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Friday, September 16, 2005
[song:Wings Of Words]
hehehe made six icons today...well its FRIDAY...means ANIME DAY!! awhoohohohoo...hmpf...we had bowling today..ahihihi...didn't do well at it...it was kinda...ummm...loussy?..im not in the mood...kinda crappy name it all...
hmpf...here i am chatting with my frend's frend(nice)..she's trying to scare me...she's pretending as if dn't kn03 her....ahahaha...but..the world flip...hahaha...now she's confused who she's chatting with: me or my sister...hehehe
AWwww...HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE TRAILER'S out!!! so good so kewl so awsome...and im so dying to see the fourth movie..didn't get to scream while watching the trailer yesterday...mom's sleeping..dad's sleeping....so i was lyk fanning my self using my hands...ahihihi...i rily can't wait to see the movie
and oh! if you can plz vote for me for best wallpapers this sunday i think...umm it's inLordSesshoumaru's site
laters ya'll!
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
[song:Wings Of Words]
hmpf..i forgot that i joined LordSesshomaru's contest hehehe...well..i kno3 i have no chance in winning Best Avatar...and it's okay with me =p...but im rily hoping that sum1 will vote for me for best wallpaper and best otaku..lol..dunno y i joined best otaku...nyeah watever...i made this 2 icons yesterday:

hmpf...i think otaku posted the wallpaper that i made...the purple one with yzak on it with the so-called "poem that i made" ahahahaha...
skewl was fun?idunno...hehehe...we had french and at first i was nervous..well duh?! i kn03 nothin' about it...hehehe..plus our teacher is kinda scary? strict..name it all...but then, i think she did a pretty good job teaching it so ya..
and oh! i'm waiting for the...mmm...what do you call this one...oh yeah! gundam seed destiny episodes 48 49 & 50...lol..
one more thing..i wonder if there's going to be a Inuyasha Movie 5..ahihihihi..i hope there will....and i was thinking about what would be that movie all about(if ever they made one)...and lat night i have this thing going on my head: "maybe they could make it all about sesshoumaru's mother...aww...how she luks..how strong...her name stuffs lyk dat..."
one last thing(this is for real).....can you guys hear the song?? in my page?? hahaha...moff!
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Monday, September 12, 2005
Just Quick
[song:Life Goes On]
okie okie..im in a hurry..=p..but i need to let you know that i watched naruto(not the 1st ep. though)...hehehehehehehe..so i think it's cool...and i am scared i might get addicted to it...lol...i've got homeworks to do...i just aked my parents to let me use the comp just for 5 mins..so ya..i only have 3...hehehe well, i haven't made icons but..i did made a wallpaper..dunno if otaku posted it yet but here it is:

okie dokie bye bye!
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
[anime:Mew Mew Power]
oh yesh! THE EXORCISM OF EMILY ROSE... is by far the scariest movie i've ever watched..last night, i was just watching the trailer...and i didn't even finished watching it..lol...i was too scared when i woke up this morning, i downloaded and watched the whole movie(didn't get to finish it..yet) and t-a-d-a:"I'm guessing i will not be able to sleep tonight!"

4 new icons btw...one from the movie exorcism of emily rose and 3 9-11 icons...=(\
and oh! just wanna ask is Naruto rily good??? hahaha..call me a sucker or watever for not knowing dat..i rily wanna watch it..lol..well laters..gtg to church!
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
Skewl and New Stuffs
[anime:Yu GI OH-GX]
hmmm well...skewl as i said was fine execpt for some stuffss..and i feel so unlucky...i think im the only one in our class that doesn't have a locker..or should i say "can't use" my locker..well..coz' some stupid moron put a lock on my locker..and so i can't open it coz' i dn't knw the code and my teacher said yesterday that the lock doesn't belong to the skewl..they don't have the code to open it and the key(which can open all the lock in our skewl) our vice principal has can't open it either so they have to do something about..if they'll allow me, i can break that lock on my own *wink*...
and ahaha...i made this new icons:

so do i have to introduce them? i think no..=P
btw i got to find and read a canadian novel...awww..but so far i haven't found any..i tried the book "Killing Mr. Griffin" one of my favs. i'm done reading it when i found out that the author is not a canadian and that the story doesn't take place in Canada..urgh..
and before i forgot what can you say about my new background?? hahaha i knw it's not so pretty..lol and i got a new avi too..which i made yesterday and i hope that you guys can see it coz' i can't =/...well laters..
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
Skewl was...
[mood:bored...bored bored bored]
[song:Bokitachi no Yukue]
[anime:Yu GI OH!]
wakokoko! just finished washing dishes! hehehe btw, first day of skewl was pretty fine....Not until our TAA teachers announces which class each and everyone of us belong...and oh!! i'm in woods this first term!!! there's only lyk 4 girls in our class..ahihihihi...ah well who cares?!
and hmm....ysianel? i wonder what she look's like now that she got a new hair cut...hehehehehe...
(c ya tom.!)
and we've got this fierce luking teacher in math/french/science? keh! she's old but pretty scary when she talks..lol...and the way she stare at her students!
and t-a-d-a.....
no icons for today..hehehehe...dn't ave time for them...maybe, on weekends lol...ahahaha..and oh! my neck's itchier than ever....i'm tryin' to stop scratching but.. uggghh...i can't stand it!! well, pretty much dats it! im off!
(edited) thnx to my friend Dot Hack Seed!! i finally got rid of the side nav bar! hehehe
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
okay..so where do i start?? umm...since i was...i think 6 years old, i always love to wear silver necklaces..i dn't rily care if it's real or not as long as it looks good ^_^!! but last night, i found out that i can't wear any silver/gold accesories!!! i have allergies on them!! ergh! i was scratching my neck the whole night(until now) coz' it's very itchy...and dang! my neck looks horrible! so red and...ergh! my finger too! i wore this silver ring that my mom bought for me a year ago then when i took it off, it was so red and itchy! hate it! and oh! skewls tommorow! and i'm gonna sleep early and wake up early...fix stuffs..damn it all!!!

there ya go sesshoumaru(2), inuyasha/sesshy(1) and kagura(1) icons! ttyl guys!
+our computer is getting on my nerve too!! restarted it twice and it's still slow! ergh! this isn't jsut mmy day
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Monday, September 5, 2005
[song:double trouble]
err...skewl..skewl..skewl...waaaa!!! skewl's on wednesday(sowie..skewl starts thursday..i was confused)!!! ergh...well btw, i slept lyk 4:30 in d morning...been thinking about ghosts the whole time that's why i can't sleep..i keep the lights in my room on and then when i decided to turn them off, it started to rain!! with thunder and lightning! and i was so scared! i hide inside my closet!lol it's not that i am scared of raining with thunder and lighting it's just that it started the exact time i turned the lights off and at the same time, i was thinking about ghosts and stuffs like that!
and ehem...new icons here:

yeppers! harry potter(3) and kill bill vol.1(3)...lol
and ysianel, if ever you're reading i e-mailed you the code...lol.u're not onlyn that often so i e-mailed it....lol
so laters!
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
icons again
[mood: ]
waaaa...can't stop myself making icons... so here we go again:

there you go! 1 gundam seed(fllay allster) and 3 inuyasha (inuyasha, kouga and miruko/sango)icons...weeeee!
btw, i am so luking forward on lordsesshomaru's contest...hehehe..laters ya'll!!!
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
Icons and ...
[mood: ]
heeey!!! yesterday, i made 5 icons..see the post below? today i made 3 icons feat, "Athrun's Gals":

meyrin hawke...charm, lunamria hawke...funky and cagalli yula attha...stunning...well, i didn't make a meer/mia icon yet
ummm....Im leaving any minute now..we're going to church then to a family's friend b-day party!! wohoooo! bye bye mwah!
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