Exactly. Hehe....OK, first things first...uh...obligation tell me to put this here:

Haha! I dunno if it'll show up or not, but it'll get me into a contest for free! Winning free stuff is always fun!! ^^ Yes, as you can see I'm kinda hyper...at 5:04 in the morning...weeeeeeeeeird...you know, recently I've been playing my FF X-2 game...and I'm STILL not done with the first one! >< I mean, just a little more leveling up, and I can beat...*dun dun dun* SIN!!!! Tee-hee...
Auron: We called it...Sin...
(And the rest of the world called it "water.")
Heehee...I forget where I read that...uhhh...you know that Hockey Chicken thing on [Adult Swim]? Well, I thought...wouldn't it be fun to watch a hockey chicken dude sit under a webcam for a loooooong time?! I think it would be fun...so, what if I don't want to free Hockey Chicken, huh?! Honestly, I must be as evil as SwimBuddha...damn mods.....grrrr...actually, I found a very nice quote about mods...:
"Arguing with the moderators is like shaking your fist at God. There's nobody there; and if there is, he's not listening. And if he's listening, all you're doing is pissing him off."
-foobar104, on Slashdot.org
Hehe...so true...also...my cat, Seymour...(didn't name him...-.-;;;) has lately been obsessed with my old rabbit's foot...it's this blue fake rabbit's foot I got at Mountasia when I was like, 7 or so...he plays fetch with it like a doggie! ^___^ Oh well, it's weird, but he seriously needs the excercise...(Mr. Bubba's kinda...well, he's clinically obese -.-;;). Hehehe...>_> Anyways...I'm nowhere near achieveing my goal of entirely covering my wall with posters and such...Though, I halfway have one wall because I made this REALLY big collage with computer printouts...nyaa...not that you care...ooh! I've been thinking..'bout school...I hope some of my friends, that I'll get to see them...especially this one person! We kinda...drifted apart...and THAT makes me a saaaaaaaaaaaaaad panda...u.u Also, one of my half-year electives I'm taking is Introduction to Webmastering...and I'm wondering if...I'll be stuck with a bunch o' nerds! *lol* I'm kind of a geek myself...:P I even made my website with raw HTML...without ANY help or cheating...that's an accomplishment for me! Seriously...out of my main friends, I'm the most computer smart..Which reminds me, you see, I have this REALLY REALLY cool picture...but it was someone else's sketch...and because I'm always bored, I colored it on my own! ^^ It actually looks pretty cool so far! I also have figured out where my missing Photoshop brushes went...>_> Uhh...I'm boring y'all right? Maybe...but I have quizzie results because I'm a certified Quiz Addict! ^__^ (That's not a good thing, is it?)

All-Round Gamer
(results contain pictures) What type of GAMER are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are not really girly. You're a bit of a tomboy,
actually. You don't have many girly habits and
don't care what others think. You have a casual
style (not that you care about style, really)
and think of boys as merely the other half of
the population. You know, though, it wouldn't
kill you to look nice once in awhile, and boys
really don't have cooties. Well, mostly.
A quiz for girls: How girly are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

If you were in an anime what kind of girl would you be?(anime pics and MANY results)
brought to you by Quizilla

You're in the Geek box.
What box do you get put in?
brought to you by Quizilla

What anime genre is your life?(pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

What Kind Of Puzzle Are You?

You're an Angst writer!
What kind of writer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Dumb Girl:
You are Dumb...yes, you may not know much, but
you're very cute and people just love to
protect and save you! Just try not to screw
everything up...
What's your anime-girl steriotype?!
brought to you by Quizilla
HA! They spelled "stereotype wrong! Oh, you know what's kind of funny? On my guitar, inside the sound hole(it's an acoustic, but I hope to move onto the electric...u.u), there's a sticker that has the "Seriel Number." I mean, at least spell serial right if you're gonna sell guitars! Oi, how English language has suffered...you know, sometime...well, the next time my dad is here, I'm gonna take pictures with his digital camera so I can show you people a few things! ^^ Umm...like, my cats, and maybe my room...trust me, I wasted a LOT of ink printing out all those pictures on my collage...anyways, BYE! See ya later people! ^_________^