Current Mood: 
Currently istening To: "Ningyo hime" by Rie Tanaka
Guys, guys...I'm getting withdrawal from lack of comments...T_T Come on! I'm a COMMENT WHORE!
Uhh...moving on...I'm super-pissed Bush won the election!
Pretty much all of my decent friends are...*cough* Canada here I come! LOL looks like World war III might be on the brink then, eh?
Yeah...uhh anyways! ^^; Today I didn't do much. (And, by the way, I was at Lisa's apartment. Uhh...Lisa is my dad's girlfriend and he lives with her now. ^^)Ate a cheese omelete in the morning...per the hyper dog, took a nap with everyone else in the same bed (lol), got a Vietnamese sandwich (which was pretty good!) went to Half-Price Books, came home...meh...but I got a lot of time to talk with Lisa and my dad. They're cool. Actually, I'd say I'm pretty lucky to have the parents I do. ^^ They're not squares. :P And they have good taste in music. >.<
Oh...did I tell you that I got my chocobo license? I did! Woo-hoo! ^^ Yeah, for you non-FFXI have to do a quest to be able to ride chocobos...and it takes 6 real HOURS! @.@ But...I finally finished it! Screenshot time! ^__^

What my character looks like as of now...I'm getting new armor once I get the money though...>>;;

Some high-level Japanese players...and I mean HIGH! I'm talking...level 75...out of 75...anyway, I thought it was kinda cute, so I took a picture. ^_^

Qufim Island and all it's glory. God, I HATE that place! >.< It takes FOREVER To get a party...but I have yet to see Aurora Borealis there...I hear you can see it there...

Ha! It's ME on a chocobo! ^^ I named it Chiisai. It means little ^o^

LMAO If you don't get it, look at the "Moogle's" codpiece. XD
Well, goodbye everyone and good tidings to your sink! ^^