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Buraso Saru74
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Houston, Texas
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High School Studten
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I'll get back to you on that one...
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon when I was about 10 years old.
Favorite Anime
Noir and Serial Experiments Lain
I'm not gonna bore you with all my goals! ^^
Final Fantasy XI, other video games, art, cartoons, comic books,, poking people, sleeping, etc.
The special kind. ^_~
| ChibiSherube484
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Thursday, March 10, 2005
Everyone's ahead of me in FFXI. XD
Meh. I got $60 for my birthday, and I'm saving it for the upcoming Kamikazecon! ^^ Oh my god! I think it'll be awesome! I'm not gonna bring any of my short-attentions-spanned friends this time. >.> Hehe.
Koda Kumi is gonna perform a concert too! *squeal* If you don't know who she is, she did "real Emotion" and "Sen no Kotoba(1000 Words)" for FF X-2. :)
Also, there looks like there's going to be quite a few events. ^^ I think I'll have fun. :) Sadly, no cosplay still. ~_~ As I never hav time to prepare... u.u
Well, I'm SO gonna get Kumi's autograph(no matter how long it takes XD)! Hehe. See everyone later and take care. ^^

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Monday, March 7, 2005
Go me! Go me! It's mah birthday! It's mah birthday!
Current Mood: 
Currently Listening To: "Hikari (Planet B Remix)" by Utada Hikaru
Yes, it actually is my birthday. :P And to the rest of you, happy UNBIRTHDAY! ^_^ Yeah, I'm technically 14 now. ^.~
Ok...maybe not ALL Asian women are completely hot and/or cute....but most at least!! =D
Ooh. Lemme have a question dujour! Which one of the following Japanese idols is best-looking(if you can decide, that is)?
#1. Abe Natsumi

#2. Hamasaki Ayumi

#3. Goto Maki

#4. Asakura Mai

#5. Nakane Kasumi

Which one?! >:D Eh. As for me, I can't decide. They're all so...kawaii!! ^^; Well, try! :P (BTW, if ya want the original click on the picture. ) for some more Azumanga Daioh!! ^^ 'Cause you know you like it. >.>; (Hover over the picture to see a description.)

Well, that's enough. ^^ Guess I'll see everyone later. Take care!! ^^
EDIT: I accidentally deleted yesterday's post!! T_T Nooooooo!!
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Picture Time!!
Ok...I'm kind of bored, so I'll insert your mind with random pictures! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!! >:D
This one's self-explanatory. From Azumanga Daioh!! ^^

Uh...if you don't get it, go here.

Another self-explanatory one. XD

Oh god...ROFL.

Osaka's done it again...
Wow. Really? Hey sexoholics, gotta try it some more sometime!! XD

The typical "Noob keyboard." Also known as "Stupid, grammar-dysfunctionate 12-year-old's keyboard."

*sniff* Oh, the buttercake!!

And, lastly, Kolshushu Fried Chicken! Hehe. I wonder if fried chocobo would taste any good...

Well, see ya!! ^^
EDIT: I sized down the last one, and somehow the All Your Base/Slayers one didn't come out as big as it is on my computer. o_O; Oh well. I can't do anything about it. U.U
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Caught! o_o
Current Mood: 
Currently Listening To: "strangers" by Yoko Kanno and Raj Ramayya
Aaaack! I have been caught in the act of lacking to post. AAAGH!! Sorry!! m(_ _)m
Um...FFXI version update has been taking HOURS!! :/ GR! Well, the 7th graders at my school took the Writing TAKS test yesterday(TAKS=state-wide standard test). And we 6th and 8th graders were left to do a Math CBA(basically a practice TAKS). It was easy, but there was one question about irrational numbers that most people wouldn't have understood bescause rational and irrational numbers is an Algebra II thing. >.> So, yeah, Tuesday was a tiring day. -_-
Today...nothing interesting...assload of Spanish homework, I started the version update 3 hours ago, and it's FINALLY at 90% complete. >_<
And...holy shit...right before I typed this a giant thunder clap was sunding outside! Scared me. o_o;; What?! If you were contently listening to your iPod and hear thunder clearly outside...yeah...anyway...
My friends and I started something called the "Mighty Morphine Baka Rangers!!" XD Anyone like to contribute a theme song? XP Hehe. Just kidding. ;) I'm Baka Purple, by the way. =D
And...OOH IT'S AT 97%!! I wanna see my Taki-kostaki-chan!! ;_; Um...don't ask... >.>; Heh. 98!! Almost done!! ^___^'s a question for the day:
What's your opinion about online relationships? Or relationsships where you meet online and develop it into real life?
Anyway. See yas later!! *^^*
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Friday, February 18, 2005
Current Mood: 
Currently Listening: "Shell" by Bana
Oh my god!! I have had the SHITTIEST week! I'm not gonna even TALK about it! >< I just want to I'm gonna take a MyO leave of abscence until next Monday. -_-
By the way, I will now have a little feature at the top called "Kanji of the Week!" ^^ Come on, you know it's useful. =P Besides, the next time you see it in an anime, you can go, "Fun! I KNOW that symbol! Arigato Shirubi-san! *wink*" LOL Ok, maybe not like that, but you get the point. ;)
Anyway, see ya bitches later. ^^;
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Silence Before the Storm
Current Mood: 
Currently Craving for no Reason: Those yummy yummy Vietnamese sandwiches. Ever had one?
OH MY GOD!! WHERE HAVE I BEEN?! With a fox? Searching for mysterious rocks? Hidden inside a box?! Nah, actually, I've just been a computer whore. =P Muargh, I need to get back to checking here and LOOKING AT OTHER PEOPLE'S SITES! o_o;;
In other news, I finished watching my Witch Hunter Robin DVD. ^^ Episodes 15-18, by the way. It was cool, but...AMON! Umm...I'm not spoiling it for anyone, so i'll leave it at that! ^^;; Yeah, I just sat down and watched it. Damn, I love Robin though! Cute, pyrokineses…*swoon* Another thing: You know what I really like about anime besides the mecha action and scantily-clad girls? Character development. Animes seem to have more chacracter develpoment throughout the series...well, the good ones anyway. Like, Trigun is a real nice example of that! I mean, in the first episode, you think vash is a blundering idiot, but then by the last episode, you just wanna glomp him because he looks so SAD! *laughs* Well, if you're some weird Johnny Bosch fangirl like me. XP Other shows on TV...blah...the only character development I see is going from "HI! HOW ARE YOUS?!?!?!111" in the first episode to "OMGWTFBBQ BITCH!" in the second or third. XD's draining me. @_@; And, now that I think about it…did I even go to school today? Oh yeah, I did…wow…it's been a long day. ^^; Hrm. I might fail I.P.C. -_-; (That's basically upper-level science for my grade if you didn't know.) Oh well…it's what I get from being the slacker. I think I should try harder though. College………so far away…Ahaha, don't mind my rambling-ness. ^^ I should hope by now you're used to it. ^^
I've noticed recently that I've been kind of drifting away from my friends…well, the ones that are near me. Such as my neighborhood, school, et cetera. I'm not entirely sure why. I mean, I'm home ALL THE TIME. Which means, they could come see me anytime they wanted to. Hrm. :/
Perhaps it's because they're my peers. You know, they can't seem to grasp a world other than their own. They're adolescents. Adolescents tend to do things to satisfy THEIR needs, but cover it up to pretend they're being nice so as not to be viewed badly. Teenagers also, have flying hormones and that which causes them to not think as clearly maybe. Because of hormones, their emotions are running rampant so to speak, and emotions always affect our decisions.
Also, they get influenced easily. Whether it be by parents pressuring them not to "sin," or friends saying various rumors and whatnot. So, in spewing all THAT out, my main point is: All of that makes it slightly hard to form friendships with them. Ican sympathize, but I find it harder to empathize. Or rather, I can talk to them in a friendly manner, but they can never talk seriously.
Or then there's the matter of never talking about anything sex-related. By that, I mean sex relating to yourself. Why, I could might as well blame it on the Puritans for being prude bitches. If someone dare mentions masturbation, they all usually go, "Oh yeah...I know about that...but ME? No, I'd NEVER do THAT! What do you think I am? Some kind of pervert?!" Which, come on…human sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of. Honestly. The only time when you SHOULD be ashamed is when it's something unnatural like incest or bestiality. (Which, is morally wrong, in my opinion, but I won't go there.) THEN you should go to a psychiatrist or something.
Oh, another point! Why do some people think you have to be crawling on the ceiling foaming at the mouth yelling the ingridients of those orange peanut thingies. Everyone ahs psychological problems to some extent. Although, with most peole, it's not extreme and they just cope by means of crying, thrashing about, etc. You know...the usual angst. Bah.
~Rant of adolescent psycho-analysis OVER.~
On a happier note, my streptococcus went AWAY! YEah, over the weekend, it felt like there were little knives coming through my throat from the inside out. Ouch. Now, I'm just coughing to get my vioce normal and sniffing snot up like a cocaine addict. Ugh. As long as I don't have the flu. -_-;
Oh yeah, here's my random pictures dujour:
And your fill of sap(that, yes, I have learned to enjoy):

Rei……………… ;)

So pwetty. ^.^
Well, I fear I must get some sleep now. Thank you fellow Otakuins for listening, and don't forget to leave a comment. ^.~
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Friday, January 21, 2005
Something I drew today...and no, I was too lazy to clean it up XD

Meh...later~ ^^
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Um...sorry for lack of updates...I'm busy...I promise I'll have it by tomorrow! >.>
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Goodbye. ^^
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
And these shadows keep on changing...
The best magnet ever:

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