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Monday, December 6, 2004
I can find it in my fairy tale...
Current Mood: 
Currently Listening to: "Fiction" by Yuki Kajiura
Well, I don't feel like updating. @_@ Blaaaaaaarg!
Um...*coughs* anyways...there's this guy who keeps insisting that World of Warcraft is "WAY BETTER THAN FFXI!" Ugh. Lemme tell you, WoW doesn't look to promising. =/
For one, you can solo therough the whole game if you wanted to. Now, doesn't that defeat the purpose of an MMORPG?! Also, you can actually SKIN A BUNNY! ; ; There's something wrong with me, I don't hate those hares and rarabs anymore!
I used to hate those bunnies and found joy in killing them, but now...I feel like sitting down with them and talking about my problems. LOL I know, I'm pretty f*cked up aren't I?
Well, so long! I shall make a decent update later. ^^;; Later. :P
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Friday, November 26, 2004
Aa, kami-sama!
You HAVE to look at these links! o.o
BLARG! Enough of that linkage! You've probably gone more insane than you already are by now! >.<
Well, I'm off to play FFXI! ^.^ Bai-bai!
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Ooh! Lookeh what I found!
I found an old poem type thing saved in a Notepad document. Go figure it was hiding there out of all places. :P Anyways...reading over it, I'm starting to think I'm one disturbed child, no? XD It could be worse!Jere ya goes(and by the way, it was written on July 19th of this year...):
I want to grasp my fleeting wonders,
but they escape too quickly.
My conscience tells me nothing.
My only blood is colorless.
Like I am.
I'm dead to the world,
so be it.
For when I link myself,
I am almost full.
I can do nothing.
Fate loves to torture and wean.
There are few truths.
What are they?
They are so few, they don't exist.
Nothing and everything does.
I tear the flesh of my arm,
in hopes of realizing...
my true nature.
The blood seeps into my wanton teeth.
My desires heighten and expand.
I try to understand, but I am mortal.
Pure, beautiful, and corrputed.
Mindless souls wander astray to find their unity.
But they've had it all along.
I sit lonely by myself...
and sadly smile.
Where the HELL did that come from you ask? I couldn't tell you. When I write things I don't think, I just write what forms in my mind. Although sometimes, I mold my thought a little so to speak. Anyways, tell me what you think! ^^
And, don't worry! I'm not depressed! Not now at least...but I probably was when I wrote that. ^^;;;
See you all later! ^.~ *blows kiss to everyone*
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
XD It's been awhile!
Current Mood: 
Currently Listening To: "Duvet" by BOA
XD It HAS been a while. OK, I'm feeling generous, so I'll make a post. :P
Well, not much has been going on. Hmm...ooh! I'll tell ya what I did last weekend! :D Last weekend I achieved one of my life's goals! To run around on a giant hampster wheel! Yes, GIANT HAMPSTER WHEEL. @_@ You KNOW you've wanted to! But, yeah, there was some old artish stuff nest to an old railroad...and it had a giant hampster wheel. XD It was fun running around on it! ^.^ If you EVER come to Houston, it's where Hutchins and Commerece intersect.
Aaaaaaand...I got to see..LAIN! I only got to see the first 7 episodes (out of 13), but it's SO awesome! ^^ I love the theme song too as you can see. IT's kinda my theme song. ^.~ I don't completely understand it, but it's probably similar to FLCL in the fact that you really don't get it until the last episode, eh? Well, that's what I think.
Oh, I found an AWESOME anime website too! The linkeh! It's awesome because it has feee MP3s! *coughisthatlegalcough* Haha, anyways! ^^;;;;
I don't think we have enough yuri/shoujo-ai appreciation on MyO! Dontcha think? I mean, I love shounen-ai/yaoi, but give shoujo-ai/yuri SOME credit! =) And for this very occasion, I have pictures. ^_^
Michiru and Haruka! From Sailor Moon obviously...but I HATE the fact that Cartoon Network, when they still ran Sailor Moon on TV, they made them cousins. COUSINS for chrissake! @_@ How f-ed up is that?! Anyway...

A lesser-known pairing of Ami and Matoko. Very puuurdy picture in my opinion.

This kinda makes me wanna get DOA. She's cute. ^//^ AND KICKS ASS!

Mmm...gothic chick...:D Oh, I think her name's Guadalupe(the girl in the picture). Yeah, go visit the website on the image. It's awesome!

Also from the same site as above. THink her name is Agostina. She's...dare I say hot? :)

It's NOT smut I tell you! They're clothed, mind you! XD

They're pretty too. ^^

OK...enough of that...I was overdue for pics. :P But, come on, now I'm feeling the pride! XD OK, slap me if ya want...I think I've been hanging out my gay friends too much?! Yeah, my FFXI linkshell(similar to a chatgroup) is a GLBT linkshell. Although, I'm the youngest and the only girl, we all get along great! What with all the "luub" between everyone. XD Don't get it? You're not supposed to. But um...I'm just glad I have friends even if they be online, older than me, or otherwise. ^.^
Oooooh...on FFXI I got rank 3! Ranks you ask? Well, you're a citizen of a country you choose and you do missions and get conquest points to help take over different regions all over the Vana'diel world. It's ever-changing though! Anyways, to get rank 3, I had to fight a frickin' dragon. Actually, it was impossibly easy because I had 2 people who had done it before and an almost full party.'s that FUGLY dragon faithfully preserved in screenshots:

See, ugly? Yeah. It didn't take very long though. :)
Oh, by the way, did I mention that I hit 500 hits? YAY! ^^ Actually, 510 by now, get the point!
Oh well...I guess I'll see everyone later! ^.^ I'd say more, but I cant think of anything. Take care, everyone! ^^
Note: Resized images are linked to the full size version.
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Friday, November 19, 2004
@.@ Sorry I haven't been here too much guys. FFXI is becoming ADDICTIVE! Besides that, I have *friends.* Wow. Amazing. Oh, but I got sme new music! ^^ Well, downloaded/burned/etc. but that's not the point. Some techno-sounding Japanese pop, more L'arc~en~Ciel (^_^), aaaaaaaaand...Björk!! YAY! Me lurv Björk! :P Later everyone.
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
A Little Something...
Conservatives Motto: I'm so homophobic, I can't touch myself.
Liberals Motto: Jack off while it's still legal!
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Sunday, November 7, 2004
Current Mood: 
Currently istening To: "Ningyo hime" by Rie Tanaka
Guys, guys...I'm getting withdrawal from lack of comments...T_T Come on! I'm a COMMENT WHORE!
Uhh...moving on...I'm super-pissed Bush won the election! Pretty much all of my decent friends are...*cough* Canada here I come! LOL looks like World war III might be on the brink then, eh?
Yeah...uhh anyways! ^^; Today I didn't do much. (And, by the way, I was at Lisa's apartment. Uhh...Lisa is my dad's girlfriend and he lives with her now. ^^)Ate a cheese omelete in the morning...per the hyper dog, took a nap with everyone else in the same bed (lol), got a Vietnamese sandwich (which was pretty good!) went to Half-Price Books, came home...meh...but I got a lot of time to talk with Lisa and my dad. They're cool. Actually, I'd say I'm pretty lucky to have the parents I do. ^^ They're not squares. :P And they have good taste in music. >.<
Oh...did I tell you that I got my chocobo license? I did! Woo-hoo! ^^ Yeah, for you non-FFXI have to do a quest to be able to ride chocobos...and it takes 6 real HOURS! @.@ But...I finally finished it! Screenshot time! ^__^

What my character looks like as of now...I'm getting new armor once I get the money though...>>;;

Some high-level Japanese players...and I mean HIGH! I'm talking...level 75...out of 75...anyway, I thought it was kinda cute, so I took a picture. ^_^

Qufim Island and all it's glory. God, I HATE that place! >.< It takes FOREVER To get a party...but I have yet to see Aurora Borealis there...I hear you can see it there...

Ha! It's ME on a chocobo! ^^ I named it Chiisai. It means little ^o^

LMAO If you don't get it, look at the "Moogle's" codpiece. XD
Well, goodbye everyone and good tidings to your sink! ^^
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004 that a recount I smell?
Current Mood: 
Currently Listening To: "Violent Red" from Vampire Princess Miyu
Currently Reading: Slayers by Hajime Kanzaka
*sigh* It's, we had a mock election for president at our school...and all of my friends but one went for Bush. T_T Well...Julia chose at random so no one
I just fear that if Bush wins, we're doomed. Today, I had a little daydream answering the question "WHAT IF Bush won?" Oh was a almost made me cry too, to be honest...NOO! Actually...I don't really like either candidate...(and I know barely anything about Nader)...BUT...come on people! Is America getting stupider and stupider?! This is fucking ridiculous!
On lighter news, I love Slayers! ^^ Hehehe..."Gourry?" "Lina?" "Gimme that sword! Gimmegimmegimme!" :) And my Halloween candy...uhh...let's just say I DON'T want it! >.< There's too much! GAH! I'd rather have plain sugar cubes than candeh! ( mother confessed that she's a "candeh thief." I knew it! >=D)
Anyone wanna hear a a story? Whatever, you have to listen anyway!! MUAHAHA! BOW DOWN TO ME MIN-oh sorry...I try not to do that, but it's hard not to! ^^;;; Anyways...yesterday, at lunch...I sat alone where I usually do...which, I really don't mind! I like being alone, because THEN I can actually get some homewrok or manga reading done. :) the point...I sat alone as I usually do, and a lot of people just randomly sat at the big long table my individual table was a part of...(uhh...if you don't get it...I'll try to explain...). So, I moved to another table with...less people...and then these two guys who were at my table where I usually sit...they came over and kept saying things like,"Why'd you leave? Is it because you don't like? I hought we had something know?" Of course, all I did was laugh and say,"Look, I don't know you, dude." (Damn strangers...) Now, I think they were either joking or just...I dunno...being desperate...(probably the former though).
And, today, they were there again. And they said stuff like..."No! We're not joking! You see that guy over there? (points to guy sitting at table behind us)? Yeah, he thinks you have a nice ass...(to other guy) isn't that right?" Of course I'm thinking..."Oh god... they must be joking, right? Whatever...they're probably idiots anyway..."
So, after enough of THAT shit...I said, "Look. Even if you're joking or not, I'm gay, OK?" And, they thought I was just saying that to get them away...but no, I obviously wasn't.
And once it hit them..."Grooooooss!" "That's against God, you know!" "Oh my god! Really?! You're a lesbo?!" "What? Have you like, kissed a girl before?" "Have you gone out with a girl before? What was it like?" God, I wanted to smack them upside their frickin' HEADS!!! "Yes, I don't care..."
Yeah...."Hello America! I'm gay!" Let's see how that would go People...are just so f-ing stupid sometimes it amazes me.
Rant over. I'll leave Ignorance's minions to themselves. -_- Ehh...I had to write a poem or essay about violence in English class...of course, I wrote a poem! ^^ I dunno if it's any good or not...but everyone's thing is going to be turned into some contest with an extremely corny name..."Do the Write Thing!" *stupid laugh* GRAPES ARE FUN!
Anyone see that new South Park episode? "A big, fat douche or a stupid turd, which one do you like best?" LOL Yay! New episodes! ^^
Here, pictures to make you happy...hopefully...:

So true...I love that pic...


It's from Beautiful, isn't it? The person who did this has an AMAZING Skill for drawing/painting people...:)

I love Rosiel...and Kurai is cool too. (I haven't read the series one has to know that...I LOVE Kaori Yuki! ^^)
Well, I really need to's...12:28 PM exactly...oi...I should get some sleep, eh? Good night and farewell everone.
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Saturday, October 30, 2004
Yes, I've been slightly busy...>_> BUT I managed to miraculously clean my room. And get my FF XI sub-job to....8! ^_^ Wow...I feel special now...sooo...I'll visit everyone's sites...tomorrow! ^^
Ehhh....the whole cosplay thing didn't work out, so I'm gonna go do something really last-minute...I'll tell you how that turns out. :P
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
Concon!!! ^^
Yay! Today I went to Oni-Con! Whch was lovely.....I went with my dad, Davian, and Tracey...>_> Oi! What a looooong-ass day! I swear I got completely LOST in the Dealer's Room. 0_0 And...I wanted the panda hat! T_T They had this hat with panda ears...either that, or Domo-kun!! DOMO-KUN! The people there were really nice took forever to get use of the bathroom...>.< Uhh....I got while I was there:
- Gravitation #6(actually yesterday but whatever)
- Slayers #1(novel format...I also got that one yesterday...)
- Chobits DVD #4
- RahXephon DVD #3
- CardCaptor Sakura(part of a $15 "grab bag")
- Ranma....stickers...(grab bag also)
- Some VHS anime movie called..."Gaiarth" I have never heard of that.(grab bag >.<)
- Box of chocolate Pocky (it was CALLING me!)
- A lovely bottle of Ramune....funkeh soda-type drink...
Uhh...yeah....I had saved up $90 for THAT! I wanted a plushie too...but the only ones they had were Atashi, Chii, DiGiKo, or Rabi En Rose....>_> I didn't get to cosplay...because I thought it was NEXT weekend!! >.< Uhh...rambling done...o.o
XD Earlier today, my mom was watching some movie called "Blue Lagoon." Oh was SO....funny in a "that's NOT funny!" way!! XDDDDDD Like, the girl said "I saw you playing with it!" And she meant uh...yeah, was hilarious for me...I'm odd, I know...well, I'm too hamana to make a decent, consistent post so....yah, I'll save that post for later!! ^^;;;;
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