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myOtaku.com: chibilala

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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LunaLei (07/14/08)

Konnichiwa lala-san. Hajimemashite to you too. lol Arigato for signing my guestbook on the oh so ever forgotten myotaku. Ne ne. You wanna go to nihon eh? Seems like almost everyone here on theotaku/motaku has that as a goal. lol Nihon is fun though. Specially okinawa and Nara cause you get to feed deer at nara and they're like all over teh place. Okinawa is refreshing and very tropical. Love it better than the usualy city-ish scenery in tokorozawa in saitama. w/e Tokorozawa shall always be my hometown and birthplace. Always and forevah. rofl Enough about my rants. Sure you can use my backround I was already thinking about changing it up so yeah! ^_^Okays then. Jaa ne tomodachi.

sparkle 078 (07/13/08)

thanks for dropping by!!! *hugs* nice to see somebody still on this side. ^^ sadly you came when my site was it's least cutest. T__T just when i had changed it. lol.

wow, your achievements are so awesome. O_O ah!!! i love hana kimi, well the drama. never really got to the manga. lol. but i loved nakatsu. he's so awesome. loved his actor too. XD

well hopt to see you around. i'll add you for now. ^^

koon (07/11/08)


You seem really random! I know we'll be friends now! I love random!

Well, I'll add you! Hope you'll add me!

Stixx (07/11/08)

Bwa ha ha ha ha!! I have to say, your gb entry was the most entertaining one yet!! >.< Oh, btw, you can NOT have my avatar. L is mine and mine alone!! *draws out sword* ^.^

Anyway, thanks for stopping by and signing my gb. Just thought I'd return the favor!

See ya around!
*quickly snatches back avatar and runs off*

Notyu (07/11/08)

DUDE! *steals back my bg*... MINE!!!

LOL I can tell that your a death note fan! *presents you with a horse whip to make Mello move faster* HAVE FUN WITH THAT!

By the way... I couldn't catch Gaara for you so I made you your VERY OWN Gaara plushie!!! The button eyes are kind of falling off but hey! Its the thought that counts right???

I shall add you and then off I go! *shoves a rocket in the ground, gets on, and explodes before even taking off*

Driffter (07/11/08)

Hello there!

*:*grins*:* I must say your guestbook signatures was one of thee most unusual ones ever! I never thought my site was at all like chocolate before, but now that you mention it I guess it does a few similarities! Thanks for coming by! I hope to see you around sometime!

Ta ta,

FUNimation (07/10/08)

^^ ello there! I just wanted to say thanks for signing my guestbook! O.O wow, it's been a while since I've signed one of these. I've been signing the portfolio guestbooks on theOtaku. XD

well, interesting site you have here! ^^ lol well, I'll add you(haven't done that in a while either, I subscribe now. O.O) and I hope we can be friend cya! ^^


Rurouni Kikyo (07/07/08)

Hey, you signed my guestbook, I thank you.^^ I'll add you as a friend.

Silentwarrior55 (07/02/08)

Hey thanks for signing for my guestbook. If you were looking for a naruto otaku mines kinda the one. I like your pictures espicially the death note ones I really like that show. Message me sometime.

OdeToJoy (07/02/08)

good day!

thanks for sign'n my guestbook i really apreciate it. they dont rly come that often anymore. heh heh im glad you like my layout. me's likey your background XD well hope to see you around. *add'n*


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