Utsuru toki osoirenaide.
Current Mood: 
Well, for starters, I watched most of the Presidential Debate today. Funny thing though...he said something about working parents getting an extra $1000 if they had a kid...liar! My mom only got $300! That's a bunch of bullshit! And oh, there were many other lies he told...(and if you look closely, you can see him get red in the face and once he smirked...).
Moving on, I visited everyone's sites today, so don't be complaining!
And....*drum roll* I GOT MY SUB-JOB ON FF XI!!! w00t w00t! This means, I practically have 2 jobs at once...except it's always half or less of your main job...-_- Oh well, I'm gonna be REAL busy leveling up my THF then...>_<
I wrote a story for English class, but I wanna know what you think because...I am a writer. ^_^ Click HERE to read! :) Tell me what you think! ^^ I'm a comment whore! :P (Note: It goes a litle fast because I didn't wanna force the teacher to kill herself...lol)
People are SO mean! I mean, I know it's kinda stupid, but every time someone says,"Oh my god! That's SO fucking gay!" it hurts my feelings. u.u I'm not trying to get sympathy or anything, just posting my thoughts/opinions/happenings/whatnot. Man, that's it...here I go, today and tomorrow I shall keep no sercrets and shit...I am who I am. Deal with it. So, with that said:
*calms down* Ok...never mind...I'm done...lol funny if my grandma were to read this. XD Oh god, she is SO...well, she's a Southern Baptist Bible-humper...XD Originally, it was "Bible Thumper" but I said..."If they love it so much why aren't they just Bible humpers?" Oh, that's awful...and don't get me wrong, I have no problems with Christians, but I just don't like people forcing their beliefs on others. ^^;; It's stupid. Well, I feel better now. See ya everyone! ^.~
EDIT: Gyah! I forgot pictures! Here yas gos!! ^_^

OK...I'm done now...bye-bye! ^^