Current Mood: 
Currently Reading: Negima! Volume 2, by Ken Akamatsu
Well...yeah...I went to sleep at about 9 PM, thinking I'd surely gwet up at morning...Instead, I got up at 3 AM, and tried to be productive. Cleaned the litter box, fully cleaned my room, took a shower. BLAH. So now I'm fully awake and on the 'puter. ^^;;
VQHQ is shut down permanently. If I try to go to the homepage, it gives me an error message. T-T
I think I'll go outside today! LOL Wanna know what crap(the good kind) that I got for Christmas...not to bore you but:
- Legal Drug Volume 1 by CLAMP
- NEgima! Volume 2 by Ken Akamatsu
- Gravitation Volume 7 by Maki Murakami
- Gamerz Heaven Volume 1 by Maki Murakami
- Haunted by Poe(GOD, love her and her music! ^^)
- Two pairs of jeans and a Doors shirt which I picked myself
- Ren and Stimpy: Season 1 & 2 Uncut
- Chains of Promathia Expansion Pack for FFXI
- Xenosaga for PS2
- Shadow Hearts for PS2(Awesome game!)
- RahXephon: 5th Movement on DVD
- South Park: Season 4 on DVD
- 2 things I wish not to mention because they're kinda lame
- 2 more things I wish not to mention because I REALLY don't need them
- 4GB iPod Mini(w00t!)
W00t is very correct! :D Well, like I said, I feel I got too you think I did? =/ Umm...I got two copies of Negima and Gravitation, so I'm going to exchange the extra for the next volume. ^^
Moving on, WHERE THE HELL DID ALL MY OTAKU HOMIES GO?!?! Well, two of my buddies have disappeared completely. Yeah, does anyone know what happened to Inuyashaiscool and Tonomi?! Next, you don't comment...except for Julia(KennyLives). >.> I'M A COMMENT WHORE, DAMMIT!
I got my summoner job and have it currently leveled to 12! ^^ It gives me a BIG MP boost, which is very nice for my lack of it. :)
Umm...Shadow Hearts is a really cool game. ^__^ I think it's a year or two old, but some of the best games are rarely heard of anyway. :P Yeah, it's kinda funny the beginning, before you input their names, for the hero it says "Rude Hero" and for the heroine it says "Girl in Danger." It's funny what they give titles for people. XD Also, there's this thing on there called "Sanity Points." LOL Yeah, obviously, undergoing fusion causes you to go kind of insane. XD Fusion? You get to trnsform your character into different creatures you acquire through the graveyard. You should try it! (^_^)b
Well, I'm off to play FFXI and possibly see my friends later. Bye! ^.^