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Buraso Saru74
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Houston, Texas
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High School Studten
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I'll get back to you on that one...
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon when I was about 10 years old.
Favorite Anime
Noir and Serial Experiments Lain
I'm not gonna bore you with all my goals! ^^
Final Fantasy XI, other video games, art, cartoons, comic books,, poking people, sleeping, etc.
The special kind. ^_~
| ChibiSherube484
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Friday, July 30, 2004
Exactly. Hehe....OK, first things first...uh...obligation tell me to put this here:

Haha! I dunno if it'll show up or not, but it'll get me into a contest for free! Winning free stuff is always fun!! ^^ Yes, as you can see I'm kinda 5:04 in the know, recently I've been playing my FF X-2 game...and I'm STILL not done with the first one! >< I mean, just a little more leveling up, and I can beat...*dun dun dun* SIN!!!! Tee-hee...
Auron: We called it...Sin...
(And the rest of the world called it "water.")
Heehee...I forget where I read know that Hockey Chicken thing on [Adult Swim]? Well, I thought...wouldn't it be fun to watch a hockey chicken dude sit under a webcam for a loooooong time?! I think it would be, what if I don't want to free Hockey Chicken, huh?! Honestly, I must be as evil as SwimBuddha...damn mods.....grrrr...actually, I found a very nice quote about mods...:
"Arguing with the moderators is like shaking your fist at God. There's nobody there; and if there is, he's not listening. And if he's listening, all you're doing is pissing him off."
-foobar104, on cat, Seymour...(didn't name him...-.-;;;) has lately been obsessed with my old rabbit's's this blue fake rabbit's foot I got at Mountasia when I was like, 7 or so...he plays fetch with it like a doggie! ^___^ Oh well, it's weird, but he seriously needs the excercise...(Mr. Bubba's kinda...well, he's clinically obese -.-;;). Hehehe...>_> Anyways...I'm nowhere near achieveing my goal of entirely covering my wall with posters and such...Though, I halfway have one wall because I made this REALLY big collage with computer printouts...nyaa...not that you care...ooh! I've been thinking..'bout school...I hope some of my friends, that I'll get to see them...especially this one person! We kinda...drifted apart...and THAT makes me a saaaaaaaaaaaaaad panda...u.u Also, one of my half-year electives I'm taking is Introduction to Webmastering...and I'm wondering if...I'll be stuck with a bunch o' nerds! *lol* I'm kind of a geek myself...:P I even made my website with raw HTML...without ANY help or cheating...that's an accomplishment for me! Seriously...out of my main friends, I'm the most computer smart..Which reminds me, you see, I have this REALLY REALLY cool picture...but it was someone else's sketch...and because I'm always bored, I colored it on my own! ^^ It actually looks pretty cool so far! I also have figured out where my missing Photoshop brushes went...>_> Uhh...I'm boring y'all right? Maybe...but I have quizzie results because I'm a certified Quiz Addict! ^__^ (That's not a good thing, is it?)
 All-Round Gamer
(results contain pictures) What type of GAMER are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are not really girly. You're a bit of a tomboy, actually. You don't have many girly habits and don't care what others think. You have a casual style (not that you care about style, really) and think of boys as merely the other half of the population. You know, though, it wouldn't kill you to look nice once in awhile, and boys really don't have cooties. Well, mostly.
A quiz for girls: How girly are you? brought to you by Quizilla
If you were in an anime what kind of girl would you be?(anime pics and MANY results) brought to you by Quizilla
 You're in the Geek box.
What box do you get put in? brought to you by Quizilla
What anime genre is your life?(pics) brought to you by Quizilla

What Kind Of Puzzle Are You?
 You're an Angst writer!
What kind of writer are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Dumb Girl:
You are Dumb...yes, you may not know much, but you're very cute and people just love to protect and save you! Just try not to screw everything up...
What's your anime-girl steriotype?! brought to you by Quizilla
HA! They spelled "stereotype wrong! Oh, you know what's kind of funny? On my guitar, inside the sound hole(it's an acoustic, but I hope to move onto the electric...u.u), there's a sticker that has the "Seriel Number." I mean, at least spell serial right if you're gonna sell guitars! Oi, how English language has know, sometime...well, the next time my dad is here, I'm gonna take pictures with his digital camera so I can show you people a few things! ^^, my cats, and maybe my me, I wasted a LOT of ink printing out all those pictures on my collage...anyways, BYE! See ya later people! ^_________^
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Thursday, July 29, 2004
South Park Campaigns
Weeeeeeeeeeeell see, there's this South Park class president election...and whoever wins, gets a WHOLE WEEK of epsisodes involving them...I dunno about you, but I'm voting for Kyle! ^____^ Well, here's 'da campaign ad thingies...

And as for Cartman...well...

VOTE KYLE BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO! least he's not Cartman...

By the way, go to the South Park Studios website to vote from August 3rd-24th! ^___^
Just thought I'd share...and help Kyle win...also, if you're wonderng why there's no Kenny's because:
1. Kenny rocks...2nd to Kyle of course... and
2. There was no banner for him...u.u anyways...see ya! ^^
Banners are from here, Kyle's official campaign site. Bai-bai! ^_____^
Comments (4) |
w00t! Surveys is fun! ^^ true...well...
~Info~ | Name: | Shelby AKA Shirubi | Age: | 13 | DOB: | 3/7/1991 | Height: | Uhhhhhhhh...I think I'm 5' 6" or 7"(?) | Weight: | Not telling. | Hair color: | Blonde...and my mom promised me I could get blue streaks in it over the summer! But have I? NOOOOOO!! | Eye color: | Green...but sometimes they look blueish... | ~Family~ | Any sisters?: | No. | Any brothers?: | Nope. | Rents' Divored?: | Yes, and my mom is getting remarried once the government is done f***ing with the immigration policies. | If so who do you live with?: | My mom...and sometime my stepdad... | ~Friends~ | How many friends do you have: | Uhhhhhhhh...wait, I wrote this down...47 including all my imaginary and adult friends....but excluding my online friends u.u | Who is the stupidest: | Hmmm...*ponders* Victoria. She FAILED a grade for Chrissake! (And besides that, if I said the OTHER stupid people, I'd get my ass kicked...*lol*) | Who is the smartest: | Moi! Unless you count Lauren...but her parents REALLY push her! | Who is the loudest: | Stephanie | Who is the smelliest: | Ditto *lol* (She has some maaaaaaaaaaaaajor acne...><) | Who is the weirdest: | ALL of my friends are weird! | Who makes you laugh: | Most all of them?! | Who makes you cry: | Well.........I'm not saying... | Who can you trust: | one...^^ Just kidding! But, again, I don't wanna say... | Who would you kill: | Oooooooooooooh! Zeke, Victoria, or maybe...(yet again, don't wanna get my ass kicked! ^^;;;) | Who would you fuck: | Umm...I best not answer that. | ~Love Life~ | Are you gay/straight/bi: | Nein. I'm pansexual. | Do you have a b/f or g/f: | No. And it'll be a loooooooooooooong time before I do! | Do you have a crush: | Maybe...but no one will ever know! WAHAHAHAHA! | Have you ever had sex: | No, of course not! I'm only 13! Geez...>_> | If not would you now if you could: | I said, I'm too young... | Ever like someone and not tell them: | Yes, of course! That's how most crushes are, right? | Ever kiss someone: | No, unless you count when I was younger and I kissed my relatives...NOT on the mouth, of course! >< | Ever makeout with someone: | No...but isn't that the same thing? | Ever love someone: | Maybe...*glazed-over eyes* | ~Favorites~ | Drink: | Sunkist and green tea | Food: | White Castle burgers! ^^ | Animal: | Ooh...toughie...maybe... | Cartoon: | If it includes anime then...I CAN'T AND NEVER WILL BE ABLE TO ANSWER THAT! | Color: | Black | Hobby: | Do I even HAVE hobbies? | Smell: | The smell...of stupidity....*lol* | Finger: | my thumbs...they help with my video games! ^^ | SouthPark character: | Kyle all the way! (But Kenny comes at a close second...) |
Bored..then take this quiz brought to you by BZOINK!
. /// his appearance ... | . // what color is his hair?: | blonde...or some really weird color! ^^ | . // what color are his eyes?: | blue | . // how tall is he?: | Doesn't matter. | . // is he thin or muscular?: | Thin...I no likey muscular guys! >< Don't even ASK me why... | . // does he have long or short hair?: | Hee-hee...long! ^^ But short is OK too... | . // is he pale or tanned?: |! | . // what does he like to wear?: | black. enough said. | . // does he wear make up?: | No! | . // your favorite body part on him would be?: | uhhhhhhhhhh...I gonna pass on this one... | . /// his personality ... | . // is he quiet and shy or loud and outgoing?: | quiet and shy | . // is he independent or dependent?: | dependent...don't ask me why for alot of things... | . // is he aggressive or passive aggressive?: | passive aggressive...wait...isn't that an oxymoron?! | . // is he distant or affectionate?: | affectionate...most of the time... | . // is he funny or serious?: | both. It just depends when. | . // is he lazy or energetic?: | Hmmm...energetic, to make a contrast... | . // is he intelligent or dumb?: | intelligent...definitely... | . // is he optimistic or pessimistic?: | in-between?! | . /// does he ... | . // does he play an instrument (if so, what)?: | yes, bass/electric guitar, or drums...I like rock music! ^^ | . // does he play a sport (if so, what)?: | No. I absolutely HATE sports! RAAAAR!!!! | . // does he do anything artisitc (if so, what)?: | Yes...well, any kind of visual art I guess... | . // does he write (if so, what)?: | yes, poetry...hee-hee...but it doesn't matter WHAT he writes, as long as it's creative... | . // does he do drugs, drink, smoke etc?: | No! | . // does he abuse himself (cut, burn, etc) or is suicidal?: | | . // does he always seem to be on the bad side with the law?: | A few times! ^^ | . // does he get along with his parents (and your parents)?: | Most of the time... | . // does he believe in god?: | No. | . // does he believe in extra celestial beings?: | What? | . // does he go to school?: | Depends...on how old he is...and how old I am... | . // does he work (if so, where)?: | Ditto. | . // does he color in or out of the lines?: | out ^^ | . // does he have many friends?: | he has enough. | . // does he have many friends that are girls?: | enough... | . /// would he ... | . // would he hold your hand everywhere you go?: | No...not EVERYWHERE... | . // would he cuddle with you every chance he gets?: | no... | . // would he display affection in public places?: | ummm...not really...I'm not a big fan of PDA... | . // would he pay your bus fare?: | sure, I'd probably be broke poor! ^^ | .// would he stick close to you in crowded rooms?: | yesh! | . // would he surprise you for no occasion what so ever?: | maybe... | . // would he stop whatever he was doing just to see you?: | depends on what it is specifically... | . // would he randomly tell you he loves you in the most inappropriate sit: | No, not if it's inappropriate... | . // would he start arguments with you or stop(prevent) them?: | prevent them | . // would he play with YOUR hair when he is nervous?: | no...that's kinda...weird... | . // would he kiss the tip of your nose hinting that he wants a kiss?: | sure, why not.... | . // would he buy you flowers?: | rarely, but enough... | . // ... or would he buy you chocolate?: | Only if it's white chocolate....(I no likey regualr and dark chocolate!) | . // would he comment on other girls while with you?: | No. | . // ... or would he act like you were the only girl for him?: | Sure... | . /// what would he do if ... | . // ... you were sad?: | comfort/console me... | . // ... you were mad?: | listen to both sides and offer some advice... | . // ... you were to break up with him?: | sigh, and walk off...would probably be sad for a few weeks, but would eventually move on...wait a second...if he's my ideal boyfriend, why the hell would I break up with him?! | . // ... you wanted to take a break?: | leave you alone for a while... | . // ... you were to move away?: | ask to move with me...or...I dunno... | . // ... he forgot your birthday?: | make up for it with something original... | . // ... he accidentally insulted you?: | take it back... | . /// on a first date he would ... | ... take you to a movie?: | sure, that's ok... | ... take you dinner?: | uhh...maybe?! No.... | ... take you to a concert or show?: | sure...I love concerts! | ... take you to a comic convention?: | Maybe NOT... | ... take you to a game?: | huh? as in sports? No! I hate sports! | ... or take you to a (?): | huh? | ... respect you?: | of course. | ... value what you have to say?: | ditto | ... pay for everything?: | half... | ... buy you a gift?: | nah...not on the FIRST date... | ... walk you to your door?: | sure... |
the ideal boyfriend brought to you by BZOINK!
:: First things first :: | Name?: | Shelby AKA Shirubi | Birthplace?: | A, in Texas...but I'm not going further than that... | Hometown?: | Uh...I SAID I wasn't goin' further than Texas, buddy! | Current town?: | Uhh...I've lived here for...all my life? (Well, in the same town...) | Age?: | 13 | Birthdate?: | 3.7.1991 | Who do you live with?: | My mom... | How big is your house(one story, two story..)?: | one story...with 3 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms... | Do you have any pets?: | yes, 5 cats and a betta fish...which has amazingly lived for 3 whole years! | If so, what kind?: | I just said... | Do you drive?: | No, I'm too young...even if I WAS old enough, I would drive as LEAST as possible... | If so, what kind of car do you drive?: | Uhhhhhhhhhhhh...shut up... | :: Favorite things :: | Color?: | Black | Book?: | Ooooooh...cant say...I'm an avid manga reader... | Movie?: | South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut...and Cowboy Bebop: The Movie | Magazine?: | Don't have one...I dunno...Newtype is cool... | Subject in school?: | If this counts, Advisory...hee-hee...time to do homework and be stupid! | Day of the week?: | Hmm...Friday | Car?: | I don't like cars. | Truck?: | Ditto | SUV?: | Ditto | Limousine(cadillac, escalade, expedition..)?: | Ditto | Sport?: | Damn, how long will this go on?! | Sports team?: | I SAID that I'm not interested!!! >< | Animal?: | Don't have one... | Food?: | White Castle burgers! ^^ | Drink(non-alcoholic)?: | Sunkist | Drink(alcoholic)?: | I'm...a minor...I've never drinken alcohol...well, not | Thing to do on a weekend?: | Anything that doesn't bore me. | Tanning salon?: | What? I would never get a tan intentionally! >< | Restaurant?: | Well, I don't know my FAVORITE...but my LEAST FAVORITE is Filiberto's...NEVER go there...(they're in Arizona...) | Lipgloss flavor(if you wear it)?: | I don't and never will wear make-up... | Type of shoe?: | Uhh...what kinda question is that?! | :: Do you :: | Have your own computer?: | Yes, I'm using it right now! ^^ | Smoke?: | No...too young... | Drink?: | Ditto | Do drugs?: | No! Of course not! | Like sea lions?: | They're OK... | Watch Comedy Central?: | Of course! What would I be without South Park?! | Listen to rapcore?: | WTF, mate? | Play the bassoon?: | No. | Like to watch old Disney movies?: | No. | Like to read?: | Manga, yes! ^^ | Like to write journal entries?: | Sometimes... | Have a half-brother?: | No. | Have an aunt or uncle that is younger than you?: | Nope... | Play sports at school?: | No, I hate sports! >< | Go to school?: | Yes... | Arrive to school on time?: | Most of the time... | Have garage sales?: | No...but perhaps I should... | :: Are you :: | a Pyromaniac?: | Tee-hee. Not saying. But I can tell you, liking fire is primal instinct...hehe... | a Goth?: | I hate labels, but if I must...sort of... | a Prep?: | No. | a Punk?: | No. | a Preppy Rocker?: | That's an oxymoron...-.-;; | a Jock?: | Can a girl be a jock?! | a Lesbian?: | No...I'm of... | a Gay guy?: | No, I'm a girl! And a rabid yaoi/yuri fan at that! ^^ | a Christian?: | No, I'm half Jewish, half that weird?! | a Non-believer?: | Yup! | a Competitor?: | No, I'm veeeeeeeeeeeery non-competitive... | :: When was the last time you :: | Smoked a cigarette?: | Never. | Smoked a joint?: | Never. | Stole from Walmart?: | Never. | Robbed a bank?: | Never. | Pet your dog?: | Don't have one... | Took a shower?: | last night | Brushed your teeth?: | uhh...last night | Brushed your hair?: | I can't remember....too long ago...but don't worry, I comb it! ^^;;; | Went swimming?: | the last time I went to Tracey's house with Davian... | Clipped your fingernails?: | last night...they needed it! ^^;;;;;;;;;;;; | Shaved?: | Uhh...last night...again, they needed it! ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; | Read an article that made you cry?: | Never. | Helped an elderly across the street?: | Uhh...never, I think... | Let your dog lick your plate clean?: | I let my CAT lick my plate clean the last time I ate... | :: Who is your favorite :: | Actor?: | Don't have one... | Actress?: | Ditto | Female singer?: | Ditto | Male singer?: | Ditto | Band?: | Ugh...too many to choose from!! >< | Rapper?: | You can't spell "crap" without "rap!" | Pop singer?: | I hate pop music. | Celebrity?: | Don't have one. | Model?: | Ditto | Talk show host?: | Ditto | Comedian?: | Uhhhhhhh...ditto | Athlete?: | I hate sports, remember? | Anchorman?: | Don't have one. | Anchorwoman?: | Ditto | Game show host?: | Ditto | :: Either or :: | Hot/Cold?: | Cold | Day/Night?: | Night | Phone/Instant Message?: | Instant message | Instant Message/Chat Room?: | IM | Rock/Pop?: | Rock! | Pop/Rap?: | Neither...I hate both... | Rock/Rap?: | Rock! I hate pop and rap, I tell you! | Coke/Pepsi?: | Neither...Dr. Pepper | Sprite/7up?: | Sprite! ^^ | Paris Hilton/Pam Anderson?: | Neither...they BOTH suck...literally! ^__^ | Britney Spears/Christina Aguilera?: | Ditto | Jessica Simpson/Ashlee Simpson?: | Ditto | John Mayer/Daniel Bettingfield?: | Huh? who's that second person? | Dashboard Confessional/Coldplay?: | Coldplay | Juliana Theory/Goldfinger?: | WTF, mate? | Matchbook Romance/Fall Out Boy?: | Neither...I've never heard of them... | Staind/Salive?: | Uh...either...they're both OK... | Radio/C.D.?: | CD! I never really listen to the radio anymore... | Pool/Ocean?: | Ocean...I just LOVE water! ^^ | Cat/Dog?: | Kitty! | T.V./Movie?: | TV...movies are too long...usually... | :: Last but not least :: | Last name?: | No KNOW you can't trust people on the Internet! | First screen name?: | some numbers... | First email address?: | catznAteensrock@...not telling...stupid spammers...I still know my password... | Favorite website?: | AGH! *twitch, twitch, explode* | Hunting or Fishing?: | Fishing! Hunting is BAD! | Number of siblings?: | 0 | This is over! Love ya!!: | Yo yo yo, you don' know me!! (*lol* watch Jenny Jones and you'll get it...) |
fun survey(long) brought to you by BZOINK!
Well, anyways...buh-bye! I'll post something more...interesting another time...^^;;:
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Damn you cool people!!!
Grrr! Ehh...I really don't have anything to, I'm just gonna go to pictures and other miscellaneous crap...oh, by the way, you should come look at my site! I ACTUALLY updated ut w00t! ^^ Also...I'M ON LEVEL 5 ON FF XI!!! WOO-HOO!! AND NOW I KNOW THE SPELL POISON!! THIS MAKES ME A VERY HAPPY PANDA!! ^___^
*lol* It's...*drum roll* HENTAI HELPER!! Heehee...

A pic I made awhile ago...'tis the many faces of Tsuyoshi!! (from Kodocha...the the way, I took all the pics from volume 7...)anyways:

Tee-hee. It is...(I got it from one of my Yahoo groups...)

Spiderman has a dance troupe! XD


They're looking at you!!

Tee-hee...she's from an H-game...nasty! >< But don't worry, I found a nifty gallery that has pics from H-games, but without all the nasty stuff! ^^;;

I hate moogles. Enough said.

From an Inuyasha doujinshi...

EVIL CYBORG NARU!! (No, I didn't do this...someone else did...>_>)

OK...I think that's enough...well, anyways, uhh...wait, one more thing...if you like yaoi and/or yuri, you should join this's pretty cool...(By the way, my character's Azura...just thought I'd share...)

Click to join Allspice_RPG
Well, that's it! Nyaa...I'm still bored...u.u Then again, boredom is just what video games and TV is for! Na? Well...BAI-BAI!!
Comments (0) |
Sunday, July 25, 2004
*growls* What if I don't WANT a title/subject?!
.::You::. | Name:: | Shelby | Eye Color:: | Green | Hair Color:: | Blonde | Hair Style:: | It's pretty wavy, but is also goes either way...*tee-hee* | Birthday(month and day):: | March 7th | Heritage:: | Uhh...Irish, Choctaw Native American, British, German...uhh, I actually think that's it... | Religion:: | Half Jewish, half Buddhist | Age:: | 13 | Skin Color:: | Umm...white?! Peachish?! Is that what you're asking for? | .::Currently You're::. | Seeing:: | the computer screen and keyboard... | Feeling:: | bored... | Hearing:: | The fish tank | Talking To:: | My cat, Mr. Bubba! :3 Actually, his name is Seymour... | Eating:: | Nothing. | Drinking:: | Nothing...unless you count my own spit...I have to swallow it sometime, don't I?! | Wearing:: | My dad's bright yellow shirt, and guy's shorts that go down to my knees | .::Relation Ships::. | Single or Taken:: | Single | Crush/gf or bf:: | Neither...I'm just...alone...u.u | Their Name:: | *growls* | What do you like best about them:: | *still growling* | Why are you attracted to them:: | *stops, growls again* | .::Last Person That::. | IMed you:: | Julia, but I was talking to 3 people at the same time... | Yelled At You:: | My mom | Hugged You:: | My kitty cat! ^__^ | Kissed You:: | one? | Said Your Name:: | Uhhhhh...My dad | Stared At You:: | My cat | Laughed At/With You:: | My mom | .::Favorite::. | Band(s):: | GYAH! Don't have one...too many to choose from... | Game(s):: | Hmmm...i'd have to say .hack or Final Fantasy XI...(which is finally working >_>) | Movie(s):: | A tie between Cowboy Bebop: The Movie AND South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut | Book(s):: | All my manga books and anything by J.D. Salinger(Damn you mother!! Not really...>_>) | Friend(s):: | I dunno... | Song(s):: | Currently: Agehachou by Porno Graffitti | Tv/Cartoon/Anime Show(s):: | Wolf's Rain, RahXephon, and South Park | Food(s):: | White Castle burgers! ^__^ | Color(s):: | A tie between black and turquiose | Website(s):: | Mine! *tee-hee*, not really, I dunno...I go to a bunch of websites... | Drink(s):: | Sunkist and green tea | .::Opinions::. | Obesity:: | I dunno...people should try excercising for once...not that I do as often as I should! | Fidelity:: | Should's good, I suppose... | Anirexic:: | Eat dammit! *Shoves food down Mary Kate's throat* | Politics:: | Not my thing, but I have my opinions... | Racism:: | DIE racism! 'Tis not good to hate...wait a minute >_> | Homosexuals:: | Yeah, I don't care...I'm a yaoi/yuri fan! :3 | Bisexuals:: | Yeah, same, you can love whoever you want.. | George W. Bush:: | *looks to left, right* GO BACK TO YOUR TRAILER PARK!!! | Abortion:: | Should be allowed if necessary | Rape:: | Not good...people have their own will................. | .::Opinion on the band/singer::. | Good Charlotte:: | sucks | Madonna:: | is ok...don't really like her that much...>_> | Britney Spears:: | *growls* | Lostprophets:: | I've heard of them, but not their music... | Black Sabbath:: | Ditto | Blink 182:: | I don't really like them that much... | Something Corporate:: | I've heard of them, but not their music... | Evanescence:: | Yeah, they're cool. I have a burnt copy of their CD. | Eminem:: | Nyeh...not really... | Usher:: | No...I don't like his music either... | Yellowcard:: | I've heard of them, but not their music... | Hoobastank:: | Ditto | Chevelle:: | Ditto | .::Random::. | Are you a guy or girl:: | girl | 5 things on your desk:: | FF XI controls & commands sheet, coaster, dead scorpion paperweight(yes, it actually has a dead scorpion inside!), sticky notes, screwdriver set... | 5 cherished things in your room:: | my kitty! (well, right now he's in here...), my guitar, my manga collection, my dear old 'puter, my CD collection... | .::Friends::. | Best:: | Don't have one... | Most Smartest:: | Umm...not tryin' to be mean, | Most Prettiest:: | I don't know. They're my FRIENDS! I don't like to judge on looks anyway... | Most Funniest:: | Hmm...they all kind of are...I dunno...Stephanie?! | Most Sweetest:: | No comment... | Most Generous:: | Ditto. | Most Annoying:: | Victoria...she's so...CLINGY! | Most Creative:: | I dunno...everyone is creative in their own way... | Most Boring:: | Oooh....if you don't count me(I'm not boring, I'm a loner!! ><), I'd say Davian...sorry, but there's NEVER anything to do at your house!! | Most Saddest:: | Poor Tulia... | Most Talkative:: | Emily...well, she can be...I guess... | .::This or That::. | Dorritos or Cheetohs:: | Cheetos! Cheese is goooooooooooooood... | Cat or Dog:: | Kitties! ^__^ But I still love doggies all the same! | Jolly Ranchers or Starburst:: | Starburst | Orange Juice or Apple Juice:: | Either... | Blonde or Brunette:: | Umm...I dunno...blonde becase I am one?! Either one is fine... | Black or White:: | Black | Red or Blue:: | Blue...but I DO like red... | Japan or China:: | Japan...but I like learning about China's past...just not modern-day China... | Winter or Summer:: | Winter | Halloween or Christmas:: | Umm...Halloween...I just don't like Christmas that much...besides that, I don't even celebrate Christmas! | X-Box or PS2:: | PS2! But X-Bow is OK... | MP3 or CDs:: | CDs...because I don'r have any MP3s or MP3 players...but if I DID... | Pants or Shorts:: | Pants, but it doesn't really mayyer... | Real Life or Webcam:: | Real Life... | .::End of Quiz Questions::. | Did you like the survey:: | Nyaa...*scratches elbow* | (Rand.) Scariest thing in the world:: | I dunno...suffering... | Which question was the best:: | I DON'T KNOW!!! |
Survey For Yourself brought to you by BZOINK!
Ehh...hamana...yesterday, I pretty much slept the whole day...and today, I got my furniture moved into the room I'm currently in so...ehh...I'm bored...well, long...
Comments (2) |
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Tee-hee! I'm evil! *Devious grin*
Telby took a lovely survey! Surveys are FUN!!
The stuff about ur lyfe | Wut is yer name?: | Shelby | Around where do u live?: | Somewhere....... | Got any pets?: | Yes, 5 cats and fish fish who is past his time... | How bout imaginary friends?: | Yeah, my main one is this little girl in my head who's usually quiet and innocent, but when someone does something really stupid, she screams,"DUMBASS!!! DUMBASS!!!!!" *lol* | Real friends?: | Yes, I have a small, but OK group... | Hus ur bestest friend?: | Don't have one. | Dating anyone?: | Nope...and it'll probably be a long time before I do...>_> | If so, how long?: | Hey! Shut up! | How old r u?: | 13 | What color is ur hair?: | Uhhhhhh...blonde... | How bout eyes, u got any? what color?: | Green...though sometimes, in more dim light, they look blue... | Thats enuff in this topic, right?: | Mebbe... | Favorites! | Color: | Black...I also like red, purple, and blue... | Time of Day: | Midnight | Season: | Winter | Food: | White Castles!! ^__^ You know...the little burgers... | Actor: | Don't have one. | Actress: | Ditto. | Movie: | A tie between South Park BLU and Coboy Brbop: The Movie | Book: | Uhhhhhhhhh...depends...does this count manga? Because most of my recently purchased books are manga...and all the regular books I read are the school's or my mom's... | Song: | *twitch, twitch, explode* | TV Show: | Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...too many good ones... | Sport: | I hate sports. Excpet fot kendo, swimming, and soccer... | This or That | Would u rather b deaf or blind?: | Uhhhhhhhhhhh...hard choice...maybe deaf...but then I could'nt hear music >< | chicken or pizza: | pizza | AIM or AOL: | AIM...AOL sucks! (Or so my friends tell me...) | night or day: | Night | sleep or awake: | Sleep | friend or enemy: | Friend | life or death: | Life | blood or water: | Blood...*mischevious grin* | summer or winter: | Winter | glue or tape: | Tape...I remember this one time in kindergarten...and we were glueing crap...and it got ALL OVER my hands... | blue or green: | Blue | pain or suffering: | Pain | hot or cold: | Cold | evil or kind: | Kind | pretty or ugly: | Pretty | rap or rock: | Rock all the way! You can't spell "crap" without "rap"!!! | Music! | What is ur fave type of music?: | I like rock and trance... | Whats ur favorite band?: | Uhhhhhh...I like a LOT so I really don't know... | Whats ur fave song?: | Didn't you ask this earlier?! | Hus ur fave male singer?: | Don't have one... | Female singer?: | Ditto... | Have u seen ur fave band in concert?: | GYAH! SHUT UP!!! | Ever meet them?: | ACK!!!! *throws toilet seat at person who made this survey...* | If u could make ur own band, wut would u name it?: | 'bout The Ceiling? *lol* No, really, I don't know... | What instument would u want to play?: | Well, I already play guitar...and I REALLY wanna play electric guitar...but if I had to choose a classical instrument, I'd say a harp or a Shakuhachi flute... | Do u play an instrument?: | Yes, the acoustic guitar...hoping to move up to electric... | Do u hate contry music?: | YES!!!!!!! | Better on girls or guys? | blue eyes: | OK...if I HAVE to answer these, I will...OK for this one...uhhhh...guys | brown eyes: | either | green eyes: | girls | hazel eyes: | either...I only know one person with hazel eyes so........ | long hair: | long as guys don't have it as long as SOME girls >_> | short hair: | either | baggy jeans: | guys, but girls look ok in them, too......tee-hee, I have two pairs of guy's shorts! | make up: | neither...I HATE make-up and I'm never wearing it myself unless I ASOLUTELY HAVE to... | shorts: | long as guys don't have hair like an ape! *lol* | flip flops: | either | sporty: | huh? | braces: | either | tall: | either...height doesn't matter... | short: | ditto... | glasses: | either...I wear galasses! ^__^ | Randomosity | Look! a flying mokey!: | WHERE?! CANB I PET HIM? | How many toes am i holding up?: | 7 | What do u think of cheese?: | Mmmmmmmmm...cheeeeeeeeeeeese... | Do i rock like a crazy fool?: | maybe... | Do u rock like a crazy fool?: | no. | Have u ever been swimming in a river in April?: | I've been swimming in a freezing swimming pool in MARCH... | Ever went skydiving?: | No, bnut I'd like to someday. | Ever been so scared that u peed ur pants?: | No. | Ever fell down a flight of stairs?: | HAHA! No...well, kind of...but not a whole FLIGHT... | Been to Hawaii?: | No...I don't really see why people think Hawaii is SOOOOO great... | Jumped off ur roof?: | Nope...but I've sat on one! With friends! | Fell off ur roof?: | No... | Danced in the rain?: | Yes! I love rain! | Got caught dancin in front of ur mirror?: | No.......I don't dance...EVER... | Do u like moose?: | No, not really... | Have u ever eaten a live fish?: | Nope. | What do u think of when i say Argacharga?: | A battery. O.O | Oolalabukana!: | Hamana? | Dont u just love this survey thingamajig?: | Yesh! ^__^ | Hey u! Turn that frown upsidedown!: | NO!! I don't HAVE to if I don't WANT to! | What do u think of when i say.... | cheese: | yes | chicken: | a picture of a chicken leg comes into my mind... | monkey: | Bi-curious George! *lol* | popsicle: | stick | rain: | yay! | death: | the Grim Reaper... | ice: | in black's the name of my website...>_> | nailpolish: | GEEEE!!! (that's in a bad way..) | pickle: | nauseation... | nose: | pick | mahaba-baba: | *scoots away* | leaf: | chair | chair: | leg | school: | vegetarian?! | vacation: | summer | Bam Margera: | Who the HELL?! | fish: | a picture of a dead blue fish comes into my mind... | plant: | leaf | flower: | a picture of a pink flower comes into my mind... | milkshake: | NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! THAT STUPID SOOONG!!! DAMN YOU KELIS!!! | water: | clear | sunscreen: | gloopy, gloppy | Yes, this is the end. | Did u like this survey?: | Ehh...maybe... | Any comment?: | No. | Any questions i should have added?: | Uhhhhhhhh...I know a few you should have taken OUT... | Any that i shouldnt have added?: | oh, definitely. | Will u miss this survey?: | No. | Did it change your life?: | Noooooo... | ok, im done now.: | *Homer voice* Woo-hoo! |
Bored Survey! brought to you by BZOINK!
Anyways...ummmmmmmm...I wanna go watch I'll be doing that...
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Nyaa? Umm...I haven't posted in a while! Sorry 'bout that! It's just...well, you know what really pissed me off? OK, you see, my Internet, was really REALLY slow...and it got slower and slower until it just completely didn't work! >< Gyah! Spending a day without the Internet is...torture! O.O Anyway, it took over 30 minutes to load one Google image result page...grrrrrrrrr...Also, I've been cleaning my see, I've always had the bedroom next to the window at the front door of my house(yeah, my house is kinda weird :P), and there's another, what used to be the guest bedroom next to it, and then the linen closet...which, by the way, smells HORRIBLE!! If I ever have to get anything out of that closet, I have to plug my nose! >< Uhh...anyway, I've kinda been in the process of switching the rooms...which is kinda hard because...the guest bedroom had excercise eqiupment and a punching bag...and then, my room was messy to begin with! *lol* So, I have to sort through assloads of old shit...*lmao-why do I find that phrase funny?* Oooh! I found this old game...and you have these two stick things with little people/action figures on a stand at the end, and there's a knob you turn to make it kick and punch, and in the little figure, there's this button that makes it pop off the stand, and YOU LOSE! Ha, I loved that game! I also found my old collection of action figures! Heh...I was a real tomboy when I was younger...actually, I remember, when I was like 6 or 7, my friend and I were playing outside, and there was a lizrd, and I picked it up because...actually, I don't know why...because lizards are cool, maybe?! Anyway, she was all like,"Oh, gross! That's nasty! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!" For some reason that really makes me laugh...I think it was the way she said it...umm...enough nostalgia!! *sweatdrop*
By the way, I updated my website to include a miscellaneous section(did I spell the right?!) which has random, I just need to put it in the navigation...I'm so lazy...not really, I've been trying to get up quiz results...I know, how unusual, lieu of that here's some pictures and...other things:
Yes, play!

Look! I made it! It...EXPLODES!!!

You know that Inuyasha fanart I submitted? Well, a looooooooong time ago, I colored it...kinda sucky, but it's my first so...yeah...too lazy to sumbit it to this takes forever...and when I actually meet the requirements, it says I ave to make it EVEN SMALLER!! >< anyways...

Look at Stan! He's trippin' man!(This took, like, less than a minute to do...>_>)

LOOKIE LOOKIE!!!! 'Tis Kiba below the ending credits!! ^___^ *huggles non-existant Kiba plushie*

Anyway, can anyone tell me who the Queerest of the Queer is?! I mean, I HAVE to know...(and, Tulia, if you're reading, just know...THE QOTQ BY RULE, CANNOT BE A RACIST JACKASS!!!><) Well, *prep voice*, like L8RS! ;P
You know I was kidding right? Good.
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
XD XD XD XD XD OH MY GOD!!! Becky! Look at her butt! It is so BIG! It's like...round...and, out there! She looks like one of those rap guy's...girlfriend's. XD Today, I watched TV. First, I watched I Love the 90's...which is really interesting because I can relate to it more...because I actually lived in the 90's...I have realized that a some of the stuff I had and/or liked, was a few years before my time. Like, when I was 7 or 8, I went to Mountasia, and one of the things I got as one of those crappy prizes was a slap bracelet...but that's a 1990 thing! And, little did I was....very..........umm...well, it kind of remionds you of bondage/S & M-related things...>_> *sweatdrop* Anyways, I also watched the new Queer Eye today. But it was the UK Fab5, which was...different...Anyway, I couldn't stop LAUGHING the whole time I was watching it...I'm thinking it has something to do with that one epsiode of South Park that came on some time ago...the one with the crab people and the metrosexual fad...XD Yeah, that's why. I keep thinking about that, and then I see the TV and...XD Can't...stop...laughing...also, they had these little things at the bottom that would translate UK English into American English...and some of them, you just have to think: What, do they think we're that stupid?! I mean, that's kind of an insult!!
Well, it was funny.
Yes, as you can see, I have done practically nothing with my day except for watch TV, and play around a little on my dear 'puter...Nyeh...I kinda have an idea for a small art project ¬.¬ I'm still pondering on whether I should actually do it or not...then again, it would kill some time...anyways, *Ed mode* BAI-BAI!!!
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Saturday, July 10, 2004
Oi! How hamana! ^_^ I'm happy now!
WOW!!! I'm SO happy right now!! I mean, WHOO, I could do practically, you wanna know why? It's just...I looked at someone's site, and this one SOOOO funny! It's not intentional, but it's just HER! Go look up RevengeQueenie020 and lolmento!! I find insecure bitches HILARIOUS!!! Like, my mom once read a post future stepfather's ex-girlfriend's blog...and she is WEIRD! And *prep voice*, LIKE, TOTALLY SHALLOW! Don't shallow preppies amuse you too? Boy, just THINKING about makes me want to DIE of laughter...*rofl* Whoo! need to calm down! ^_^ Well, anyways, as you can see, I'm in a good mood! Ha!
Moving on, today, I watched the first episode of Gravitation! It's really cool! Oh, and if you HAVE seen it, I have some really funny parodies as in here:
(The scene where Shuichi and Yuki are kissing in the elevator.)
Aerosmith: *Playing "Love in an Elevator"*
Yuki: Woah, woah ,woah, wait a minute...Aerosmith, what the HELL are you doing here?
Aerosmith:Well, some bitch named Davian told us to be here and...
Shuichi: Hey! You were watching?!?!
Aerosmith: Yeah...she's really crazy(Davian), and was freaking out and shit... oh yeah, she's a fan of your show...
Yuki: *prep voice* OOH! WE HAVE FANS!!! ^_^
Shuichi: Wait...we're on a show?! I...I thought you really loved me...*runs off crying*
Yuki: Wait! Come back, I really do love you!!!! *turns to Aerosmith, stamps foot* *prep voice again*
Ooh! Why'd you have to go and do that? He's on his PERIOD you know!!! (Keyword: HE)
Aerosmith: Wait, what country is this?
Yuki: Japan...why?
Aerosmith: Damn! Wrong country! They gave us the wrong airplane tickets!! *as they leave, they yell to Shuichi in the girl's bathroom*
Naru (from Love Hina): MAKE HIM GET OUT!!!! >.< I'M ON MY PERIOD AND I HAVE TO PISS!!!!!!
(The scene where Shuichi runs to find Yuki)
*music stops*
Yuki: What are you doing here? So, you wanted to see me that bad?
Shuichi: I came here to run over you with my car!! *makes car noises and knocks Yuki down*
Yuki: So you want me to come to your concert and hear that crappy love song of yours?
Some woman: Eiri, Eiri wait... *looks at Shuichi* Who's this boy?
Yuki: *shrugs* He's with me *walks behind Shuichi and hugs him* I think his name is Shuichi, but it doesn't really matter...
Yuki: Now, now Shuichi your so stubborn *start to rub his face againist Shuichi's* but I guess that's what I like best about you...
Shuichi:*thinking. "OMG!!! I'm with the guy I like, and like OMG!!! He's like so HOT and sooooo CUTE LIKE A LITTLE PUPPY!!!!"*
Yuki: Play along or your dead...
That woman: So this boy is more important to you than I am?
Yuki: That's right.*To Shuichi* Now run over her with your car!
That woman: *scoffs* Jerk.
*Shuichi makes car noises and starts to run after her with Yuki tagging along and then they're back at the place*
Shuichi: Your'e just going to let her go like that! You should go after her!
Yuki: It's not my problem anymore, you're the one I like better.
Shuichi: *In prep voice* HEY! *scoffs* I'M THE ONE WHO'S SUPPOSED TO TELL YOU I LIKE YOU!!!!
Yuki: *In prep voice* Well, it's not my fault you just HAD to take like, FOREVER memorizing your lines, and you STILL don't know them!!
Shuichi: Wh-what lines?! I don't remember any lines...
Yuki: Yeah, we have lines for the show...
Shuichi: WHAT? YOU DON'T *sniff sniff* LOVE ME!!!! *runs off crying*
Yuki: HEY! I WAS JUST KIDDING!!! I DO LOVE YOU, I DO!! *thinking "WHY did I have to go off and do that!"*
Heeeeeeeeeeeee!! I'm kinda hyper! Yesh, I feel more alivbe than evers...well, I'm too hyper to ost anymore! Sooooooo...*Ed mode* BAI-BAI!!
EDIT: I forgot...some daily pictures! ^_^:

Lookie! I found this...and it's a real wolf named Kiba! He's SO cute! *huggles Kiba plushie...Don't have one. Does one exist?! *lol** Anyways...

It's...Futurama and Trigun...COMBINED!! (Kinda creepy, but interesting nonetheless...)

OK...NOW I'm done...>_> Bye........
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Thursday, July 8, 2004
Ah, yes........hamana...
Two of my friends have been enlightened, if you know what I mean. Yes, now Davian understands the awesomeness of shounen-ai/yaoi...and Julia now wonders why she hated Cowboy bebop before. Yes, this means my insidious plots have worked.*lol* I'm so evil!*devious smile* Anyway here are some more quiz results:
Take the quiz: "Method of Suicide"
 DeathWish You seek out danger and flirt with death. Your method of suicide is a Death Wish.
 No, you are not obsessed with anime, try harder to like it or get away from me.
Are you obsessed with anime? brought to you by Quizilla
OK, I love it, but I'm not obsessed...geez...anyways...
Ehh...I found some really cool manga scanlations lately! I found Wolf's Rain(only the first 3 chapters of Vol. 1 are out. T.T), Cruel Fairytale by Kaori Yuki, and Boys Next Door also by Kaori Yuki. Boys Next Door is really cool! ^_^ You should read it...(that is, if you aren't offended by some blood and gore AND yaoi/shounen-ai...)...Manga scanlation website! ^_^ It's really cool! They have a lot of other manga too! They're awesome1 ^_^ Anyways, I should go to bed >_> Hamana peoples! (BTW, I figured out who Lady Hamana is...*lmfao* "And my beloved...Hamana..." Ha! I just thing that's SO funny! XD) *Ed Mode* BAI-BAI!!! =3
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