Grrr! Ehh...I really don't have anything to, I'm just gonna go to pictures and other miscellaneous crap...oh, by the way, you should come look at my site! I ACTUALLY updated ut w00t! ^^ Also...I'M ON LEVEL 5 ON FF XI!!! WOO-HOO!! AND NOW I KNOW THE SPELL POISON!! THIS MAKES ME A VERY HAPPY PANDA!! ^___^
*lol* It's...*drum roll* HENTAI HELPER!! Heehee...

A pic I made awhile ago...'tis the many faces of Tsuyoshi!! (from Kodocha...the the way, I took all the pics from volume 7...)anyways:

Tee-hee. It is...(I got it from one of my Yahoo groups...)

Spiderman has a dance troupe! XD


They're looking at you!!

Tee-hee...she's from an H-game...nasty! >< But don't worry, I found a nifty gallery that has pics from H-games, but without all the nasty stuff! ^^;;

I hate moogles. Enough said.

From an Inuyasha doujinshi...

EVIL CYBORG NARU!! (No, I didn't do this...someone else did...>_>)

OK...I think that's enough...well, anyways, uhh...wait, one more thing...if you like yaoi and/or yuri, you should join this's pretty cool...(By the way, my character's Azura...just thought I'd share...)