AAAAGH! At Target, they had Ren and Stimpy on DVD. I WANT IT! O_O But, I looked it up on the 'net and I'm having a small fit of nostalgia. I loved that show and still do. Oh dear god...anyone remember the "Space Madness" episode? XD R&S is some funneh shit! :D
Oh, and there was this one episode where Mr. Horse replied to the announcer in Spanish...which had a hidden joke. Went like this:
ANNOUNCER: So, what do YOU think of it, Mr. Horse?
MR. HORSE: Hmmm...las cucarachas entran, pero no pueden salir.
REN: No sir, he doesn't like it.
Which, translates directly to "The cockroaches enter, but they can't leave." XD If you don't get the reference, you're too young. LOL
Umm...the sad thing is though, the creator, John K.(his last name is long and hard to pronounce), was kicked from his OWN SHOW after the first season. How sad. :( Even Simpsons creator, Matt Groening, said it shouldn't have happened. :D
And one of my favourite R&S quotes:
"Psst. Hey Guido. It's all so clear to me now. I'm the keeper of the cheese. And you're the lemon merchant. Get it? And he knows it. That's why he's gonna kill us. So we have to beat it. Yeah. Before he lets loose the marmosets on us! Don't worry, little missy! I'll save you!"
I know, it makes NO SENSE...but that's why I like it! ^_^ Hehehe...anyways, I had to make a post about it. XD Later and have a nice week! (It's the last week of the semester! W00T! But I have semester finals too...T_T)

Don't you just love these eeeeeediots? :P
Bai-bai! ^.^