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Buraso Saru74
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Houston, Texas
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High School Studten
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I'll get back to you on that one...
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon when I was about 10 years old.
Favorite Anime
Noir and Serial Experiments Lain
I'm not gonna bore you with all my goals! ^^
Final Fantasy XI, other video games, art, cartoons, comic books,, poking people, sleeping, etc.
The special kind. ^_~
| ChibiSherube484
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
It's Official.
I've decided to leave MyOtaku. I've had a fun time here. Thank you all for your friendship. ^^ Alas, I have no time for here and I'm sorry for having to leave. (._.)
I must do what I must do. See you all! ^__^ Also, I'm going to keep this website up just in case some of you don't visit often and go, "WHAT THE HELL?!?!" :P And, if you would like to keep in contact with me:
AIM: Buraso Saru484
GaiaOnline name: Nezumiiro
POL name: Shirubi
Thanks for the good times, but goodbye.
Farewell everyone!

EDIT: I decided to make a round around everyone's sites to give you all a heads' up. I've done a few. I'll finish later today. ^.~
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
I never have time for MyOtaku anymore...I should probably just leave. If I do decide to leave, I'll leave you with some other ways to talk to me.
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
My cats have learned how to open my blinds by themselves!!!! :O
I swear! I, nor my mom, opened them...and then I walk in to find them completely open and Sox sitting and basking in the sunlight. Those little shits are smarter than you think!! O_O
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I have NO freakin' time to update this site and keep track of you guys!! ><
Sooo...busy...if I had the time, I'd LOVE to visit. Unfortunately, I don't. ; ;
Try to squeeze time in...soon, I hope... ><
Later. T_T
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
Did I mention that all the female gym coaches are complete BITCHES!? Yeah, they are. Something like:
Me: (walks in late)
Coach: Oh, you 're late. Do you have a pass?
Me: No.
Coach: Then stop at the office.
Me: Ok... (shifty eyes...walks past office door to put binder up so I don't have to keep carrying it)
Coach: Where are you going? I told you to stop by the front office...
Me: I was just putting my binder up...
Coach: No! You stay there! (closes door I walked in and walks back to office) Why were you late?
Me: Well, I had to walk all the way from the Home Ec. room to my locker ot get my gym clothes, and then back over here... {The Home Ec. room and my locker are on complete opposite sides of the school, by the way.}
Coach: No excuses! (gets out detention slip)
Ultra-bitch Coach #2: Hey, she never gave you attitude before, so why are you? You're being rude.
Me: I am?
Ultra-bitch Coach #2: Yeah, you are...and you need to stop. We've already talked all the other days this week, and I don't want to have to tomorrow.
Coach #1: (hands me detention slip) It's tomorrow.
Me: Ok... (grumble grumble)
Bitches. >.> Ok, so I skipped the part where "Ultra-bitch Coach #2" didn't "like my tone of voice." but you get the idea. -_-
I want music CDs! I've looked all over my town for them, and NO ONE has BÔA or Ayumi Hamasaki...not even the Lain soundtrack... GRRRR!! I just want my music. <(º△º)> REALLY!
Bah. Later. ^^;;
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Shinjitsu nara kono mune ni aru
Current Mood: 
Currently Listening To: "real Emotion (DJ MSK remix)"-sung by Koda Kumi
Not much. Well shitty this morning and stayed home. New medication!
Erm...there's really not much I can say. I have nothing to talk about. :-/ Sorry. If I think of anything later, I'll be sure to post it, ok?
Later. ^^;;
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
Sorry I have not been here for a while. ^^; I've had a lot of other things to do. :( See ya when I have some time. ><
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Pointless FUN
Go try this game:
Nanaca Crash
The instructions are in Japanese, but all you have to do is hit the guy and make him fly as far as possible. Oh yeah, press "Aerial" when it's lit up to boost your angle or speed. My record is 1,025.58 meters. BEAT THAT! I DARE YA!! XD

Hehe. Hope to make a thoughtful post another day. ^.~
EDIT #1: (4:06 PM CST)
3,489.97 meters!! NOW beat my score! X3
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
Happy St. Patrick's day and shit! Meh...
Can't do much. Slightly grounded from the 'puter. :/
Anyways, I can't stay on long. But, go check out this quiz. The Gaydar! How accurate is yours?! XD Mine's about 65%...and I was better at recogniing girls. ~.^ Teehee.
Later!! \\(^0^)//
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
Is that why seawater is so salty?
Umm...I've had a rough day/weekend. Had a panic attack...not fun.
Since I don't feel like taling about anything...I leave you with this:
It's a fact that when whales have sex, only 10% of the sperm reaches the female. So, where does the other 90% go? Something to think about next time you swim the ocean.
Later. ~_~;;;

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