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Monday, January 3, 2005
Small Announcement
I have made 600 hits! ^^

OK, just had to do that when the time was right. ^^ Now go down and read the post below!! =P
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
Dear world, I'm pleased to meet you!!
Current Mood: 
Currently Listening to: "Walk the Walk" by Poe
Ehh...I have to go back to school soon, but it's not that bad. :) I just kind of miss my friends...I mean, they all have my phone number, and I'm always home, but they never bother to call. =/ Well, it's not their fault...
Yeah, I'm kinda in one of those "I don't give a shit" moods. Ya know what I mean? Well, here, I feel like posting some pictures:

I LOVE Utena and Anthy!! ^.^

I also love Shuichi and Eiri!! ^^

This is Poe, the singer. SHE ROCKS!!'s a poem I wrote recently:
Child & Seek
Why? Who? When? How?
Questions I seek, answers I know.
Backwards...inversed...they don't know.
Who I'd like them to see...
--Who are they?
Words that try to explain phenomenons that don't even exist.
A swinging door hangs off the side...
Can you open it?
--There's no keyhole.
Hahaha...use your mind! See it now!!
Still I linger around...
Waiting for you, sitting on my rotting knees...
--I'm sorry. can't help it...
They really ought to learn.
--Learn what?!
Knowledge kepy secret by the ancients...
--Huh? Why do you??
I'm no one. A mere shadow of what has been...
--Then how...?
Quiet. You'll wake them alive.
They're beautifully...
--Why won't they wake up? Are they not alive?
Oh, they're very much alive, they just don't act it.
--I don't understand.
You don't have to...just watch and shine.
Deep long searching...
you'll find it...eventually...
--But I have to.
You see these tears?
--Not really...
I've been holding them for so long!!
--Then let them go.
Catch them for me. I can't lose them...
Not now, not ever.
Don't get it? It's OK. Just tell me what you think of it. Much love, later. ^__^
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Friday, December 31, 2004
Happy New Year's, bitches! ^.^
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
As I sit here eating a shrimp eggroll at 7 in the morning...
Current Mood: 
Currently Reading: Negima! Volume 2, by Ken Akamatsu
Well...yeah...I went to sleep at about 9 PM, thinking I'd surely gwet up at morning...Instead, I got up at 3 AM, and tried to be productive. Cleaned the litter box, fully cleaned my room, took a shower. BLAH. So now I'm fully awake and on the 'puter. ^^;;
VQHQ is shut down permanently. If I try to go to the homepage, it gives me an error message. T-T
I think I'll go outside today! LOL Wanna know what crap(the good kind) that I got for Christmas...not to bore you but:
- Legal Drug Volume 1 by CLAMP
- NEgima! Volume 2 by Ken Akamatsu
- Gravitation Volume 7 by Maki Murakami
- Gamerz Heaven Volume 1 by Maki Murakami
- Haunted by Poe(GOD, love her and her music! ^^)
- Two pairs of jeans and a Doors shirt which I picked myself
- Ren and Stimpy: Season 1 & 2 Uncut
- Chains of Promathia Expansion Pack for FFXI
- Xenosaga for PS2
- Shadow Hearts for PS2(Awesome game!)
- RahXephon: 5th Movement on DVD
- South Park: Season 4 on DVD
- 2 things I wish not to mention because they're kinda lame
- 2 more things I wish not to mention because I REALLY don't need them
- 4GB iPod Mini(w00t!)
W00t is very correct! :D Well, like I said, I feel I got too you think I did? =/ Umm...I got two copies of Negima and Gravitation, so I'm going to exchange the extra for the next volume. ^^
Moving on, WHERE THE HELL DID ALL MY OTAKU HOMIES GO?!?! Well, two of my buddies have disappeared completely. Yeah, does anyone know what happened to Inuyashaiscool and Tonomi?! Next, you don't comment...except for Julia(KennyLives). >.> I'M A COMMENT WHORE, DAMMIT!
I got my summoner job and have it currently leveled to 12! ^^ It gives me a BIG MP boost, which is very nice for my lack of it. :)
Umm...Shadow Hearts is a really cool game. ^__^ I think it's a year or two old, but some of the best games are rarely heard of anyway. :P Yeah, it's kinda funny the beginning, before you input their names, for the hero it says "Rude Hero" and for the heroine it says "Girl in Danger." It's funny what they give titles for people. XD Also, there's this thing on there called "Sanity Points." LOL Yeah, obviously, undergoing fusion causes you to go kind of insane. XD Fusion? You get to trnsform your character into different creatures you acquire through the graveyard. You should try it! (^_^)b
Well, I'm off to play FFXI and possibly see my friends later. Bye! ^.^
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Sunday, December 26, 2004
I got a lot of lovely stuff...but I feel like I got too much. :(
Later. ^^
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
A life...where can I download one of these?
Current Mood: 
Currently Listening To: "Souljah" by DOUBLE
Blarg. Well, I've been working on my ebsite again...aaaaand I drew some CardCaptor Sakura fanart! ^^ Yeah, thought I might as well, what with me having a CCS artbook and all. :P I'll submit it once I finish coloring it in Photoshop. :)
Er...I got my Summoner job! :D So now, I can summon the pretty, blue "atomic squirrel" Carbuncle. ^0^
*yawns* Yeah, I've pretty much been been sleeping all day. LOL Oh yeah, and my linkshell had this really funny conversation about moogles yesterday. XD Muddie was all like, "OK..what if you found your Moogle one day when you come back...sprawled across the bed and it said 'Your Moggle is stoned, kupo." XD Anyway, we all pretty much agree that those Moogles have been stealing our stuff and selling it for their drug addictions. LMAO
Umm...wanna see ugly me? HERE YA GO! XD

Well, yah, it's me...and um, I KNOW I have zits, so shut up about it! XD
Not much else going on. Got some presents under the tree. Though the tree is only about 1 foot high. XD And, I got an EARLY Christmas present. WEE! I got South Park Season 4 on DVD from my (almost) stepdad. OK...NOW you don't have the right to blame the Canadians...poke them! XP
Guess I'll s everyone later. Bye. ^.~
EDIT: Check out my Spinel drawing! :D It finally got submitted. ^.~ Happy holidays!
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Monday, December 20, 2004
You may never know my devotion; live in vanity forever...
Current Mood: 
Currently Listening To: "Vanity" by Yuki Kajiura
OK...not much to say...>.> Didn't do much this christmas presents from my grandma early...went more insane. Just daily happeneings, you know! ^.^
Oh, but I suddenly have fallen in love with the Utena series! o_o My favorite character seems to be Anthy...and Utena...equally. >_< How can you decide?! Oh well, picciness:

Anyways...guess what happened on..Friday! My FFXI friends, Xanthan and Muddud, got in-game married! ^^ I was there too. :) Well, first lemme explain you CAN get married in the long as your characters are at least level 20 and of different genders. -_-; Ugh. And, it costs ASSLOADS of gil to do! o_o
But this one was different. Xanny and muddie are both guys(and both have male characters), so it wasn't really official. ^^; Oh, but it was lovely nonetheless! I feel really happy for them. ^.^ The leader of our linkshell(kinda like a chat group) played the preacher and whatnot...hehe. Of course, it was a good thing I was there...too many queens in one room makes it very awkward! XD
Yup. I was the only actual girl there. ^^; Ah, well I love all my friends anyway...whether they be guys, girls, 16, or 27. ^___^ Yes, I have friends twice my age. :P
Aaaaaand...I took lots of screenshots! THANK YOU FRAPS! Without my FRAPS program, they'd be reeeeeeally crappy and have copyright shit at the bottom. >_<
Well, ponder the mysteries of tarutaru and elvaan love! XD
First off...lemme tell you, all us queers had a REALLY hard time forming a STRAIGHT line! XD

And because it was at an area they had not originally planned for...they were some uninvited guests! ^^;

A part of the ceremony. ^^

Two guys in the front are the ones that got hitched. I thought it was an interesting shot. :P Oh yeah, I'm the little kitty-girl in the middle. ^.^

See the fairy wings? How fitting! =P But, just in case you're wondering...the wings are a short after-effect of a certain type of firework in the game. And that stuff floating around is...more fireworks! :D

OK...I think that's enough, but it made me happy to actually see Xanthan not act like a whore for once. XD Umm...kidding! ^^;;;
In other news, last Thursday was the last day of the semester! WOOHOO! XD No more little fuckers every day! I'm considerably happy about that. :D
Also, on the last day, I finished my star pillow! XD Yes, the Shirubi can sew. Never thought THAT would happen, eh? A few mistakes but good for ME nonetheless:

Well, I shall get my sleep now! Take care everyone. ^.^
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Monday, December 13, 2004
I'll teach you to be happy! I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs!
AAAAGH! At Target, they had Ren and Stimpy on DVD. I WANT IT! O_O But, I looked it up on the 'net and I'm having a small fit of nostalgia. I loved that show and still do. Oh dear god...anyone remember the "Space Madness" episode? XD R&S is some funneh shit! :D
Oh, and there was this one episode where Mr. Horse replied to the announcer in Spanish...which had a hidden joke. Went like this:
ANNOUNCER: So, what do YOU think of it, Mr. Horse?
MR. HORSE: Hmmm...las cucarachas entran, pero no pueden salir.
REN: No sir, he doesn't like it.
Which, translates directly to "The cockroaches enter, but they can't leave." XD If you don't get the reference, you're too young. LOL
Umm...the sad thing is though, the creator, John K.(his last name is long and hard to pronounce), was kicked from his OWN SHOW after the first season. How sad. :( Even Simpsons creator, Matt Groening, said it shouldn't have happened. :D
And one of my favourite R&S quotes:
"Psst. Hey Guido. It's all so clear to me now. I'm the keeper of the cheese. And you're the lemon merchant. Get it? And he knows it. That's why he's gonna kill us. So we have to beat it. Yeah. Before he lets loose the marmosets on us! Don't worry, little missy! I'll save you!"
I know, it makes NO SENSE...but that's why I like it! ^_^ Hehehe...anyways, I had to make a post about it. XD Later and have a nice week! (It's the last week of the semester! W00T! But I have semester finals too...T_T)

Don't you just love these eeeeeediots? :P
Bai-bai! ^.^
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Friday, December 10, 2004
Seven Hellish Days
Current Mood: 
Currently Reading: Evil's Return by Jong Kyu-Lee & Hwan Shin
Well, my temporary message board is completely set up and we now have 5 members including me! :D People just need to check the boards. o_o Ooh! I got praise for it too! YAY!
Um...on a more serious note, I've been getting VERY annoyed at these kids on my bus. Well, the story day homosexuality got brought up into discussion and after I said a few things, this guy who probably had a crush on me or something said nervously, "YOU'RE not gay are you?!" Of course, I'm the type of person who doesn't advertise it, but I won't deny it either. Anyway, I responded, "So, what if I am?" He said, "What?! ARE you gay?" And, I said back again, "Yes. Why do you care?"
Oh god...then he told just about EVERYONE on the bus! Of course, my friends had already known, and just tried to support me...
It evolved yesterday and that same guy kepy saying, "'re really gay?!" People kept asking me OVER AND OVER! >.< And then, today, some stupid little 11/12 year-olds were laughing at me saying, "Haha! Hey, lesbian!" Pfft...I sarcastically shouted back to them, "Yes, hello!"'s annoying the shit out of me. It doesn't bother me, it's just annoying. REALLY fuckin' annoying. O_O new manga. ;_; Too poor to buy any. *sniff* But I did manage to get my hands on Evil's Return #2, which is my friend's, not mine. >_> Heehee. It's pretty gory, but lovely nonetheless. Here! Scan-scan! ^^: What big...FRAMES! ^^;
Well, I'm in the middle of making my goddamn Christmas list. RARRGHMONKEY! Anyway, as I long as I get the Chains of Promathia expansion pack for FFXI! ^_^
Oh, and did I mention that I've had f*ckin' tests ALL WEEK! Oh well, I made good grades on them. :) Buuuut...I have SEMESTER FINALS next week! AAAAAGH!! ><
Later and take care everyone. ^.^
EDIT: Hey, check this link out! XD Ashlee Simpson Lip-Sync It's funneh!
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
Shock upon shock upon shock!
Current Mood: 
Currently Listening To: "Zodical Sign" by Yuki Kajiura
To satrt, I've posted on this FFXI gaymer forum since October (the 16th specifically), and they're...
How can they do this?! *sighs* Oh well, I'm gonna find a way to get a new board! Somehow...>_>;
Besdies that, nothing else. o_o All this week we have CBA tests, which is like a practice semester final except you're stuck in one room for half of the day. >:( It was pretty easy though. I got a 91 on the math section! :D Yay for grade curves! LOL
Right now I want to reach level 30 on FFXI(right now I'm close to 28)! Because when you hit 30, you can get Mentor status and do quests to get ADVANCED jobs! I think I want Summoner! Just LOOK at Carby's cuteness! (It's the first summon you get...)

Well, I know I want anoher advanced job, but what?! >< Grr...
Later. ^.^
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