Current Mood: 
Currently Listening To: "strangers" by Yoko Kanno and Raj Ramayya
Aaaack! I have been caught in the act of lacking to post. AAAGH!! Sorry!! m(_ _)m
Um...FFXI version update has been taking HOURS!! :/ GR! Well, the 7th graders at my school took the Writing TAKS test yesterday(TAKS=state-wide standard test). And we 6th and 8th graders were left to do a Math CBA(basically a practice TAKS). It was easy, but there was one question about irrational numbers that most people wouldn't have understood bescause rational and irrational numbers is an Algebra II thing. >.> So, yeah, Tuesday was a tiring day. -_-
Today...nothing interesting...assload of Spanish homework, I started the version update 3 hours ago, and it's FINALLY at 90% complete. >_<
And...holy shit...right before I typed this a giant thunder clap was sunding outside! Scared me. o_o;; What?! If you were contently listening to your iPod and hear thunder clearly outside...yeah...anyway...
My friends and I started something called the "Mighty Morphine Baka Rangers!!" XD Anyone like to contribute a theme song? XP Hehe. Just kidding. ;) I'm Baka Purple, by the way. =D
And...OOH IT'S AT 97%!! I wanna see my Taki-kostaki-chan!! ;_; Um...don't ask... >.>; Heh. 98!! Almost done!! ^___^'s a question for the day:
What's your opinion about online relationships? Or relationsships where you meet online and develop it into real life?
Anyway. See yas later!! *^^*