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Winnipeg, MB
Member Since
still young and a student
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when i finally made a div layout as you can see on the main page of my myo
Anime Fan Since
my brain started working?
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Bleach, Inuyasha, Gundam Seed, Seed Destiny, Flame of Recca, Hunter X Hunter, FMA, m2m
see main page
web designing, graphic making m2m
m2m ^_^
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, September 2, 2005
Icons and cat fight
[mood:MAD ]
[song:river below]
howdy!?! lol..well, this past few days, i've been in to making icons and stuffs like that and umm..(edited)i just want to post these five: wat d'ya think?
well, my left arm is full of scratches from my sister's finger nails!!! aawwww...we have a cat fight(but i am not gonna tell you the reason y)she's lucky i dn't have sharp nails..coz' if i do..i am laters ya'll
(edited) i got not only scratches bruises too..errrg
and oh! before i forgot, plz ask permission if you're to use those icons
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
new look!!
[anime:gundam seed]
weee! do you guys like the new look of my site???(i hope u do) well, after a long time, i made a new wallpaper featuring stellar..BUT i dn't kn0e if otaku posted it yet...???...btw, i am so glad i have my psp9 back...(let the graphic making beggin) =p..mmm...and oh! i have a new avi tooo..see??? i nver thought that i am going to be this addicted to gudnam seed/destiny....ah well...skewl's commin'...not so xcited though..heeheheh...coz' i am that kind of person who deosn't want to sleep early and wake up'll chit chat laters...g2g...
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
It was Cancelled
[song:My Beautiful Woman]
[anime: gundam seed destiny]
well, i just said...umm.last week?! that we're leaving...BUT it was cancelled!! dunno y but we're not going back to Philippines on Sept. 3 awwww...anywho, can i ask some1 if gseed destiny ep 46 is subbed yet? hehe..just wanna watch it before skewl
and ohhh...i was a bit glad that we're not going bck to Phil(even though that means that i'am nvr gonna see my grand ma ever again *cries*) coz' i dn't want to miss skewl...hehehe...
and i have a nightmare last night...hehehe...wanna knw what? well, in my dream, i was in my room, sleeping...then i woke up and looked at the windows to see that it's snowing!!!! waaaa...i hate snow...seriously...isn't that scary? hehehehhehe...okie dokie!!! moutta ere! babooossssh!!!
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Monday, August 29, 2005
Sup Chibim?................Nothin' Much
I decided to delete my last ya...4get bout and my fwend r making this fanfic... mysteries of love...hahaha...she made chap one and then i made chap 2..alternate...but to be honest, im getting kinda annoyed coz' she'll call every single day just to ask if im done with the chap...oh well..
I am so bored ryt now -_-. i don't have somethin' good to do aside frm this...updating my otaku..speaking of boredoom, this is the place that entertains
me...haaha...i always browse the archives to see all those funny pics of the day and stuffs...
See?! nothin' much about me moff! ciao!
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Happy B-day sistah!
wowie! today's my sis' b-day! she's now 13...awww...she's getting old...but older than her...she's still asleep...her presents are just outside her room...waiting for her to wake up and open them...=p
I tried to open one but mom told me not to...jeeez...i dn't knw what their present to her curious...
my brother said it's a lap top...i said it's not! he said it is...and we just quarreled..hehe..
he rily thinks i am stupid!
Btw...while my sis is still sleeping, my dad and bro are painting our family room...erggh...i wanna help i've said....I AM JUST TOO here i am...probably spending the rest of my time finishing up my fanfic...well, it's far from dokie dat's it for today!
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Monday, August 22, 2005
What's up with me?
I haven't watched gsd phase one here i am watchin' it now...and i'm starting to lyk shin! weeeee...Gundam Seed Destiny is kewl....ya...i thought it isn't mistake...hehe..
I'm such a lazy dad asked me to watch the thing he's cooking..i he went outside and i called a friend and i completely forgot about the food...and i think you know what happened to can't be eaten ne more...and it's all becoz of me =( dad's mad...can't talk to him..can't ask him to buy me laptop =P...
ANd oh! i can't wait for March 2006!!! waaaa...finally going back to Philippines!!Im gonna see my old friends there and cousins!! hehehe so happy...but what makes me more happy is that November is commin' close too!! dat means im gonna watch HArry Potter and The Goblet of fire!! waaaaaaaaaa....
Btw, I've been busy with my fanfic lately...well, it's not done yet...but im gonna post it here as soon as i finish it! hope you'll like it...
so ya...i've said too much! laters ya'll!
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Friday, August 12, 2005
Inuyasha Movie3
click me for the password
wheeew....well, haven't updated for ages...umm, i want to put inuyasha movie3 screencaps and the video for the month of september...but first, i need to re-download psp 9...=P...i find it difficult to organize screencaps without my psp 9 =(....a disappointed that i can't put the video...the epd 160 video..i can't find a place to upload the thing...=(...dats it for today...laters ya'll
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
Urrrg's crap! i can't upload the video! can someone tell me a good place to upload videos?free site where i can upload them? i'll appriciate it very much..
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Friday, August 5, 2005
Inuyasha Ep. 160 (the violent two-timmer boy that brings happiness)
uummmm...did you know that an inu ep. without sesshoumaru is like sandwhich without peanutbutter...
lol...well..but this episode that you're about to watch is the only episode without sesshy on it but i actually luv it! enjoy the screencaps...just for now...i'll put the video check it out!
--====EPISODE 160 SCREENCAPS====--

AGAIN, video will be tomorrow! or maybe later...just w8...the sooner i upload it the sooner you can watch...btw..inu episode 134 was in the archive...just check dat out if you want
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
Keeping it simple
well...ladies and germs, thisold page of mine came to an luks crappy in my i made a new background and new avi..i hope you guys like's so simple..i know...but it works better than my old page...don't you think?! well..nothin' much about me...except that im pissed of about the inuyasha video that i downloaded...waited 3 day for the download to complete and all i got is nothin' ...the video doesn't work..aahh...i was planing to put it here in my page...but oh song to..used to be One day One dream(inuyasha 2nd-to-d-last opening song)'s now four seasons..frm inu movie off!
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