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myOtaku.com: ChibiSherube484

Saturday, April 23, 2005

   It's Official.
I've decided to leave MyOtaku. I've had a fun time here. Thank you all for your friendship. ^^ Alas, I have no time for here and I'm sorry for having to leave. (._.)

I must do what I must do. See you all! ^__^ Also, I'm going to keep this website up just in case some of you don't visit often and go, "WHAT THE HELL?!?!" :P And, if you would like to keep in contact with me:

AIM: Buraso Saru484
GaiaOnline name: Nezumiiro
E-mail: Shirubi-sama748@excite.com
POL name: Shirubi

Thanks for the good times, but goodbye.

Farewell everyone!

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EDIT: I decided to make a round around everyone's sites to give you all a heads' up. I've done a few. I'll finish later today. ^.~

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