Current Mood: 
Currently Listening To: "Violent Red" from Vampire Princess Miyu
Currently Reading: Slayers by Hajime Kanzaka
*sigh* It's, we had a mock election for president at our school...and all of my friends but one went for Bush. T_T Well...Julia chose at random so no one
I just fear that if Bush wins, we're doomed. Today, I had a little daydream answering the question "WHAT IF Bush won?" Oh was a almost made me cry too, to be honest...NOO! Actually...I don't really like either candidate...(and I know barely anything about Nader)...BUT...come on people! Is America getting stupider and stupider?! This is fucking ridiculous!
On lighter news, I love Slayers! ^^ Hehehe..."Gourry?" "Lina?" "Gimme that sword! Gimmegimmegimme!" :) And my Halloween candy...uhh...let's just say I DON'T want it! >.< There's too much! GAH! I'd rather have plain sugar cubes than candeh! ( mother confessed that she's a "candeh thief." I knew it! >=D)
Anyone wanna hear a a story? Whatever, you have to listen anyway!! MUAHAHA! BOW DOWN TO ME MIN-oh sorry...I try not to do that, but it's hard not to! ^^;;; Anyways...yesterday, at lunch...I sat alone where I usually do...which, I really don't mind! I like being alone, because THEN I can actually get some homewrok or manga reading done. :) the point...I sat alone as I usually do, and a lot of people just randomly sat at the big long table my individual table was a part of...(uhh...if you don't get it...I'll try to explain...). So, I moved to another table with...less people...and then these two guys who were at my table where I usually sit...they came over and kept saying things like,"Why'd you leave? Is it because you don't like? I hought we had something know?" Of course, all I did was laugh and say,"Look, I don't know you, dude." (Damn strangers...) Now, I think they were either joking or just...I dunno...being desperate...(probably the former though).
And, today, they were there again. And they said stuff like..."No! We're not joking! You see that guy over there? (points to guy sitting at table behind us)? Yeah, he thinks you have a nice ass...(to other guy) isn't that right?" Of course I'm thinking..."Oh god... they must be joking, right? Whatever...they're probably idiots anyway..."
So, after enough of THAT shit...I said, "Look. Even if you're joking or not, I'm gay, OK?" And, they thought I was just saying that to get them away...but no, I obviously wasn't.
And once it hit them..."Grooooooss!" "That's against God, you know!" "Oh my god! Really?! You're a lesbo?!" "What? Have you like, kissed a girl before?" "Have you gone out with a girl before? What was it like?" God, I wanted to smack them upside their frickin' HEADS!!! "Yes, I don't care..."
Yeah...."Hello America! I'm gay!" Let's see how that would go People...are just so f-ing stupid sometimes it amazes me.
Rant over. I'll leave Ignorance's minions to themselves. -_- Ehh...I had to write a poem or essay about violence in English class...of course, I wrote a poem! ^^ I dunno if it's any good or not...but everyone's thing is going to be turned into some contest with an extremely corny name..."Do the Write Thing!" *stupid laugh* GRAPES ARE FUN!
Anyone see that new South Park episode? "A big, fat douche or a stupid turd, which one do you like best?" LOL Yay! New episodes! ^^
Here, pictures to make you happy...hopefully...:

So true...I love that pic...


It's from Beautiful, isn't it? The person who did this has an AMAZING Skill for drawing/painting people...:)

I love Rosiel...and Kurai is cool too. (I haven't read the series one has to know that...I LOVE Kaori Yuki! ^^)
Well, I really need to's...12:28 PM exactly...oi...I should get some sleep, eh? Good night and farewell everone.