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Buraso Saru74
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Houston, Texas
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High School Studten
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I'll get back to you on that one...
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon when I was about 10 years old.
Favorite Anime
Noir and Serial Experiments Lain
I'm not gonna bore you with all my goals! ^^
Final Fantasy XI, other video games, art, cartoons, comic books,, poking people, sleeping, etc.
The special kind. ^_~
| ChibiSherube484
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Monday, October 18, 2004
Can you pleeeeeeaaaaase comment on my last post anyone who hasn't?! ;;
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Shoe coo foo....MOO!
Utsuru toki osoirenaide.
Current Mood: 
Well, for starters, I watched most of the Presidential Debate today. Funny thing though...he said something about working parents getting an extra $1000 if they had a kid...liar! My mom only got $300! That's a bunch of bullshit! And oh, there were many other lies he told...(and if you look closely, you can see him get red in the face and once he smirked...).
Moving on, I visited everyone's sites today, so don't be complaining!
And....*drum roll* I GOT MY SUB-JOB ON FF XI!!! w00t w00t! This means, I practically have 2 jobs at once...except it's always half or less of your main job...-_- Oh well, I'm gonna be REAL busy leveling up my THF then...>_<
I wrote a story for English class, but I wanna know what you think because...I am a writer. ^_^ Click HERE to read! :) Tell me what you think! ^^ I'm a comment whore! :P (Note: It goes a litle fast because I didn't wanna force the teacher to kill
People are SO mean! I mean, I know it's kinda stupid, but every time someone says,"Oh my god! That's SO fucking gay!" it hurts my feelings. u.u I'm not trying to get sympathy or anything, just posting my thoughts/opinions/happenings/whatnot. Man, that's I go, today and tomorrow I shall keep no sercrets and shit...I am who I am. Deal with it. So, with that said:
*calms down* Ok...never mind...I'm funny if my grandma were to read this. XD Oh god, she is SO...well, she's a Southern Baptist Bible-humper...XD Originally, it was "Bible Thumper" but I said..."If they love it so much why aren't they just Bible humpers?" Oh, that's awful...and don't get me wrong, I have no problems with Christians, but I just don't like people forcing their beliefs on others. ^^;; It's stupid. Well, I feel better now. See ya everyone! ^.~
EDIT: Gyah! I forgot pictures! Here yas gos!! ^_^

OK...I'm done now...bye-bye! ^^
Comments (2) |
Monday, October 11, 2004
Someday it'll happen....
Utsuru toki o osoirenaide.
Current Mood: 
Currently Listening to: "Violently Happy" by Björk...
Bllllarrrgh! OK, if you didn't know...for the past two days I was in Dallas...first day, I went to the State Fair, and today I went to my...second cousin's wedding reception...-_- OK, hold on people, this is probably gonna be a mighty LONG post! O.O
K...Texas State Fair. Goddamn, it's WAY too much walking! >.< Rarrghmonkey! Well, for one, I got to see a pretty cool concept car. :) was...odd. Meh...I don't get cars...>_> And the State Fair was right next to the Cotton Bowl AND it was a game day! >.< OU vs. UT (Oklahoma/Sooners vs. Texas/Longhorns in other words)...GOD! I will NEVER understand football! It just seems so...pointless to me...>_> Anyways, I actually had quite a loooooong day...-_-
Meh...first, we saw "Big Tex"...felt like going up to it and kicking it...can't do hat though. T_T And got a "corny dog." I mean, MY GOD! Since when did it become a "corny dog" and not a corn dog?! Hmm...there was a tent of free crap though! Spin the whell and win, but it's cool to win anyways! GWAHAHA!! I got a "La Costeña" shirt...and a...oh, get this...BAR OF SOAP from the Fiesta booth! XD lmao Subliminal messages anyone? Hehehe...
Also, there was this HUGE pig! His name is Boris...and just HOW big is he?! 1,183 pounds! That's like, half an elephant's weight! >.< Oh, but he's only 4 years old and sleeps 23 hours a day. T_T I feel SO sorry for him!! *sniff* He can barely lift his head he's so fat! And not only that, but he's being exploited for his weight. I mean, all he does is sit, eat...and look at people staring at his weight and commenting on how big he is! Poor piggy! T__T Sho saaad...
On a happier note, we also saw a short performance by the Marine Drum and Bugle Corps. Meh...I'm not one much for army-related shit and that kind of music...but it was interesting. There was also this guy who was made into a sergeant right there. o.o Corporal? Sergeant? Lieutenant? I don't know any ransk except tht general is highest...right?! Aw hell, I don't care anyways...>_>
Hmm...rode the "Texas Star" ferris whell. Only because it'sa like a...well, one of things you HAVE to do while you're there. Tallest ferris whell in North America it is. ^_^ Also saw a bird show...there was this one that can fly over 100 MPh! >.< I wish I could fly...u.u Let's also say I have actually TRIED to fly. XD
TODAY...I went to some wedding reception...bleh...all I had to do was talk to a few relatives I can hardly remember and get free food. lol Hm...funny thing though, my cousin had actually had the marriage in Hawaii. And the pictures of it and the video playing on someone's laptop. Priceless! XD She looked paranoid or scared or soemthing, and the guy was like all relaxed. Funny, funny stuff there...lmao
Anyways, it was...OK...ooh! And I got a new bedsheet! It's all silky...^^ Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilk bedsheets...mmm...Well, I'm REALLY REALLY, I'll go visit everyone's sites tomorrow...meh...I'm also waiting for a download right now...-_- Rarrgh...and my FF XI keeps getting errors! >.<
Well, see you persons later! ^_^
Comments (2) |
Sunday, October 3, 2004
First, I'd like to say that I feel better now that I've had some sleep. But, get this. After Thinkanti posted something in reponse to those assholes ysterday, Delamar said verbatim:
heh... shirubi made another account to back her self up...
Thinkanti was made today (well.. yestuday technicly) Oct 2.
If you look in thier profiles (both shirubi's and Thinkanti's) you will find that they are in the same timezone... and that thinkanti has not posted anything else on this site..
so... im conviced that it is the same person...
the only doubt is that she spells shirubi wrong:
You know shurubi and I both respect your age and experience.
so it might be 2 different people, but who, who could find this forum besides ls members?
and thinkanti, u said:
Now Shurubi wants to be left alone and I think that's an easy enough request to have granted.
but then why does she keep coming back, and who the fuck are u? im guessing ur shelby... but i dunno... also ur post is like an hour later then shelbys... so i still dont know... anyone want to help me figure this out?
What the hell is UP with this guy?! I mean, WTF, mate? RARRGHMONKEY!!
OK, enough ranting. Umm...on FF XI, I have started...cutting wood. O.O I am now a cat-girl lumberjack. Sounds weird, eh? XD Oh well, I get money off of it. :P STILL at level 17! RARRGH! I've been thinking of getting a mule...which is, NOT the animal, but an extra character for storage or Auction Huse purposes. Hmmm...only costs a dollar extra. I dunno...
OOh! Guess what! There's GOOD NEWS for once! ^___^ My mom got a job! *does evil hampster dance* And now, hopefully, we can start saving up to Ottawa, Canada! Yaaay!
Uhhhh...I'm hungry...I'm gonna go eat...and then take a shower...-_-
Well, see ya later! ^^
Comments (2) |
Saturday, October 2, 2004
§ad §ad Kiddie
Utsuru toki o osoirenaide.
Current Mood: 
Oi....u.u I feel shittier than shit. One, because I got kicked from my linkshell. I don't care that I got kicked, but I made a post on the LS's message board. It was supposed to be an apology, but they managed to dwindle down my self-esteem to a tiny tiny sliver. Go read it for yourself and tell me what you think: Post. Obviously, I'm Kurai7. Sama avatar as I have on this site. Am I an idiot? Because they keep telling me I am. And everyone else, says I'm not. So which is it?! And don't tell me they're just a bunch of losers who don't know what they're talking about. They're all older than me, and probably most of you. Except for Delamar, he's only 14. Do I sound like an idiot?!
Umm....not much going on...I don't feel like visiting anyone's sites really...I'm sorry 'bout that. I'm just not up for it.
I don't feel like posting anymore, really. I'm so sorry! I'll find time another time‼ OK?
Comments (5) |
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Yup. It's definitely quiz time. Hehehe...^o^
Utsuru toki o osoirenaide.
EDIT: Holy shit! What happened to the HTML?!?!?! I have no idea what happened. All I did was put paragraph tags in bvetween each one. Sorry about the messed-upness...>_>
border=0 frameborder=0 alt="You are a Bard!">
Take the
href="" target="new"> "How Do You Use Magic?"
a> test! Written by Brimo
="0" src="">
What kind of ANGEL are you?
Quiz made by Angela
 You, my friend are a true individual. You most likely hate trends and are creative.
By seeing things differently, people either admire you or think you are a bit strange. I'm
guessing you are a lot like me. Perhaps a Good Charlotte hater? I hope so. An inspiration to
us all, continue being you! (If you like GC, I'm sorry, I am just expressing an opinion)
A Deeper Look Inside Yourself (with pics)
a> brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a
dark writer. A fierce and loyal follower of Poe and the other gothic authors, you LOVE to
instill a sense of revulsion and somewhat fear in your readers. You love to poke their brains
with logic dealing with the darker side of the human mind and character. Truly surprising and
a true individual, you'll do ANYTHING to create a scene. :)
What's YOUR Writing Style? brought to you by

Find your Role-Playing
Stereotype at
border="0" src="">
Are you NASTY or NICE?
Quiz made by Angela
 Category V - The Lone Wolf
Though you'd be welcome in most groups, you prefer a more solitary path.
What Type of Social Entity are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
> You Are The Clingy Gay Man
What Type Of Gay Man Are You?
size="-3">brought to you by Quizilla

You are an extremely talented person and you are
also brilliant. You are mature, charming, straight-forward and you worry about your friends when
they're in trouble. You give great advice and you're probably one of the best friends someone can
ever have.
>Which Gravitation Character Are YOU? Take the quiz at Dare to Dream |
 Congrats! You would wear: A colorful Uniform!
What kind of Anime School Uniform should you wear? ( with pics!..)
size="-3">brought to you by Quizilla
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> Long Survey About Yourself | |
colspan="2">Created by bleedwithoutreason
and taken 5692 times on bzoink!<
/a> What time are you starting this? | 3:54 PM | Name?<
/td> | Shelby | |
align:right;">Nicknames? |
>Shi-chan, rubi, shi....but the last two are online...or Shell by my parents...>_> |
align:right;">Date of birth?3
.7.1991 | Sex? | Female.......I think...lemme check...*lol* | Height?<
/td> | I think I'm 5' 7" |
tr> Eye color? | green | Where were you born? | Katy, a hospital....>_> | |
align:right;">Number of candles on your last birthday cake?12.... | Pets? | 6...5 cats and I betta fish... | |
align:right;">Hair color? |
>blonde...but I'm planning to get electric blue streaks someday... |
>Piercings?Nope |
tr> Town you live in? | Houston, Texas | Favorite foods? | Shrimp Tempura and White Castle burgers |
tr> Ever been to Africa? | No..... | Been toilet papering? | Nope... | Love
someone so much it made you cry? | Yes u.u But I realized it wasn't was fickle, and I never really loved them....I just
thought I did...>_> | Been in a car accident? | Yup...3 days after an eye surgery too! | |
align:right;">Croutons or bacon bits?croutons!!! | Favorite day of the week? | Saturday | |
>Favorite resturant?Don't
have one | Favorite flower? | ...hmm....I like white roses and magnolias | |
>Favorite sport to watch? |
>uhhhh....martail karate or judo or's OK... |
>Favorite drink?Sunkist or
....Saint Arnold root beer! | Favorite ice cream flavor? | Cookies and Cream | |
right;">Warner Bros. or Disney?Warner Bros. | Favorite fast food restuarant? | tater tots EVER...
td> | Carpet color in your bedroom? | light brown-ish....hard to say, really... | |
>How many times did you fail your driver's test?I haven't take it yet | Whom did you get your last
email from? | my yahoo group
...."World_of_Gravitation" | Which store would you choose to max out
your credit card? | ...ooh....
Anime Planet... | What do you do most often when you are bored?
td> | take stupid online surveys like
this! *lol* | Most annoying thing to say to me? | HAMANA!!!! | |
>Bedtime?10:30....but it
always ebds up being 11 or 11:30 | Favorite TV show? | O.O Too many to choose from |
tr> Last person you went out to dinner with?: | probably my mom | Been out
of country? | no...u.u |
tr> Believe in magick? | in some aspects, yes | Ford or Chevy? | Chevy | What are
you listening to right now? | "
Instant Music" by The Pillows ^____^ | Have you ever failed a grade?
td> | No, but I almost SKIIPPED a
grade.... | If you have, what grade did you fail? | uhh...I almost SKIPPED first grade...except I bombed
the math section XD | Do you have a crush on someone? | |
style="background-color:#5E6AA8;padding:5px;text-align:left;">not really Do you have a bf/gf? | no
td> | If so, what is their name? | ....... | How long have you been together?
td> | ........ | What are you wearing right now? | a red T-shirt with a dragon on it...vans shoes....and boy-type shorts... | |
align:right;">Would you have sex before marriage?sure, if there was mutual love between us | |
>Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers? | Are you a virgin? | |
="background-color:#5E6AA8;padding:5px;text-align:left;">yes Do you
smoke? | no | |
align:right;">Do you drink? |
>no Are you ghetto? | no XD | Are you a player? | NO! >.< | What are
your favorite colors? | Black,
red, and purple | What is your favorite animal? | ....erm...I dunno | Do you have any birthmarks? | yes, but I'm not telling you where...hehe.... | Have you
ever gotten your ass kicked? | |
>many times Who do you talk to most on the phone? | I don't talk on the phone...o.o |
tr> Have you ever been slapped? | yup | Do you get online a lot? | |
style="background-color:#5E6AA8;padding:5px;text-align:left;">yes...>_> Are you shy or outgoing? | |
>shy! Do you shower? | of course | Do you hate school? | |
style="background-color:#5E6AA8;padding:5px;text-align:left;">mostly no Do you have a social life? | |
>not really... How easily do you trust people? | I try not to, but I always end up doing so...<
/td> | Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing? | |
style="background-color:#5E6AA8;padding:5px;text-align:left;">yes |
>Would you ever sky dive? |
>probably Do you like to dance? | no! >.< | Have you ever been out of
state? | yup....Mississippi,
Arizona, California,Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Arkansas | Do you
like to travel? | yes |
tr> Have you ever been expelled from school? | no....not YET at least...>_> | Have you
ever been suspended from school? | no | Do you want to get out of your hometown? | |
style="background-color:#5E6AA8;padding:5px;text-align:left;">YES!!!!! My mom and I are hoping to
move to Ottawa, Canda sometime... Are you spoiled? | no, not really | Are
you a brat? | no... |
tr> Have you ever been dumped? | no, never had a boyfriend or girlfriend... | |
>Have you ever gotten high? | Do you like snapple? | not really | Do you
drink a lot of water? | I try to <
/td> | What toothpaste do you use? | Crest......regular flavor...I hate mint! >.< | Do you have a cell phone? | no | Do you have a curfew? | just....before dark.... | Who do
you look up to? | I have a few
...but one is His Holiness the Dalai Lama...yes, I'm a Buddhist...>_> | Are
you a role model? | no XD
td> | Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point? | yup I have Six Flags Astro World right here
in my town...:) but I've also been to the Six Flags in San Antonio | What
name brand do you wear the most? | ....uhh...I don't wear any ONE name brand....>_> | What kind
of jewelry do you wear? | |
>mmm...chains...^_^ What do you want pierced? | nothing...maybe an ear...but only one...
td> | Do you like takin pictures? | yah, but not having MINE taken >< | Do you
like gettin your picture taken? | NO! | Do you have a tan? | not really....a little in summer | Do you
get annoyed easily? | |
>veeeeeeeeery Have you ever started a rumor? | no | Do you
have your own phone or phone line? | nope | Do you have your own pool? | well, my grandparent's who live less than half a mile
away do | Do you prefer boxers or briefs? | boxers.... | Do you
have any siblings? | no | <
/tr> Have you ever been played? | what? | Have you ever played anyone?
td> | what?! | |
right;">Do you get along with your parents?yes, mostly | How do you vent your anger? | |
style="background-color:#5E6AA8;padding:5px;text-align:left;">punching myself....I know, i'm weird
... Have you ever ran away? | I wanted to, but no | Have you
ever been fired from a job? | |
>I've never HAD a job Do you even have a job? | no | Do you
daydream a lot? | yes ^^
td> | Do you have a lot of ex's? | no | Do you run your mouth? | eh? | What do
you want a tattoo of? | I don't
want a tattoo | What do you have a tattoo of? | I don't have one | What does your ex bf/gf look like? | I don't have any exes.... | What does your most recent crush
look like? | uhhhh....she's
kinda....not pretty...but it's her personality I liked really | Whats
her/his name? | ....not saying
!!! u///u | Have you ever been bitched out? | yup, by my own friend *lol* | Are
you rude? | I TRY not to be
.... | What was the last compliment you recieved? |'s been a looooong time... | <
/tr> Do you like getting dirty? | ummm..... | Are you flexiable? | no..u.u | What is
your heritage? | British,
Choctaw Native American, German....I think that's it o.o | What is
your lucky number? | 7 | <
/tr> What does your hair look like right now? | blonde, wavy....inch or two below my shoulder.... | |
align:right;">Could you ever be a vegetarian?yeah, of course! But I could NEVER live without fish... | Describe your looks? | |
>uhhh...I don't wanna go there....I'd rather keep it a mystery...o.o If you
had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color? | purple | Would you ever date someone
younger than you? | sure
td> | Would you ever date someone older than you? | sure....I don't really like people my age
ayway...>_> | When was the last time you were drunk? | |
="background-color:#5E6AA8;padding:5px;text-align:left;">I've never been drunk o.o
tr> How many rings until you answer the phone? | 2 or 3 | Have you
ever been skinny dipping? | |
>yup ^^;;; If yes, when was the last time? | months was with my friends though... |
tr> When was the last time you went on a date? | I've never been on a date o.o | Do
you look more like your mother or father? | both equally | Do you cry a lot? | mostly u.u | Do
you ever cry to get your way? | no! | What phrase do you use most when on the phone? | *after just picking up the telephone* Yeah?
Why'd you call? | Are you the romantic type? | yesh ^////^ | Have you
ever been chased by cops? | |
>no XD What do you like most about your body? | ...ummm....I dunno....who said I liked
anything in the first place?! | What do you like least about your body?
td> | .....I'm klinda on the fat side
...u.u | When did you have your first crush? | kindergarten *lol* | When
was the last time you threw up? | uhhh....well, I was going to my guitar lesson...and I threw up on some grass near a high school
XD | In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes? | |
style="background-color:#5E6AA8;padding:5px;text-align:left;">either Do
you ever wear shirts do show your belly? | no >< | What about cleavage? | a little...>_> | Is
your best friend a virgin? | I
don't have a best friend...but ALL my friends are virgins so.... | Have you
ever fucked someone up? | |
>what exactly do you mean by that?! Have you ever been fucked up?
td> | (see above) | |
align:right;">What theme does your room have? just has raqndom things really....but the clash in this case is GOOD |
tr> What size show do you wear? | if you mean shoe, then a women's 10 and a men's 9 | |
align:right;">What is your screen name on AIM?...Buraso Saru484 hehe....I'm not on much anymore... | How are you feeling right now? | a little above OK | When was the last time you were at a
party? | my friend's
birthday party....last July... | Have you ever given a lapdance? | |
style="background-color:#5E6AA8;padding:5px;text-align:left;">NO! O.O Have you ever recieved one? | (see above) | Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?
td> | no...maybe.... |
tr> What is one of your bad qualilties? | doormat syndrome | What is
one of your good qualilties? | |
>smartness...hehe... Would you marry for money? | |
="background-color:#5E6AA8;padding:5px;text-align:left;">no! What do
you drive? | I don't drive
td> | Are you more of a mommys or daddys child? | both... | So?
td> | WHAT?! | |
align:right;">Well? |
was the last time you cried in school? | today | Would you ever hook up with the same sex? | |
style="background-color:#5E6AA8;padding:5px;text-align:left;">Totally! I kinda like girls better
anyway! ^___^ What kind of music do you like? | Trance/house.....rock is second... |
tr> Would you ever bungee jump? | yah! | What is your worst fear? | |
style="background-color:#5E6AA8;padding:5px;text-align:left;">that I will be shunned and rejected
by everybody and not loved...along those lines...but otherwise, nothing! ^_^ Would you ever join the army? | Hell no! | Do you like cows? | Me likey da cows! :3 | If you
were to die today, what would you do? | smile and accept it | If you had one last word to say to someone
before you die, what would it b? | goodbye | Do you like to party? | not really | Hearts or
broken hearts? | broken
hearts | Moons or stars? | stars...but moon is cool too | Coke or
pepsi? | Neither! I loe my Dr.
P!!! | Favorite scent? | hmm....I dunno | Favorite band? | NITTLE GRASPER!!! Does that even
count?! | Would you ever dye your hair red? | no | How
many languages can you speak? | 2: English and Spanish....but only basic Spanish...I'm still learning ^^ I also want to learn
Japanese | What time are you finishing this? | 4:35 PM XD |
title="Create a Survey">Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! | |
="angelofanime"> The carnival! You are fun, and fiesty, and people admire your total I-don't
-care-what-you-think attitude.
~ What Location Represents You? (
cool pics)~ brought to you by
 He likes to be by himself
a lot, but don't let that scare you off. He has a very caring soul and he will always love you
from the bottom of his heart! And if your friends start telling you hes not your type, ignore
them or laugh in their faces. You are the key to unlock that heart of his^^.
What kind of boyfriend would you have?(with pics and obviously for girls^^)
font> brought to you by Quizilla
Hehe....OK...never mind...I'm done...I'll post something later! It'll be a POST post! ^.~ Bai-bai!
Comments (3) |
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Utsuru toki o osoirenaide.
Current Mood: 
Currently Listening To: "Ningyo Hime" from Chobits (BTW, the title in English would be "Doll Princess.")
Currently Reading: Hellsing Volume 1 by Kohta Hirano
Well, it has been a day. Not crappy, nor good...meh...I actually went...get this, OUTSIDE during the afternoon! ^__^ Amazing, huh? Hehe...well, instead of playing FF XI which I normally do....I went over to my friend's house...o.o Ummm....I got Kodocha #9 and Hellsing #1, which I mentioned above. Yesterday, I started readng Fruits Basket...but I can't really get into it...u.u It's so...pointless and sappy!! And THAT'S what I hate it when it's in my manga...>.< Anyway, I also noticed the style of the artist. It was...odd...the bodies were drawn OK, but the faces...>_> The eyes were BIG and their chins were too pointy...>< *sigh* Oh well, it's OK nonetheless...(the art, not the plot, mind you!) Moving on, I helped my friend Tracy clean her room. u.u Funny thing...I LIKE cleaning OTHER people's rooms...but not my own...-_-;;; Umm...ooh ooh! Guess what she had and didn't want!!!! ^^ Well, let's just say I ended up taking home a green crydtal ball. ^____^ It's freakin' awesome, dude! ^^ I've always wanted a crystal ball. :3 Ummm...I'm kinda jealous of her older brother though...he has...a rapier, sai, shurikens, you name it! T_T And they're all authentic too....except for one crappy steel one...T_T I want a katana...or no, a pair of shurikens!! u.u Damn him.....>_>
Well, I'm overdue for pictures so...:

It's.....Tohru!! From Fruits Basket, yes....for some reason, I just like this picture...>_>

It's Sana from Kodocha!! ^___^ Sana's cool. Then again, I'm more of an Akito fan...heehee...

The first page in Steel Angel mom's friend recommended it to likey 'dis picture! *Su drool* ^///^

My FF XI character...version 2...Lovely, eh? (Taken in tahrongi Canyon BTW...)

Me...version 3...and this is what my character currently looks like! ^^;; I'm more fond of the last look...but hey, at least this armor's on my level...

My friend and I....he's Savotei...but I think his real name is Chance...I dunno...>_> But we talk a lot! ^_^ He even sent me roses(in the game...hehe...) ^///^

w000t w000000t! All aboard the low-level train! *lmao* A train is basically getting a bunch of lower-level monsters to form a train-like formation and run and attack you...while geeting more monsters...hehe...XD It's SOOOO fun!! Don't ask me why the way, if I haven't said so already...I'm signing up for Oni-Con right here in Houston! ^^ Also, I'm hpoing to cosplau as Robin from...Witch Hunter Robin!! Yay yay yay!!! ^_____^

Cute girls with pyrokinesis doesn't get any better than this. ^.~ Hehe...
See ya everone! ^__^ Bai-bai! ^^
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Utsuru toki o osoirenaide.
Meh....I'm tired...I'm gonna add a post tomorrow...-_-;;;
Note: Got 2 missions and 1 quest done today on FF XI...stuck on level 17...>.< next level, I get a subjob and can do the quest to get a CHOCOBO! ^_^ *sighs* -_-;;
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Gyaaah! >.<
Utsuru toki o osoirenaide.
Current Mood:
Currently Listening To: The sound of my sanity slipping further and further away...
AAAACK!!! They've given me shitloads of homework!! >.< And yesterday, I had to do some crappy science project...make an atom model...keh...>_> *sighs* It's like they've been saving up...oi...-_-;; Haven't been on FF XI since...Friday...withdrawal symptoms? Surprisingly, no. Hmm...ah, some pictures for your amusement/viewing pleasure:

Anyone else think Shuuichi would make a good girl? Hehe...and as to WHY he's cross-dressing I shall not tell...let's just say it's in volume #4...^_^;

Awww...what a pretty picture...(which, yes, is the one used for my OMOH banner...*shifty eyes*)

WOAH!!! Everyone get your cameras!! OH MY GOD! He's SMILING!!! I have only like...2 pictures with Yuki smiling...^^;; Well, at least I have one in the first place...
OOH OOH! Guess what everyone?! I FINALLY found somewhere that sells Shounen Zanzou...but not at a Japanese website...-_-; YAAAAAY!!! Well...if you ever need Japanese manga...go HERE!!! ^___^ Yes, this makes me veeeeery happy...uhh...well, as you know I got Gravitation #4...but my mom got Canada...Kaikan Phrase and Tokyo Babylon...they're both...OK...TB is pretty good. Except at the beginning I had some diffuculty with the genders...then seached for pronouns...-_-;; Ehehe...well, I got to go to sleep...I'll visit you people's sites...sometime...>_> Not sure when though...Bai-bai!! ^__^
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
So.........done anything stupid lately?
Utsuru toki o osoirenaide.
Current Mood: Ignored
Currently Listening To: "Spicy Marmalade" from...well, I think we should all know by now that it's from Gravitation...-_-
*sighs* OK...I'm sticking to text smileys from now on...>_> Ehehe...well, let me tell, was probably the stupidest day EVER at school. O.O I'm not kidding. So, yeah, they cut all our classes short a little so at the end of the day we.........
Well, we had to go to a pep rally...of ALL evil/sinister things!!
So, yah. Pep rally. Totally stupid, totally lame. I have NO school spirit whatsoever. o.o None. My school sucks. So, we had to go to the gym and watch this stupid thing. They had the school band play all these victory-ish sounding songs and they even had the lack of intelligence to get the cheerleaders from the high school to "dance" and "cheer." They had the cougar mascot too! BUT...despite the was freakin' HILARIOUS!!! XD I mean, it was SO incredibly stupid, I just burst out laughing! Oh, and get this, they handed out little pom-poms to everyone. O.O;; Come ON! -_- Ugh...but yah, I laughed my ass off. XD Hehe...moving on...
Today there was NOTHING on my dad quickly went to my grandparent's house and brought over.....*drum roll* KILL BILL! Yay! I had been wanting to see that movie!! ^___^ had some blood...funny thing though, it like, literally GUSHED out of their arms/legs/other limbs, etc.!! "Well, Billy Bob, I reckon we's gots another one o' them GUSHERS!!! *hick laugh*" ^_^; Well, I'd say my favorite character in that movie is...Gogo! I mean...COME insane 17-year-old that kicks ass while wearing a sailor fuku! What's NOT to love about that?! Except that she got killed...u.u Oh the movie, Uma had that Bruce Lee tracksuit. ^__^ That was cool. I liked it...though, you could tell that some of the anonymous could easily tell they had VERY little training with a katana. The way they held it and how they moved. They had NO planning or thinking or skill in their movement. Really, they fought like you would with a European/medieval-type sword. Hack-and-slash really. Can any of you see that? Well, if you've seen it....>_> Hehe...^_^ I've read Gravitation #4 off the Internet via scanlations. But I'm gonna buy it anyways...ooh ooh! Liks!!!
^__^ Yah, they're pretty cool. Linky linky linkies...>_> I'm tired, I think I'll go to sleep tonight...*yawns* Good bye and good night everyone! ^^
EDIT: Damn link...the Gravi fanfic goes to the home page...-_- Well, if you wanna read it, go to Misc., then Gravitation Blowout! >.< OK...that's all...
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