a thousand times! Anyways, you have a lovely site here and I can't wait until we become friends.

I'll be adding you!

♥ Effie †

hieiartemis (07/18/08)

Near: So, this is where Mello is?
Sachiko: Yeah. Chibilala was riding on his back.
Near: ...I see.
Sachiko: I just wanted to stop by and thank her for visiting my site and signing my guestbook.
Near: You brought chocolate for Mello?
Sachiko: *whips out chocolate bar* The expensive kind.

Heh. So, anyway, I'm going to add you and you can go ahead and add me and we can be friends. I'm sure Mello and Near can get along.

And I've seen Gaara-chan around. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone where he was headed, though. ^^


WinryChick (07/16/08)

I like your site. It's so pink! O.O

naruto.rocks (07/14/08)

omg cool siteeee!!!! lol exept the yaoi yeaaa bout threw up XD anyway im signing it and saying hi and alot of other things! (god you should feel special i really never sign a gb this long XD)

AiTenTen (07/14/08)

Lol :3 Hi Hi!

omfg sorreh i took long to respond O__O lol. thanks for the sign ;D

Omfg i was looking for gaara once XD I couldn't find him. lol. :3

XOXO good day

Kami-chan.x3 (07/14/08)

Hiyas! Thanks for signing my GB! OMG, YOUR SITE IS THE GREATEST TOO! Oh I got the cursor thingy here:


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